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Wednefday the Firft of Auguft, ms publ'Jbed, [ Price Six-pence. ] ( Beautifully printed On a new Elzevir tetter ..

... witb a ankus Frontifpiece, engraved' from a neiu Defign: A Title Page engraved: A fine Head of Sir W.cholas Bacon, Lord Keeper of England : A new and fy(ftrmjf[,ip and the Ifle. of Wight; with' arm Song, a Country Dance, and a new Minuet, fet to Univerfal MAGAZINE 0 r Knowledge andi Pleasure. Number XLIV, Vol' VII. COM. T A.I Ml NG, 1 » ( In three Sheets of Letter- Prefs, three Copper-Plates, ...

Published: Fri 03 Aug 1750
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 1143 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

ADVERTISEMEfSIS. TO BE SOLD, , AT Mr.. HARDE-STEE's HOUS^E, in Co niptbit near Ash burn, a valuable ..

... very neat Condition; the Library of the Reverend Mr CHARLES HARDE S T E E, Deceafed. The SALE begins on Monday the 17th Inftant, to continue till all are Sold ; the Price being Mark'd in the Blank Leaf of each Book. To be SOLD, at Leek iii §tafFordfhife, THE .Utenfils, Inftrumen.s, and a large Quantity of DRUGS; being the Stock in Trade ot Mr. Henry , Fogg, Apothecavy and Surgeon, lately ...

Published: Fri 30 Nov 1750
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 676 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

ADVERTISEMENTS. Nottingham, January 16, 1750. Notice is hereby given to all Gentlemen, Tradefmen and Others^ ..

... GLASS, which has beeri lately carry'd on by Mr. Ai> a m _0u N g of this Town, will ftill be continu 'd to be carry'd on by Meflrs* Buxton, Foxcroj t, and Company. All Perfons fend-* ing their Oiders, (hall have them fulhll'd as foon as poflible on the beft Terms. We expeft to begin to make Goods in two Months, N, B. Mr. Young is ready to deliver all Gentlemen j CRESTS on the Firft Notice* . , ...

Published: Thu 18 Jan 1750
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 613 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

ADVERTISEMENT. Thurfday, November 1, was Publifbei, [Price Six Pence.] With a Ptrfpeftive View tf the Grand ..

... at Florence,- for the Concave Mmcm; Twenty Baronets Arms neatly engraved on Copper Plates, the Race Wheel Carriage, and otber Cuts. THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE for OCTOBER, 17,0, Containing more in Quantity, and greater Variety, that! any Book ol the Kind and Price. Account of Maclaine from [ Vapour from Sea Water. Of Dr. Allen, The Four wheel the- Earthquake in Lincoln- Carriage defcribed. On ...

Published: Fri 02 Nov 1750
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 282 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

ADVERTISEMENTS. TOBE SOLD, THE Manner; and Msnnor Houfe at Droni-ieid, in Derbyjbire ; together with large ..

... planted with Choice Fruit?, and now in their Prime. Alfo about Sixty Acres of fine Land, lying clofe to the Man- nor Houfe, with great Quantities of Cole, and a Sough lately , drove up to -em. The Quit and Cottage Rents j as alfo fevetal Freehold Houfcs in the Town of Dronfield are to be fold. As alfo an Eftatc, confifting chiefly ot Dove Land, lying at Scropton in Derhyfbire, of about the ...

Published: Fri 01 Jun 1750
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 408 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

JfoVERTiSEMENTk. WANTED As an ?? ice toa genteel Bitftnefs; A Sober YOUTH, that has had a tolerable EWi • and

... can be well recommended. Foi further l_.r v. ofthe PRINTER of this P.per. Uhis JUST PUBlTsTed, ^ THE CdMPLEAT PSALMODIST. In Four BOOK Si CONTAINING I. An Introduaioi. to the Giounds of Mulic, both Theoret ; c a | and Praftical, Vocal and Inftrumental ; teaching all ih Rudiments of Mufic, and Compofition Jn all its v..ii o . s Branches: To ?? is added, a new Alphabetical Dii. onarv, ...

Published: Fri 12 Oct 1750
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 597 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

JbVERTISEMENTS. To he LE TT, and Inter* d upon immediately, TWO HOUSES, (landing in St. Ptier'i Parity next the ..

... in Db Ru y, either feperate, or together ; with a Garden, good Stable, Brewhoufe, Pump, and other Conveniences. Enquire of TtAiPEJt Borrow, Efq; of Ahtfion, or S a r a h J a r r 0 m, now upon the Premifes. On Monday July 2, was Publifhed, [fPnce Six -Pence.] THE GENTLEMAN* MAGAZINE for JUNE, 1750. . Containing, among other READS, Arguments in the Debate on Further Account of Nova . the Ruflia ...

Published: Fri 06 Jul 1750
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 368 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

ADVERTISEMENTS. LOST laflWeek, at or near Dirby, a CASE of SURGEONS INSTRUMENTS: Who- ever has found the fame, ..

... bring them to the Printer of this Paper, fhall receive Half a Guinea Reward. 1 ' — • ' . ' ■ ' ' ■* > '■ Tobe SOLD in Parcels, at Repton in Derbyfhire, TEN CLO S E S of Meadow and Pafture Ground J. with Thirty Acres of Art able Land, and Three Beaft Failures in Repton Maith. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Benjamin Mainwaring, Attorney at Law in Repton aforefaid. Sold by J. ROE, ...

Published: Fri 22 Jun 1750
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 220 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

ADVERTISEMENTS. A COCKING, by Subscription, TO be Fought by a Number of GENTLEMEN,' at the Houfe of Robjrt ..

... the Goal- Bridge in DERBY, on Monday and Tuefday, the 14th' and 1 5th of May next. Derbyshire, ) At the General Quarter Sejfons of thi- to wit, 5 Peace, ef cur Sovereign Lord ths K I N G, for his County of DER B Y„ . held, at DERB Yj on the xath Day of April, 1750, before Bjche Thotn- hill, Efq; Sir Thomas Grcflcy, Barti Rowland Cotton, William Fiizher- berc, Henry Eyre, George Venables. ...

Published: Fri 20 Apr 1750
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 598 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

ADVERTISEMENTS. fo be LETT, and Enter'd Upen immediately,' A Handfome well-built Brick HOUS E, with conveni- ..

... buildings for Offices, and a good Garden ad- joining; with other Conveniences, fituate in COMPTON heir ASHBORNE, in the County uf Dkrby, void by the* Death of the Reverend Mr. HAR.DBSTIE, late deceafid. Enquire ot Mr. JoHtf Chatterton, Attorney at Law in Afbborne. fV S t JUST PUBLISHED THE COMPLEAiT PSALMODIST, In four BOOKS. CONTAINING I. An Introduction to the Grounds of Music, both ...

Published: Fri 05 Oct 1750
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 614 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

TORE m S OLD, A Leafehold HOUSE, (being Town's Land) in the High-Street in BURTON upon Trent,, w'nh conve- nient

... Outbuildings and Garden, about half an Acre, bounded by a Rivulet ; now in the Poffeffion of Godfrey Cooper ; fit for a Skinner or Tanner. For further Particulars enquiie of Mr. Robert Port, or J. Fenton, Attorney in BURTON afoicfaid. ' | , TOBESOLD, At HIRST, in the Parifb of HatherfiJge, a J County of DERBY, A Freehold ESTATE, late Joseph BrightV Efcj; in the Poffcffion of Henry Ibbotfon, ...

Published: Fri 14 Sep 1750
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 700 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Classifieds