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... We hear that many young Ladies have commanded their Admirers to ekort them next Saturday Evening to the Theatre Royal in Drury• Lane, to aebate the Maiden Whim, and decide the critical Mthute. ...


... according to Report, has failed for three Minix's. On Tuefday Night a Prels-Gang, well-armed, came into the 'Neighbourhood of Drury -Lane, on an Information that feveral Sailors, who had Leave of Ablence, and were not returned on board their refpeitive Ships ...

Amfterdam, Feb. 26. Yefterday the College of the Admiralty of this City put three Men of War into Commifficm

... Admiralty of this City put three Men of War into Commifficm. KRUPTS. yolipb Gronons and William Carter, of Craven Building: Drury Lane, in the County Middliftx, Taylors, Chaplin and Partners Bath/'s, now or late Mansfield in the County Nottingham, aN3 Thomas ...

Dublin, Sept. 29

... which Preferments he enjoyed 64 Years. A g.enteel well-dreffed Woman was dike:meted leavings Child on the Dunghills in Drury -Lane, by two Boys that were playing, who run immediately to alarm the Neighbourhood, but before any Affiance could corpe, the ...

Theti Infertisaiions I , 2ing laid before the Honourable the Comm:f--latr•fs . 1 Navy, they were pleated to ..

... Prince of Wales. 23. Ad ion of Light and Sound. 24. Poetry. Jockey; fet to Mufic. Addrefs to Youth. Pro!ague on opening Drury Lane Theatre. The Rofe3; from Aulutio.v. Tile happy Fifberman. From a dying Lady to her Husband. Epigrams. Epitaiol. as. Huturical ...

I.i'- . - f: 1 rrom H t ; A

... of Pewter and Copper Signs ; one of the laid was taken with a Sign upon him, which he had ftolen from a Houle in Drury. Lane. We hear that the Right Hon. the Earl of Radnor lies dangcroaly :.; the Gout in his Stomach, at his Seat at Twickenham ...


... applyst.g to John Barwick, at Willow. wood aforefaid, and makinz SatilfAction. We hear a celebrated Athefs, belonging :o Drury- Lane Theatre, is married to a Gentleman of gnat Fortune. Yefterday a Man•T) ger, or very large Baboon, belonging toLady How in ...

LONDON, Dec. z 9

... Way not to be found out. On Thurfday Night four Perfons were deteited in Sr. Giles% (leafing Beer from a Store Cellar in Drury Lane belonging to a Publican in that Place, and were fecured. On examining into the Lois, upwards of four Buts were miling, which ...

flioyl4 det the itee

... and Cummins, two notorious Offenders, who have committed divers Robberies in Middlefex, Surry, were taken at the Fox in Drury Lane, and carried before Wit. am Hammond, Efq; who committed Pendicraft for further Examination, and Cummins, being charged on ...

LONDON, April 9. WE hear the for regiftcring an annual Account of the total Number of People, Marriages, Births ..

... Royal Highneffes the Prince of Wales, Prince Edward, Princefs Augulls, 4nd Princefs Elizabeth, were at the Theatre Royal in Drury Lane, to fee the Hiflorical Tragedy of King Richard the Thud. Majetty being recover'd of his appeared YeAerday in the Drawing ...