London, Oft. 2s. Ir

... ; being the greatefl Number that ever were enter'd in fo fhort a Time. On Wednefday Night a Gentleman, going through the Tennis- Court from Southampton- Buildings to Middle-Row, Holborn, was fee upon by fome Villains, who fhot him and after- wards made ...

Published: Thu 28 Oct 1742
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 676 | Page: 3 | Tags: none

An Extraß of a Letter from Paris, dated May 14

... oftheir being detain'd. , The Com- niiflanes ofthc Police have like wife made an exaft Enqui. ry at the.lnn., Eat ing- Houfes, Tennis Courts, and other Places under their Infpc&ion, in order to know the Number of Men employ'd in thofc Place., as well as of ...

Published: Thu 27 May 1742
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 383 | Page: 1 | Tags: none

On Trieftlay Morning &nen one of the Petfers belonging to the Goal unlock'd !heal! Door where he is cenifilictl ..

... very well, and knew very well thofe Perfons which to attend him to Chapel and from; and laid, God blefs you all, repeated it tenni and feveral Times. He begg'd for more Nriduals, which the abovetaid Gulch:nail gave him • whenever he called for it: He began ...

[N 3124.] L 0 N D 0

... Diffurbances in Scotland, are laid to hairs been occalioned by Letters written from that Country, mentioning the Re urn of tenni Highland Chiefs (MCC the Mt of Indemnity, who to be full of Money, and it was bdieved had not improved their Principles much ...

LONDON, April 14

... LONDON, April 14 Thurfd.iv Sir Thomas Dc Veil went to the Tennis Court, ne-.i the Duke of Ncwcaftlc's Houfe, and there enliftcd near zoo Swils Piorellant Sirvanrs, who have volumatily oflcr'd tlieir Service to his Majelly, in cafe of any foreign Invalion ...

Published: Sat 14 Apr 1744
Newspaper: Newcastle Courant
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Article | Words: 372 | Page: 2 | Tags: none

Stanford, Sept. and

... en ) NE Halt Oxesng 0} { and, in of Mr. Themas Lamin, I he wile one with a Home Cleic, two Cow Commo fome Lard in the in Tennie ot Thomas Enquire ter Porticulars Davie | tham, who has Vo. ert: the ome eee Wyte SOLD, wa .. Win, ...

Published: Thu 29 Sep 1743
Newspaper: Stamford Mercury
County: Lincolnshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 596 | Page: 4 | Tags: none

letter is come to band, relating to the general character of Mr Whitefield at London, the character of the paper

... fpinning. & which, our correfpondent was at the where thefe girls are faid to work. ' , )S (fays he) an old open houfe as. 6 Tennis-court at Edinburgh, with forms in it to fit on, and two gall fuch as are ufual in other places of fhip ; but there are no ...

Published: Fri 07 Aug 1741
Newspaper: The Scots Magazine
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 714 | Page: 49 | Tags: none

London, April 14,

... Letters of Marque are gone to Holland, for the Englifli Ships fitting out there. On Thurfday Sir Thomas De Veil went to.the Tennis-Court, near the Duke of Newcaflle'a Houfe, and there enlifted about 200 Swifs Pro- teftant Servants, who have voluntarily ...

Published: Fri 13 Apr 1744
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 642 | Page: 2 | Tags: none

Post, or Canterbury

... Spotted Deg in Duriftahle, in order to take the Matter of the laid Houle and his Son, who arc fufcittted to have committed tenni Robberies in that Ncighbourhood, when a fmart Engagement entued, wherein the Matter of the laid Houle and his Son ki li'd one ...

I- A Ntippion ent tt the London Gazette. Admiralty Olga, May t 6. Captain NM; ol his Maletiy's Ship tr

... Ships a fiern mull loon up with them , they made Sail a. Head, tt prevent the Van of the Enemy efcaping, as did alit, tenni other Ships of the Fleet. The Yarmouth and Devoe. (hire having up and engaged thc. Enemy, and the PrinceGterge being near ...

LONDON, April 17

... Voluutiers for his Majefty's Service, under the Command ofthe Hon. Col. Desjean, were fworn by Sir Thomas De Veil, at the Tennis Court near the Duke of Newcaftlc's Houfe, and gave great Marks of their Loyalty to his Majefty, ir. repeating Shouts of, Long ...

Published: Sat 14 Apr 1744
Newspaper: Newcastle Courant
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Article | Words: 790 | Page: 2 | Tags: none