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Cole for Tranfpdrtation Sarah Rockett for uttering pub-lilhing a counterfeit Will one Nicholas Wollm a Seaman ..

... of his Majefty’s Cuftoms in the Port Cardigan South-Wales with feveral others his Affiftants did on the 4th April laft board a Smug-ling Sloop then lying in Cardigan-Bay of which Sloop William Owen late of Cardigan Commander when the faid William Owen ...

Published: Tue 22 May 1744
Newspaper: Gloucester Journal
County: Gloucestershire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2713 | Page: 2 | Tags: none

for carried Dunkirk Amfterdum Capt Lewis is taken The Di- carried into from the Coaft of Spain to Am- the

... there hear that Prefs-Warrants are Admiralty-Office for impreffing Seamen ’$ Service notwithftanding the of Arms with Francs It is faid that the Arm’d-Tenders which are di (charg’d Service are continued ’tili further Orders hear for certain the Ships laden ...

Published: Tue 24 May 1748
Newspaper: Gloucester Journal
County: Gloucestershire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1967 | Page: 3 | Tags: none

born 4th January Elizabeth to Right Honourable Henry Kingdom Ireland in' married zi to Sir William in County of ..

... d the following Perfons were tried and received Sentence Yefterday viz John Gallon Samuel Mcwrcs ard John Robfon for Sheep all to be hang’d John Forfter Horfe ftealing hang’d John Steuart for breaking Mr Stoker’s Htop in the Callle-garth and Goods for ...

Published: Mon 18 Aug 1746
Newspaper: Sherborne Mercury
County: Dorset, England
Type: Article | Words: 2180 | Page: 2 | Tags: none

M N DAY 18 174 X Fi J: O T H Altgufi STM 1 its : t 2 S came

... Patrick’s Fhyfician and Surgeon General all for the Lord Chief Jufiice of the Common Pleas Dr Stannard Efq Recorder of John Grattan Clerk Stopford James in Divinity and Alexander M‘Auley one Body Politick Corporate Deed Name by the Name of the Governors ...

Published: Mon 18 Aug 1746
Newspaper: Sherborne Mercury
County: Dorset, England
Type: Article | Words: 1725 | Page: 1 | Tags: none

would have yielded them Condition of Dewell’s Pardon who reviv'd! Midland Circuit Mr Juflice Forte Aland Mr ..

... Shillings) PVirgilii Maronis Or The Works VIRGIL For the Vfe of SCHOOLS JOHN STIRLING M A Vicar of Great GaaJefden Hertfordshire Chaplain his Grace the Duke of Gordon hear Sir John Norris large under his Command will fail the Mediterranean Admiral Haddock’s ...

Published: Tue 17 Feb 1741
Newspaper: Gloucester Journal
County: Gloucestershire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1293 | Page: 2 | Tags: none

Gm As Army is of Hanoverians Heffians Imperialifts Hungarians Bavarians Croatians and aftually amounts 30000 ..

... Company’s Military to as Prifoners We hear Cardigan re a great races People in that Country infomuch that fome Parifhes a People die and Bells are inceffantly tolling 1 Jvl v-v vJ? indebted to Effate Mr John iare Town of Cardiffe County arc defired forthwith ...

Published: Tue 12 May 1747
Newspaper: Gloucester Journal
County: Gloucestershire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1815 | Page: 3 | Tags: none

His Prince was of Peers And afterwards din’d With his Royal Highnefs the Prince of Wales at Carleton-Houfe In the

... Men Cumberland 400 Huntingdon 400 Denbigh Weftmoreland 300 Monmouth 300 Montgomery Carmarthen Pembroke Brecknock Rutland Cardigan Merioneth Carnarvan Anglefea Counties York Middlefex Devon Lincoln Kent Norfolk Somerfet Southampton 1 Wilts 800 Salop Hereford ...

Published: Tue 10 Jun 1746
Newspaper: Gloucester Journal
County: Gloucestershire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2040 | Page: 3 | Tags: none

inf irztktd have Or- march Inaeiiviiy to efs of greatly : However iiope the as lbme fettled which were on

... There are at prefent in this large of regular Troops 10000 Militia well armed and in Spirits are in Beveland there are regular Troops Britifli Brigade included) 12000 Militia in Arms of Orange is expelled this at Campvcer where it will llay one Night To-morrow ...

Published: Mon 11 May 1747
Newspaper: Sherborne Mercury
County: Dorset, England
Type: Article | Words: 2432 | Page: 3 | Tags: none

there was St for the Lords and Court the Hon of Cher-bury’s new-rais’d march’d in Shroplhire the for the of

... Man’s Little Finger a Nail grew upon it no : born deid if it it not have lived it when the two foliowing received Sentence viz John Webb for Murder of Dock ftabbing him in Belly Shoemaker Knife Jofeph May-ion a Boy of Years old for a Burglary Twenty-nine ...

Published: Tue 28 Jan 1746
Newspaper: Gloucester Journal
County: Gloucestershire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2341 | Page: 2 | Tags: none

the Eaft India Company’s Arrack for s 4d per Gallon a higher ever was known before— The Time confidercd is

... Holbrow Herefordjbire Credenhil! Monmutbjbin Francis Jenkins of Nortbamptonjbire Henry Sayer Oxfordfhire John Sbropjbife Eyton John Provoft Staff djhire John Dolphin WarwickfiAre William Wright Warwick Efq Wiltfhire Anthony Guy of Chippenham hVorcefterjhire ...

Published: Tue 30 Dec 1740
Newspaper: Gloucester Journal
County: Gloucestershire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1833 | Page: 3 | Tags: none

threat Dominions 1 'Jerri of Right Hon Earl to die Jioi Halifax Warden Jullice in Eyre all Majefty’s on Trent

... the Army while flays here Yef- terday Morning the young Laird Glengary (whofe Houfe was up ago) came in of liis Yfry well arm’d and furreilder’d his Royal High- nefs An juft arriv’d from Fort William that Lord Lovat and three hither To -It Pretender's ...

Published: Mon 30 Jun 1746
Newspaper: Sherborne Mercury
County: Dorset, England
Type: Article | Words: 1684 | Page: 2 | Tags: none

tmlrnifierhire General Quarter-Sefiions the wit Peace held at Boothall in Gloucefler in Week next after the ..

... of Acres Arable Meadow Ground together with two Barns Bartons and other Conveniencies all in For Particulars enquire of Mr John of Weft-Monkton near LETT SO At Lady-Day next ESTATE the of Stinchcombe in County of Glouccfter now in the Occupation Stephen ...

Published: Tue 26 Feb 1745
Newspaper: Gloucester Journal
County: Gloucestershire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1902 | Page: 4 | Tags: none