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Derby Mercury



Derbyshire, England

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Derby Mercury

jiDv-ERTISEMEMTS. TOBESOLD, A CHARIOT, and a One Horfe CHAISE Enquire of Mr. B L V T H in D c

... r b y. TO B E S oTb, A Good FIRE• E N G I N E near Foolow m Dethfbirfi with Pumps and all other NecefTaries fit tor prefent CJft For further Particulars, enquire of George Tijsington in Winfter. * N.B. Cillinder -34 Inches Diameter. To be Sold, or Lett at Midfummer m~ A Houfe and Yard near the Upper Crofs in Burton übed Trent, now in the Pollefliort of John Chatter *?m J^.?r L °x SE , in tk ...

Published: Fri 29 Mar 1751
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 713 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

This Day was publijh'd, ( Price 6d. j PLAIN REASONS Againft, Foifaking the COMMUNION Ofthe CHURCH of ENGLAND, ..

... fOPERL In a LE T.T ER To the Inhabitants of the Panfh'of WINGERtVoRTH, in the County tsi'D ERBY. Bf W. WHEELER, A. M. Thou fbidt wotfhip the Lord thy God, and him only Jbalt tbottferii'e. Printed for S. Bradley, Bookfejlor In Cbrji'&field. WHEREASJamei Yeoman s, of Mtrcafion, in the County ot DERBY, hath ptadifed as a FARRIER, or HORSE-DOCTOR all his Time, and fome Part ot it in a very ...

Published: Friday 21 May 1756
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 1374 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

On Monday next will be publlfhed, N9. h . . ( Price enly Two-pence, ) A Full and Authentic ACCOUNT

... of tty firange and myfierkus Affair between MARY SQUIRES the Gypsy; AND ELIZABETH CANNINGi Which has fo long engaged the Attention of the Public ? Being the Subftance oi all that has appear'd on both Siies. ' With all the Particulars of the TRIAL of E l 1 i. a b b t rf Canning, indeed fpr the falfe Accufation of 'th_i Gy v l iv ;wh eh began at the OW Baily on Monday tha ?? April laft, and ...

Published: Friday 17 May 1754
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 1103 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

ADVERTISEMENTS, ( \ DERBY, February tth, ?? MY late Illneft. having rendered me incapable ol £L 7 Repects to my

... F.ieiid, fc.fooa ly 1 .KS' Opportunity of acquainting tbem, ihat I lim ld ?? ; S C H OOL at mv HOUSE in the Full firm v I a X Da y next, and lhall be , iuic h obhg'd .0 them f Ol ,l. t c. « , i • nuance oi their Favours, which Hull be gratefully ackiv v . ledged by their moll Humble and . Obedient Servant-, David Syivester. N. B. I Ihall Teach Abroad as ufual. In the Iron-Gate DERBY, A* Mr. ...

Published: Fri 31 Jan 1752
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 795 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

By Permiffion, addicfied to his Royal Highnefs the PRINCE of WALES. This DAY is Publifh'd, (Price tl) ..

... Copper Plates. 1 . A new invented Machine for keeping a Ship's Head to the Wind, and preventing her driving on a Lee Shore. », A View of Aqueous Chryflals in Snow, Froll., &c. Number XXXVII. for November 1757, of THE GENERAL MAGAZINE OP ARTS and SCIENCES. , Philofophical, Philological, Mathematical, and Mechanical. By BENJAMIN MARTIN. This Number conta : h?, The Young Gentleman and Lady's ...

Published: Friday 02 December 1757
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 970 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

'Ihis, Day is publijbed, Illuftratcd with Copper-Plates, Price Three, AN eafy INTRODUCTION ..

... By F. HOLLID AY. London: Printed for J, Rhhardfon, in Pater-nofter-Rew. Where may be had, 1. A Treatife of Gunnery. By J.Gray, Bvq. z. Tiie fi-inciples df mechanics. By W. Emcrfon. -The fecond Edition, enlarged with 43 Copper-Plates, Quarto. J. The Conftrui. ion and principal Utes of Mathematical Irt- ftruments, by Bion, made Englifh by E. Stone, the fecohd Edi- tion, with thirty Copper-Plates ...

Published: Friday 12 January 1759
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 1489 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

Wednefday the Firft of Auguft, ms publ'Jbed, [ Price Six-pence. ] ( Beautifully printed On a new Elzevir tetter ..

... witb a ankus Frontifpiece, engraved' from a neiu Defign: A Title Page engraved: A fine Head of Sir W.cholas Bacon, Lord Keeper of England : A new and fy(ftrmjf[,ip and the Ifle. of Wight; with' arm Song, a Country Dance, and a new Minuet, fet to Univerfal MAGAZINE 0 r Knowledge andi Pleasure. Number XLIV, Vol' VII. COM. T A.I Ml NG, 1 » ( In three Sheets of Letter- Prefs, three Copper-Plates, ...

Published: Fri 03 Aug 1750
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 1143 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

ADVERTISEME NTS. TO BE SOLD, A Genteel Single HORSE-CHAIR, with a new Harnefs. Enquire of Mr. HfiNRY BateauH in the

... Irongate, DERBY. ' ■ 11 1 . 11 mi To be LETT, and Enter*d on at Michaelmas next^ AH OUS E and SHOP, with other Conveniencies, fituate in the Marketplace in AJhburn, now in the Pofleffion of Mr. William Lsese, Grocer and Soap- boiler. For fuither Particulars, enquire of Mrs. Eliano* Buxton, at AJhburn aforefaid. TO B E SOLD, ~ 7. AN imptoveable ESTATE at Hazzletvood fa thijf County, bf about ...

Published: Friday 02 July 1756
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 633 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

ADVERTISEMENTS. WHEREAS feveral BANTAM CHICKENS, and Three PEA- CHICKENS, were Ibie fiom the Houfes* of Jambs ..

... Efcjiiires, in Aftoirupon Trent, 111 the Countyot DERBY, about the latter End of July, or Beginning of Augujl\i[\: This is therefore to give Notice, tlut whoever Hull give Information, ofthe Perfoii, or Peifons, who flole the fame, fo that he, fhe, or they, may be lawfully convifted thereof, lhall receive the Sum of Five Pounds, to be paid immediately upon his, her, or their Cony ftion, by me ...

Published: Friday 02 November 1753
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 974 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

ADVERTISEMEfSIS. TO BE SOLD, , AT Mr.. HARDE-STEE's HOUS^E, in Co niptbit near Ash burn, a valuable ..

... very neat Condition; the Library of the Reverend Mr CHARLES HARDE S T E E, Deceafed. The SALE begins on Monday the 17th Inftant, to continue till all are Sold ; the Price being Mark'd in the Blank Leaf of each Book. To be SOLD, at Leek iii §tafFordfhife, THE .Utenfils, Inftrumen.s, and a large Quantity of DRUGS; being the Stock in Trade ot Mr. Henry , Fogg, Apothecavy and Surgeon, lately ...

Published: Fri 30 Nov 1750
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 676 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

This DAY was publijhed, Piice SIX- PENCE, NUMBER V. of an Entire NEW WORK, (to b. compleatcd in Sixty Numbers)

... entitled, A Complete BODY of GARDENING, By the Authors of tbc Complete EODY ot HUSBANDRY. Publifh'dby the KING's Authority. Three Shecti of Letter-Prcfi, and ?? Copper-P!a-e» elegantly eng*avcd. This Number, among many other curious and ufeful Aiciclct, contains the Cukuie of I. The Ceylor Pancratium, the Purple H'-omanthu., the Azorian J.fmine, the Blue Clitotia, the Golden Caffii, and the ...

Published: Friday 15 October 1756
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 1364 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

AftVERTtStMILNTL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT the FAIRS heretofore kid at MATLOCK in the County of Derby, 011 ..

... ot October, mi on the ?? of April; will for the future be he.d on th.'ia h oiOctobcr, and the o-h oi May; txctpt when either ?? Days falls upon Sunday, and in fuch Cafe to be d.feud dil the Day following. To be LE TT, and Enter'd upon immediately, A Very convenient new built Bra lU4J.E, c ..filing of Four Rooms of a Floor, with very Vaults and a fiuall Garden, (i:ua_e neat the Corn Market in ...

Published: Friday 06 October 1752
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 852 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Classifieds