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... take a Number to give away, will have them at Ten Shillings • Dozen. A Way to preferve the Face from being pitted with the Small-Pox. AFTER the Eruption, and when the Pultulas begin to (well end be fille i wi h the Pus or Matter, take Chalk thoroughly pulverised ...

LONDON, 7.s c. IT is now conlidentlyeapttled by People, that the Con. gentian between dis Eng , * sad French

... recsWd by order of the French King. Mr. Alderman Stephenfon. who has been much out of Order, and was thought to have the Small-Pox, is now better, having had only a flight Fever. laid one of the Aldermen of this City intends (horny to refign his Gown. ...

LONDON, Dte. 7

... Forces. A Sulecription having been propofed for the Relief of the Poor.of the City of Salisbury, now afflicted with the Small-Pox, and for en- CANTER RY: Printed hy y. A BREA' in St. MAROARIT'I. inters Adverhfementt it, Min is. And Boos., ~- Shop-Keepers ...


... Canterbury in the County of Kent, John Lofty, five Feet eight Inches high, aged 25 Years, dark Complexion, pitted with the Small-Pox, dark brown Hair, gray Fees, h3d on his Regimental Coat, blue Waitlcag. and L-a , her Breeches ; by Trade a Blackfmitb, born ...

[N . 34501 Tuefday

... this happen commonly to People with Colds, Coughs, &c. which go as regulary through whole Families, and even Towns, as the Small-Pox or Meshes? 111 had both Time and Inclination, it would perhaps be but an unfatisfadory Piece of Theory i (to many of my Readers) ...

Pram the Lodes 7a.. 30. furies. Jemmy 3. Lat Month fevttAi Expreffes arrived here from Vienna and Madrid, in ..

... the War, begin of late to liourifh again. Venna, Jan. 13. The eldet Archdutchefs, who was fome Days ago feized with the Small-Pox, is in a fair Way of Recovery. We are informed by our !aft Letters from Leutfchau in Upper Hungary, that a , Fire broke out ...

Obt‘inacy in deferding the of his tn githoprick, has thrown him into A Madners, that all me can puffibly b

... alter fitft Symptoms, which are Sweating and a Head ach, have their Bodies covered with white Puitules, like thofe in the Small-Pox; and wen they are dead, their Cowles be:7ome all over black. All Communication with that City has been forbid. This Day was ...

The Kentifb Poit,

... lkeeping iliforderly Houfes. Thum ii Crofter, Efip an eminent Dryfalter on Dowgati tioen a Benefacliun of Fifty Pounds to the Small-pox Hol They write from Itimhourg, Jan. ii, That the States , are come to a Refolution of adopting the Gregorian Cale! We learn ...

Pros she Ludes G.Xing, Alai 4. N.ip'.e„ A, r.l a. His Majefty has named a certain Number of Ganticoacu or

... She feemed.delirous, and (aid before the Juftice the deftroyed it becaufe the cad not maintain It. On Thurfday died of the Small-Pox, at his Houle in New Burlington Street, Valentine Knightly, Efq; Knight of the Shire for the County of Northampton, which ...


... fifteen Guineas, Come Silver and his Watch, and after taking his Bridle made off towards Highgate. Laft Week died of the Small-Pox Mifs Smith Carriogton, Heirefs of the late Lord Carrington. By her Death an Eftate of feveral Thoufand Pounds per Ann. defcends ...

• Pr MI I V Loh* Gnats, Du. is. • Macii;d, Nov. e 6. Many Provinces in this Kingdom, particularly

... Bart, who took his Seat in the Houk of Commons as Member for Litchfield on Tuefday lift, was taken ill on Thurfday with the Small-Pox; but 'tis hoped to be a favourable Sort. Private Letters from Conflantinople intimate, that (owe new In. tripe is carrying ...