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The Kew or Canierbry News Letter. From SATURDAY September 5 , to WEDNESDAY Scpternber 9. 1741

... the Highwayman is fo ill in Newgate, that it is imagind he cannot turvive many Days. Baker, condemii'd for a Robbery in Drury-lane, and Scott, for Horfc- Healing, are erder'd to be trantported. On Thuriday Night bit a Woman, who had lodg'd fame Time in ...


... where, to his great Surptize, he found him lying on his Face dead on the Floor. On Friday Night as Mr. Lowe, belonging to Drury- Lane Playhoule, was going dawn Snow-hill, he was liopt by two Fellows, one of whom, without (peaking a Word, gave him a molt ...

Rom th: Daily Adversifirl 74n. 19

... Eltate which he got by his Indultry and eztracrdinary Frugality, drop'd down in an Apopletlick Fit, as lie was palling along Drury lane, and died immediately. Yetterday died at his Houfe, oppolite %dwell Church, Capt. Conrade Kelly, Commander of the Mary's-Reign ...

trots tW ditotral tivessist POI, 7ms. isi,

... trots tW tivessis t POI, - lerday as a Bricklayer was at *ark oh a long Ladder, in Blackniore-fircet, Drury-lane, a Carman driving his Cart tareltily, the Wheel (truck the Foot of the Ladder and threw it down, by which the poor Man's Arm was broke, and ...

From the bake Mut. Letter, March A

... laft for a Fat of the like Nature. Lift Week died of an Apopledick Fit, Mrs. Davis, wl.o kept the Antelope Alehoufe near Drury-lane. She had been married but three Days before this happen'd, to her third 4.isband. _ They write from Dover, that the Queen ...

a Coach coming by at the fame time rah the thhe;-, bract% him in fuch a Manner that he dieJ

... left him for dead. On Tuefday a Woman who called herfelf Mary Williams, went to Mr. Jones's, a Grocer at the Fig-Tree in Drury-Lane, and bought fome Grocery Ware; about two Hours after (he returned and laid (he had received an Order Hendon for more Goods ...

From WEDNESDAY Otiober :6, to SATURDAY 06taber :9. 1743. Frm the Looks EveninA PO, al. 27. Totht AU T 11011,

... to Newiate by Col. Dc Veil, for picking the Pocket of Capt. Murray of a fine Cambrick Handkerchief, at his coming cut of Drury-Lane Playhoide; but as it becomes almoft impolfible to commit a Felon to any of the Gaols at that Time of Night without a Refcue ...

From tht Loxdos Evexisl Poil, Nov. Is

... committed by the laid Gentleman again to Ncwgate, for privately jumping over a Hatch of Mr.. Eleanor Hudfon, .1 Chandler in Drury-Lane, and feknioully taking horn thence a large Cliehire Cheek, which he con - veying away, creeping upon his Feet and Hands ...

The ICon

... Prifoners were tried, one whereof was capitally convittied, viz. John Gerrard, for picking the Pocket of Captain Murray at !Drury-lane Play-houfe. . Nine were catt for Tranfportation, and Nine a.. itted. On Thurfday 22 Prifonas were tried, five of w , were ...

IAT titcentbct 28, to SATURDAY Deccobber 31. 1743

... by whit+ Accidetiti Mt. Web a lidclinan, and ,wo whets were dmiened. The lime 410 died fiableily in Coutilon's Cut in Drury. Lane, Mrs. Greenhill, a Mndwife o! tonfidcrabk Bufinefs. Ycflcrday came Advice, that the Endegvour, Newion, ('vim Biib,do,r, ...