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... by John Fielding, EN: as were keen! defperate Fellows, by the fame Gentleman, for being concerned in a dangerous Riot in Drury-Lane; and beating Mr. Barnes, the High Conflable, who with leveret Peace-Of..ers, affilted by a Party of the Guards, at length ...


... into Dover nine Sail of French On Monday two tioufes belonging to Mrs. Evans, Tallowchandler, ItII dn..% t , in Drury-Lane, but happily no Perfon was hurt. Mr. Adam )1, ion's bay Mare won the King's Plate at Litchfield Yefterda7 nntAht. On .10i ...


... impeach'd a great many of his Companions, and Yefterday feversl of them were taken. Sunday Morning a Sow that was ftroling about Drury-Lane, took a Child out of its Mother's Lap and run away with it, and before the Could be Itopt the Child was very much hurt. ...

• —-r-,•-•e4.'.•-^••*.l.' . „

... brought tn abcut Seven in the Evening on Thurfday the 6th Inftan!, that feveral Felons were then drinking at the Fox in Drury-Lane ; the Juilice thereupon made his Warrant to Mr. Saunders Welch, High Ccnitzble of the Div ifion, purfuant to the Vagrant ...


... from whence the ‘Veaf-..1 oi War is (111'd f,lr NewrounJland. Yttlerday aht:tit. a Coac;1111 ikcr, lived in a Court in Drury-Lane, nrar I,,,rig.tcre, having ban fur liane Time delirious, cat his Throat Y.A Wife jutt ticpt out to a C'nan:!ler's Shop. ...


... LONDON, Da. si. Taft Wednefday two Perfoos were committed to New Prifon by John Fielding, Efq; for defrauding the Managers of Drury-Lane Play. Houle of different Sums of Money, which they did in the following Manner: They produced an Order under the Name of ...

To he SOI.D,

... refcued him, and put the Bailiffa to Flight. We hear that the Tragedy of Phzdra and Hippolitus will be revived this Seafon at Drury-Lane Theatre, in which Mr. Garrick wit perform. This Tragedy was written by Mr. Smith of Oxford, and though it is allowed to ...

[N'. itiA I

... Wirichelter, being a to that Charity, from a Pinion unknowns, by the Hands of the Rev. Mr. hivies of that City. We bear that Drury-Lane Thane will open 011 tbe of next Month. 'Ti. (aid Mr. Barry and Mrs. Bland are going to Ireland; and that Mts. Woffington ...

L 0 N D 0 N, March Is

... Friday fix Perfons were taken up, for coining and counterfeit Half-pence, four of them at a Publick Houfe in - Street, near Drury-Lane, and the other two in Well-Street, Fair. Alexander Adams and his Wife were committed to Nr. and Patten and his Wife to ...

N. 3536.)

... fecured in the Round- Houle of Newington Para. Saturday Night during . the fecond Scene of the Entertainment ter the Play, at Drury-lane Theatre, the Audience war tr alarmed by a Noire from behind the Boxes, occafioned by two ticmen quarrelling and drawing ...


... fuppofed to be in Liquor, The two North Wings, the great Kitchen, and Brewhoufe beir was killed by a Fall from his Box in Drury-Lane. longing to Mr. Beckford's fine Houle, were not confumed by the I Tucfday Mary Mandayile was committed to Nengate by Jutlice ...

the i 745-50

... Watch, and ufed harbaroufly for making Refiffance. Lati Monday Night the Lodgings of Mr. Pitman, at the Fox A ehrtufe in Drury-Lane, was, in the Abfence of Mr. Pitman and h s Wife, rubbed of pal. in Money; and of all their Furniture, even t their Bedding ...