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Kent, England

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The Lords of the Admiralty hare allrinte.l Capt. Edward Dod to be Commander of his Ship the BlonOrail, now at

... The Lords of the Admiralty hare allrinte.l Capt. Edward Dod to be Commander of his Ship the BlonOrail, now at Woolwich ; which Ship is ordered to be inaisu'd aid victualled with 311 Expedition. Wednelday died, eating a hearty Dinner, the Rev. Mr. Kinfmiss ...

From the London Gaze

... to board her, and pull down and carry off the English Colours, which they did; and a Letter of Marque Ship lying at the Key neat another French Ship, which put up her On Wednesday a Custom-House Officer seized a fine Parcel On Wednesday a Custom-House ...

8 From ale Gazittt, 25. Whitehall, July 25. On the 21d Inßant at Ni ght arriveci. here Captain Percin, Commander

... Majeßy's Ship the Squirrel, commanded by Capt. Warren, who had met with and delltoyed a large Spanith Privateer Sloop on the South Part of Cuba. On the 21R Advice was broUght in by Ships from Porto Ilejlo, that the Spaniards there had Intelligence that Commodore ...

14e thee on the dith, at Twat. tl:e Morning, vil e-. - e tie to St.:;., wth nut dune for

... proper to fend horn thence to Donald M'Leotl, at Stornnay, with Inittuetions to Freight a Ship lot the (Mums. On the 34 of May, they received a Mane from him that a Ship was ready. On the 4 th, they tat out on Foot for that Pace, where they arrived on the ...


... War sailed on a Cruize. The same Day Admiral Mayne hoisted his Flag on Board his Majesty's Ship Princess Louisa. On Wednesday after Port arrived his Majesty's Ship tit Monmouth Admiral Vernon, Surderland, F lkik,ue, Fao!kland, Yolk, Badger and Hornet csps ...

of fiveral Perr.ns and the Guard 'hit was at the PlayLout', brought him before Col. de Veil about Ten o'Clock,

... cut, but c, aid not go quite to her; which the Ship's Crew paceiving, they cut the Ship look to drive Brea:hick towards the Boat. The Ship, laid, had ipriing a Leak at Su. The Men got mime fare, and the Ship drove bet's:e the % , vind and Sea ievcral Miles ...

January 3, to WEDNESDAY January 7. 1740-41

... Alvertifer, 74a. 5. Tr H 0' the Ships that were expelied from Jamaica - before Chriffmas are not yet arrived, the Merchants are under tic, Une..3(inefs abut them, believing thit either Admiral Vernon could not fpare any of his Ships . to convoy them, or that ...


... fcnt over to his Hi f ehneff. A few Dais (nice was launched, at a Place called within melte Miles of Foram( u li, a tine new Ship of Go Guns, called the Ani , i, ; slit Commaild of which is given to the Hon. Capt. Keppel, Son to e Right the Earl of Albemarle ...

Pon rift Lunde* 1144018, Poly I

... Majelly's Ships the Prince Frederick, Briftol, and Centurion, with a Portuguefe Brig they had fpoke with. They followed the fix other Ships, which were Merchants, Into a Bay a little to Windward of the Ifland of &Carp, where the Enemy's Ships anchored ...