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Derbyshire, England

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This Day is publijbed, Price 6d. The Second Edition, Eameflly recommended to the Pcrufal of all pious arid wcll ..

... Perfons, TR UT H tranfcending Human Reafon ; or, The Iri.ellc.tual Harmony clearly exhibited j Know Thy -S.fjC Being an Alarm to Dcilb, rrjefts, and People, arid a Trial of Spirits; demonftrating clearly the Proof of the Trinity to be in every Man: And alfb what the Sin and Blafphcrriy againlt the Holy is, and by whom committed* in this prefent Age. Likewifc a Hint propofed to prevent ...

Published: Friday 10 November 1758
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 1460 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

ADVERTISEMENTS. ALL Pcrfons indebted to the Ellate of Mr. Thomas Noton, Grocer in DERBY, Deceafed, are defi- ..

... pay their refpcftive Debts to Mr. Richard NOT on, in the Market-Plact, DERBY, Adminiftrator to the Mr.' Thomas Noton, in Truft for his Father Mr. John Woton, or they will be fued for thefame; and all Pci fons that have Demands on the Eftate of the faid Mr. Thomas No ton, arc dtfiied co-bring in their Bills. this D Ait is PubliJheJ, A CATALOG U i Of Ufeful and Valuable B 0 O X S: Including ...

Published: Friday 11 July 1755
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 680 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

In November will begin publifhing, in Weekly Num-i bers, containing Two large Sheets each, Price only THREE ..

... of all FAMILIES, An ILL U SIR A TION OF THE HOLY SCRIPTURES, 13 V NOTES and EXPLICATIONS ON THE Old and New Teftament, Printed on a large beautiful Letter, and fuperfiue Paper* Which will be of Extiaordinaiy Service to all Families .v. ho read the Scriptuie., as thty will greatly explain .he Nature and Spirit of them, fhew the Gracious Design of God m^eveiy Pait of them, anjd fet in a clear ...

Published: Friday 25 October 1754
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 1869 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

This DAY were p'ublijhed,. And given Gratis, PROPOSALS For Reprinting in WEEKLY nuMBERS, The Whole to be ..

... VoIUME, 'Folio, THE GARDENER'S DICTIONARY* Containing the METHODS of ' Cultivating and Improving all Sorts of Trees, Plants* and Flowers, For the Kitchen, Fruit, and Plea Jure Gardens * As alfo thofe which are ufed in MEDICINE: With Directions for the Culture of V I,N E YA R DS, ark. making of WINE in England: In which likewrfc wll be included the Poetical farts of HUSBANDRY. In this Work, all ...

Published: Friday 24 September 1756
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 1416 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

By the KING'S AUTHORITY, ; t This Day is Publifhed, P R 0 P 0 SALS For printing Weekly, by

... Subscription, in Offewo, A NEW AND COMPLETE DICTIONARY of Arts and Science*. COMPREHENDING ALL The Branches of Ufeful Knowledge. With accurate Descriptions as well of the various Machines, Inflruments, Tools, Figures, and Schemes ne- cclhry for il.uttianng ihcm, as of the ClafTej, Kinds, Pre- p-rations, and Ufes of Natural Produifions, whether Ja- mais, Vegetables, Minerals, Fcfftls, or Fluids ...

Published: Friday 15 February 1754
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 2047 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

ADVERTISEMENTS. Nottingham, January 16, 1750. Notice is hereby given to all Gentlemen, Tradefmen and Others^ ..

... GLASS, which has beeri lately carry'd on by Mr. Ai> a m _0u N g of this Town, will ftill be continu 'd to be carry'd on by Meflrs* Buxton, Foxcroj t, and Company. All Perfons fend-* ing their Oiders, (hall have them fulhll'd as foon as poflible on the beft Terms. We expeft to begin to make Goods in two Months, N, B. Mr. Young is ready to deliver all Gentlemen j CRESTS on the Firft Notice* . , ...

Published: Thu 18 Jan 1750
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 613 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

TO H SOL D, J A FREEHOLD ESTATE, confifling of Seven M« ?? l\ arid a Barn, lituate all together

... near St. Jldarfs Bridge, DERBY, which are now occupy 'd by Mr. He At J £_ Company, in the China ManufaSury, and Lett ar 10 1, per Annum, exclufive. of all Taxes. For further Particulars, enquire of Charles Sheperdjon; at King's ' Newton, five Miles from Derby, or of Mr. Benjamin Mini, at the Green Dragon in DERBY. . NOTTING HAM~$y~^J& t IF there be any Perfon or Peiforis who bath or have any ...

Published: Friday 23 July 1756
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 795 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

This. DAY was publijh'd. Price is. 6 d. A SHORT but Suffic ent Confutation of the Reverend Dr. Warbttrton's ..

... Defence (as he cal is it ) of Chr.ftianity, in h s Divine Ligation of Mofes. In a Letter to the Right Reverend the Loi d E.fhop ol London. By William Law, M. A- Printed for, J. Richardfon, in Pater nofier Row, London ; and fold by all the Bookfellers in Town and Country. Where may _. had the following BOOKS wrote by the fame AUTHOR. 1. A Serious Cail to a Devout and Holy Life. The 4th Edit. ...

Published: Friday 20 May 1757
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 1617 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

Sold by S. DR EWR V, Printer in Der b y, ( who hath lately rcceiv'd a frelh Quantity )

... by J. SALT in Wirkfworth, W.JSHTON in Winfier; and J. MARVIN xnJjhby, at only Ont Shilling a Bottle j A Speedy and Certain CURE forth ati.ertffemento* This . is to inform .Farmers, and Other?, ' j 0 rHAT by an Aft of Parliament commencing 1 the 24th of June , all Exemptions of every Kind from Payment of Tolls at any Turnpike, arc taken off. ,-nd evy Thing is by this Law to be paid for, ...

Published: Friday 23 June 1758
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 608 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

Now ready to be delivered to the Publick, handfimety Printed, [Price One Shilling] *A N AUTHENTIC ACCOUNT^ ..

... King's Authority, OF ALL THE FAIRS in England and Wahs y As they have been Settled to be Held Since the Alteration of the STILE. NOTING LIKEWISE The C o m m o d j t i e s which each of the laid F A I R S is remarkable for furnifliing. V All the Lists of Fairi are full of great Ai'ftikei, and in no wif ...

Published: Friday 07 January 1757
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 1503 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

ADVERTISEMENT. Thurfday, November 1, was Publifbei, [Price Six Pence.] With a Ptrfpeftive View tf the Grand ..

... at Florence,- for the Concave Mmcm; Twenty Baronets Arms neatly engraved on Copper Plates, the Race Wheel Carriage, and otber Cuts. THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE for OCTOBER, 17,0, Containing more in Quantity, and greater Variety, that! any Book ol the Kind and Price. Account of Maclaine from [ Vapour from Sea Water. Of Dr. Allen, The Four wheel the- Earthquake in Lincoln- Carriage defcribed. On ...

Published: Fri 02 Nov 1750
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 282 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Classifieds