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Kent, England


Canterbury, Kent, England

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... may be had at the above 7'. Work's; as alfo the new Play of the Fatal Retirement, as it was Aaed at the Theatre Royal in Drury Lane. LAW Books istely piiiibed, pits:ail«. T. Osborne, le Gray's Inn. I. URecedents in Chancery: Being a Collefkion of Cafes ...


... Works may be had at the above Oskene's; as the new .)lay of the Fatal Retirement, as it was Aaed at the Theatre Royal in Drury Lane. CANTERBURY: Printed and Sold by y. ABREE in St. Margarces-, where Adver:iftments ars taken in. And Books and Shop-Keepers ...

Th January

... Oo St. Iltoinaas's. . General tafignify theentireConfene of die Province On Wednefday Night a Dißorbance happeul at .. Drury-Lane Playhoute, occaGofi'd by 014 of the principal AltiN the 'bib tOttetteir, PIN. 26 4 Dancer's nokheing there 'to dance at ...

e Ka:o Poll, or CaniefAury

... fgate, where thcu Wog was the fame Day deliver'd. Irday Morning an elderly Woman was found frozen to Death at a Door in Drury. Lane. Wateemans Hall, Jan. 28. On Friday bfi Mr. Alderman Parkas, among many other Inftinces of his Beneficence, fent (so I. ...

. *** oh_ r * *** *

... a Woman, about 33 Years of Age, was one Peter lope, who lived to he near 137 Years of Age, and found frozen to Death in Drury-Lane. dy'd at Villiers near Verfailles. The Polly, Capt. Norman, of Pool, bound from Newfound- Yefterday Sennigto Samuel Whetcombe ...

... at the Cockpit, but was extinguifh'd before it did much Mifchicf. A Gentleman who was concern'tl in the late Diflurba at Drury• Lane Playhoufe, has lent the Manager of tint Theatre a Hundred Pounds, as an Acknowledgincilt I r the Dct'nage done by him. Yetterday ...

Frew the Daily avt,•etteer, Feb. 9

... Buckinghandhire , attended by three Militants , one of the latter, named Robat .Falienage, who kept a Publick Houfe in Drury. Lane, was (hot dead on the Spot, in the Defendant's Grounds. Thurfd;_y was held a Council at Sr. J ames ' s, when the Sollicitor ...

From the Lades Dilly Pod, Cr;. March io

... carrying her to Col. De Veil, where the Chevalier was waiting for her; but overagainft Sarah Burgefs's Tavern (the Globe in Drury-lane) three Men with drawn Hanger! and Pitiols forced her out of the Coach, though it was in the Middle of the Day; but there ...

Fro. the Gourd Evessitsz Peg; March 8

... &angled him in teasing off his Stock with a Silver Chaff, to it, which (he afterwards fold to Mr. Davey, a Silverfinith in Drury-Lane, who hits produced it, and is bound over to profecute. fecute: They afro took Gishillings out of hi z Pock-t, tni knocked ...

The Kent Poll, or Camferhary News Letter. From WEDNESDAY April 16, to SATURDAY April 19. 1740

... Forces to King William the 111. She is laid to have died worth roo,ooo I. The fame Day died, at his Houk in Vinegar-Yard, Drury- Lane, Mr. Ruffel, a Dry-Scowcrer. A few Years fince he bad an Efate of 700 1. per Annum left him by a Widow Gentlewoman to whom ...