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Poll, or Cazierary News letter

... : (d) A Year the Fox fhews the Grimace, A Year he's diflanc'd in the Race: A Year that Charity's extended, (e) A Year that Whig and Tory's blended, Amazing Year, that were de - ended. (a) Dedoration of War (b) A Spaniard it Isseelingto 13—nia, holding ...

From the Lostion G.ezeta, April TS. • i 2 etersbourg, March 21. Admiral Gordon, after a tingling 'Hoeft, died at

... his Gatrifon , confiding of 900 Men, yielded themfelves Fanners of War, and were condu&ed to Berlin April 18. Since the isth Whig, a third Officer is arrived here Exprefs from the Prufrian Army in Silefia : The Particulars he brought of the Battle fought ...

• §t. jameig, klatch Pleafea to nominate, contlitine and &Nowt the Right Hon. Lion!) Earl of Dyfarr, to be One

... attack'd the Town of Vanua, • knockl down the Walls thereof, delbroy'd the Spire and • Roof of the Gnat and molt of die • *Whig in have done to the amount Cl 4 Dollars t funk deftroy'd 3o Settee,, moll of them ' = or or the Ufe of* Fleet at Toulon ; and ...

The K From

... that wittily and jufily (aid tome ago, All be Iwo from a long Csoverfatiow with Politicks, was, that the Tories were beams Whigs Nod the Whip Tories. The Aufhian Troops now in Poffeffion of the file of Rheinmark of three Battallions, fix Companies of ...

ele nt.3l of t!:: timten; ant (tic liis CAbiti) and finking to !he Frcnch. y ta the Alrice of the

... 111. Extraa from the bell Papers; the Condua and Fortunes of the late Emperor and his Father ; Defcription of an unparrioted Whig; Maritime OEconomy negleaed ; fame Sea Commanders cenfured. IV. A Cure for the Cholera Morbus. V. Letters on the Virtues of ...

From be London Letter, la. The Swift Frivrea, Captain has taken and brought into the the Charlotta ot Stettin, ..

... 2' tett and preferve the Ccinnierce ed his Maj:lty's and would give Direions acceldingly. They write from Atli or the i 3th Whig, N. S. that the Confederate Army mas in Camp at Leflines,. it receives Reinforcements Mama ever) Day, and it wks thought it ...

We hear, that (Niles are lent to all his Maicny's Yards to We he ',tonna Expedition in preparing for the

... hear, that (Niles are lent to all his Maicny's Yards to We he ',tonna Expedition in preparing for the Sea fuih Ships as are 8 :Whig or Repairing. The King's Plate cf One Hundred Pounds will be run for on Lewes Downs in Sulks, on Friday the Day of Mgr Ili ...

ring enough to take up Arms, seith a ivitkel totention deprive us of our Religion, Libtrty and Laws; Medi Is

... RJyal Father's aufpicrous Reign. Ti is City has always diiiinguithed herfelf by a firm and Pescly Attachment to Revolution and Whig Principl:s, ai a hearty Abhorrence of all Popial and Arbitrary And in the YeAr 17t5, when a aloft unnatural Rebellion was kindled ...

To be SOLD, AWool otabout 13 or 14 Acres, nineteen Years Growth, in Witterlimn and Ebony in the 11le of

... a nfwered them, he was as well affetled to the Chevalier they were; but they teptied to him, You ps jAcobite, your Money pe Whig, and fo robbed him. 'F.straCt of a Letter from Edinburgh, Nov 14. Yederday at to a-Clock in the Forenoon I reputed to M ...

LONDON, April 9

... Religion true: No Fair forgets the Ruin he has done; No chill laments the Ty-An: of his SJ 4 No Tinpitifl, thmkiog whit ; No Whig comperiow, for he /A ; The Ream regret not, for he no t t na o o The Honfli mourn not, kno%illg A The Mafia, Smith, from I ...

with cf tiie clifaikh Slp, Co flat now her ire in dial I ' l'A' , the Whig, Ships toalp!‘atly

... with cf tiie clifaikh Slp, Co flat now her ire in dial I ' l'A' , the Whig, Ships toalp!‘atly tiettkl, iv t . I .hablcd, bctidcs Extr4fl cfi Lener f.-om Lire, 72. Yeficrday, about Lk t‘i ii-IlCllutll, is Smuggler?, !tent to Guallturll, all arni'd w ...