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Yorkshire and the Humber, England

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AI L Perfons inclinable to contract for the Repair of the Turnpike-Road from Leedet to HaltowDyal, being about ..

... are defired to fend their Propofals in Writing to Mr. Barnard'mLeedet. The faid Road is propofed to be made by a good and ?? Pavement four or five Yards wide, and a Horfe Caufeway, of broad flat Stones, near the Side of fuch intended Road. / ?? I* the- PRESS, And fpeedily will be fubliflfd, A CATALOGUE OF CHOICE BOOKS, In moll ARTS and SCIENCES, Amongjl •which are, FOLIO'i Di a ke's Hiftory of ...

Published: Tuesday 07 January 1755
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 552 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

Co lie Lett, And entered to at Candlemas next, O S. at Lofthuft* two Miles from Wakefcld, and four from

... Leettfs, A Good Houfe, Barn, Stables, Orchard* and other Conveniences, together with about 32 Acres of arable, meadow and pafture Land neai to the fame. '■ 1 For further Particulars enquire of Mr Nicholas Wefterman, the Owner, who will attend at Mr Richard Dobfonsiti Lofthoufe, ?? next, to let the fame. Ca be @a!Dj On Thurfday tbe 1 Ith Day of February next, at thi Talbot in Settle, in the ...

Published: Tuesday 14 January 1755
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 1169 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

Co DC Lett, To enter to at Candlemas next, fituate in Slip-mr Yai d, near the Afoot-hall, in Briggate, Leedes*

... AH O US E, confifting of two low Rooms and three Chambers.a Celler and Brcwhoufe, with the Ufe of the Brewing- Veflels, and all other Conveniences nccefiary either for a public or private Family. Alfo to be LETT, at Clayfitt- Houfe, Several very good Rooms, with Conveniences for a Tradefman.— For Particulars enquire of Mr William Wormall, Bricklayer at Clayfitt'Houfe aforefaid. WANTED in ...

Published: Tuesday 21 January 1755
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 1029 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

Under Prime Cej}, either byjrhotffale or Retail, ' ' TH E entire Stack in Trade of ifr. Thomas Stephenson, of

... Leties in the' County Ol York, Linen- Draper and Hofier, ?? of all. Sorts of Linen-Drapery Goods, with a large Quantity ot f*ariet,.brue, and drab /hoxt Chalet. The Safe' to begirt' on fiir^y the. fourth Day of Pebnutry heXP, and to ; continue-'cillall are told. * &. Ail Perfons who have any Demands upon the- faiu I homis Stojhenfen, are defired to bring in tnefame-' to Mr. John Moxoti, ...

Published: Tuesday 28 January 1755
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 1313 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

WANTED in LEEDES, AN Apprentice toa GROCER. — For Particulars apply to Mr. Samuel Bri/eoe, Grocer in Leeda ..

... be JLett, To enter to immediately, fituate in Slip-in- Yard, near the Moot-hall, in Briggate, Leedes, AH O US E, confifting of two low Booms and three Chambers,a good Celler and Brewhoufe, with the Ufe of the Brewing- Vefiels, and all other Conveniences necel&ry either for a public or private Family. . Alfi to be LETT, at Claypitt-Houfe, Several very good Rooms, with Convenience* for a ...

Published: Tuesday 04 February 1755
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 502 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

Purfuant to a Decree cf the High Court of CHANCERY. i.\t% TH E poor and necefiitcus Relations of Timothy Lists*,

... late of Enfi-Merun in the County of fork, Gentleman, deceafed, are to uke Notice, That they come prepared at well to prove their Affinity to tbe faidTiMQTHY Liste r, as alio ?? - c v m (la nces, under a Commiffion whicli will be executed at the Houfc of Mr William Smith, known by tile Sign of the White-Bear at Crof. hills, in Craven, in the faid County oiYork, en Thurfday the third Day of ...

Published: Tuesday 11 February 1755
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 947 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

LEEDES, ?? Feb. 1755. Thisferves to inform whom it may Ctncem, THATMr. JAMES MAUDE, having bought the Stock of Iron

... and Raff, late belong* ?? to Mr. Francis Iles, continues the liufincfs at the fame Yard and Waiehoufe in Vicar-Lane, Leedes, where any Perfon may be fupply 'd Wholefale or Retail, at the fame Prices as at Hull, allowing for Freight, the Goods being ail imported upon the beft Terms, Bee. Bee. N. B. Lately is arriv'd a large Quantity of Deals, from five Foot to 20 Foot long, of all ThickrteiTes ...

Published: Tuesday 18 February 1755
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 880 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Classifieds 

JOHN PARKIN, From LONDON. UNdertakes to cure the worft Smoaking Chimneys at the lead Expence.— —..nqu'ne for hh ..

... in IWrstall, or of Mr.BzNj. Haroesty, Mer- cer in Leedes. N. B. No Cure no Pay. ■■ .I ■ 11 ii ■ %t\ be Lett, Together or feparately_ and enter' d on immediately, A HOUSE, pleafan tly fituated with- out Woodhou'.e-Barr in Lex dcs, conlifting of three low Rooms, three Chambers, a Garret, and two C.'lUr;, wirh or without a good Stable, and one Do/.. Ti*nu-r.—>^-Por turiher Particulirs eurjuireof ...

Published: Tuesday 04 March 1755
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 675 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

Cd fee @oID, Together or in Parcels, ONE large Beam, Scales, and Tea- gtcs, with a 'Quantity of Lead Weights,

... to the a- mount of a Ton.^-^-Enouire of Mr. Nicholas Stkad la Boar-lane; or Mir. Set_IWBIL, « Lrtrle-wood-rwdflß I iml 11 11 ill 1 1 1 ■ I ll ?? ' 1 ' ?? LEEDES, Feb. 23d, 1755. AT a Veftry this Day held, the 27th Day of March is appointed for the Election of a Matha- ot the Workhoufe, where any Pcrfon properly qualified, may apply. N. B. The Election will be at the Veftiy-Room in th« Old ...

Published: Tuesday 11 March 1755
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 310 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

— — ii, Leedes, March I Bth, 1 755. NOTICE is hereby given, To all CARPENTERS, JOINERS, _tc. who are

... willing to contract for the building of Galumm in TRINITY-CHAPEL, TH A T the Truftees appointed to cr.dt the fame will be ready to receive Propofals for the Execution thereof, on Saturday next, being theiad Day oi this Jjiftant, ar rlie Houfe of Mr. John Thompson, - at the Sign of the Talbot in Leedes, at three o'clock in the AHernoon. • . N. B. The Frenti are to be of Oak, in a Line with tho ...

Published: Tuesday 18 March 1755
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 2122 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

in the Prefs, and en

... Saturday next willbtpublifl>d, A CAT AL O G U E O F BOOKS, In Divinity.History.Law.PhTsick, Antiquities, Voyages, Travels, and Miscellanies. To be fold by Auction at the Angel in Bradford, by Joh it Wood.?? ??The Auction will begin on Monday ihc 31ft of this Inttant March, and continue 'till all be fold. With all convenient Speed will be publifb'd, (By S U B S C RIPT lON ) Price One Shilling, ...

Published: Tuesday 25 March 1755
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 2817 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds