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Canterbury, Kent, England

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T. Mein. Woodffahl out Hunt, Satrtiari: Gentle rims, WE the Minißet, Churchwarden!, and Oterfeers, °1 St. John, ..

... glorious Viaory over the combined Armies of Ruia and Polaris, pear Kotterfdoiff, and had taken Pieces of Cannon. The Particulars of the Adios are bonny ezpetsd. General Seidlits cootinued in Purfuit of the rested Army when the above News was difpatched ...

Fro dr Gazette, Sot. 3: tAn, :4. Early on Saturday Morning, the loth of this ,nth, the King of Sardinia,

... that a Trais of Field Artillery, and all other Requifites for the Army, were in Readinefs, fo that his Pruffian Majefty, upon his Arrival, would be able to meet the French and the Army of the Empire in an open Country, where, if they fhould happen to ...

1.0 Al 1)1) N. Ala; th 16

... Bodies of the French were (wounded by the Allied Army: Which Report, all thofe who had any Conneelions with the different Bodies of that Army, then knew to be falfe. The King of Pruffi 01a has •• ”: an Army of upwards o f a fine Troops; for in a I •. I. ...


... Acres, in late in the Occupition ot Mr. Jar. Cutlets, diceafed.—Alfo another Meffuage, Yard, Garden and two Acres of Meadow Land, in Wye, in the Occupation of Mrs. Mary Petman. N. B. MI the Premifes are in very good Repair.—For further Particulars inquire ...

It is thought that fome of the Hooks on London Brieg., it not fpeedily taken down, will fall of themfelves

... Body of Troops of the Elettorate of Hanover have already received Orders to hold themfelves in readinefs to join the Pruffian Army, when thereto requied by that Monarch. One Reafon, among many others, given for fending for the Ranoverians and Heffians is ...

Ov _6. AT the CGuit at kersfirittarr, the 61h ot Agvili 17;4, Prefent, The Kina's mutt Excelltnt Majelly io Count

... Behaviour was apparently penitential ; the Woman's Face was covered all the Way to and at the Place of Execution. The Mob, who generally tole the Seale of the Crime in its Punithment, in refra to this Woman, afted the contrary Part; for inftead of Pity ...

This Day It pailghed, (Price Six-pence)

... Forces landed.—By the Information of the Defends Cherburg is in no Pofition of Defence by Land, fo we expeCt to take it loon, and at a !mall Expence. The Richmond was the Ship firft ordered to anchor near th • Shore to Cover the Men in their landing, which ...

Tuefday ferinight one Short committed to Wind*ler Gcal, for being concerned in (teeing i;o1. in 1119ney from ..

... Report. On the 7th Ina, was married at Preftbury, in Cheihire, a aged Eighty, to a Woman of Twenty-two. On the Sib was married at Pram, in Lencathire, a Mao aged so, to a Woman of Twenty. Mahon, May as. Every Thing here is in the greateft Tranquillity. The ...

Extrda el a IMP from Pertfignith, as. . Prince Fe:din:nes Head Zarters near Rhinhrik. June tT. 1 Sir Hawke

... . Prince Fe:din:nes Head Zarters near Rhinhrik. June tT. 1 Sir Hawke is much better. We expect the Ramilliel the Allied Army is fepsrated from that of the Enemy by Pint,: to fail very loon to join Lord Adair, tho' Adm. Hawke's Flag is Hedges, Hullo ...

LONDON, May 16

... at Sersleon. _ Yefterday as a Man and a Woman were in a Boat, failing down the River, over sgaintt Dick's -Shore, Limehoufe, by the mifmanagement of the Sail in a fudden Gull of Wind the Boat : The Man and Woman were drowned, but the Waterman's Lad wee ...