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e May 2 A. _ Cracow, My 14. I'.lajor General Stoart, and one Regiment of the Ruffian Trocpc. arc an

... Berlin, May :S. The King of Pruffia is returned from Potzdam, and has been engaged fer two Days paft in reviewing his Army. It is laid the Reviews will latt for two Days longer, and that loon after his Welty will return to Potzdam. Drefden, May 29, N ...

From the London Gaze

... Monday hitt Week the Hon. General Churchill motto Wales, has fettled an Ettate in Land of 500 I. Value in the Norwich, and review'd Col. Cholmondeley's Regiment of County of Northampton, on the Poor of the Hofpital lately 'Foot, who made a fine Appearance ...


... Highnefs the Duke of Cumberland was Y( ftertiay Morning a l t .c Parade in St. James's Park horn } ive to Nine o'Cluck, reviewing Foot-Guards, and giving Orders and InftruCtions for their future 1)11- cpline and Behaviour. He many Times walked thro' the ...

and that several Wag

... Regiments of Foot. St. James's, October 26. This Day the Six Regiments of Trained Bands of the City of London, passes in Review before his Majesty, and made a very handsome Appearance. Extract of a Letter from Vice-Admiral Davers, dated at Sea, August ...

DNESDAY March 30, to SATURDAY April 2. 1743'

... Bragg's Regiment of Foot, lately landed in the Welt of Eugland from Ireland, are on their March to Kew, where they are to be review'd by his Majeliy, from whence ti , ey go on board the Tiarifports hired to carry them to Flanders. General Churchill's Regiment ...

ceiTively cnriged againfl the 1-lighland is for the Depriaati.-Te they commit in all the op:ti Country, ironi ..

... Honourable thcCommiflioners of the Court of Lieutenancy to review the Six Regiments of Trained Band of this City, which is to be in Ilyde-Park on Wedneiday the i6b Initant ; they have not been reviewed by a crown'd Head fince they had the Honour done them ...

Guzelie, 23. Cofino, Nay 2s. “There are freth Lettcrs atrived fiom Erze- Stoo Country, which fay, that the new Shah

... the Arternvon for Hanover, and Count Ben- Vockattre time Time torthe Hague. His Royal Highnefs the Duke wt Cu employed in reviewing the Troops which we the of their ‘Contonment, t Hoye, Juvics, N.S. the time'y Precaution of the of to tupprefs the Taxes ...

From the Lomb* Goz.rtte, Asg. is

... Exprefs lent after him ; for his Highnefs went that Morning about Two, with the Prince his Brother, and Felt-Marfbal Lacy, to a Review, about 18 Englith Miles off on the Wibourg Side, of about eight or Nine Thoufand Men, Part of the Forces under General Keith's ...

L 0 ND 0 N, May [7. Letters from Nice affute us, that rt.) Ids than f - ,urtecn Corfairs

... is arriv'd at Portfinouth. Vetterday Morning die Firft Regiment of Foot Guard, comrminded .s Royal Highnefs the Duke, were review'd in Hyde-Park by his High- was pleated to give particular Orders to come of the Officers, in exard to their Exerci(e: The ...

~,1757.7.• •

... Column of two Regiments of Foot is expeded here To-morrow, and Felt !Anibal Lacy, with General Keith and others, will go to review them, and fee them pas the River about three Miles above this Town to the Wibourg Side, where General Keith is to command ...