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Derby Mercury


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Derby Mercury

ADVERTISEMENTS. WH ERE AS in my Weekly Paper, ofthe 6th Infianf, there was a Paragraph, reflecting upon the ..

... the Neighbourhood of Ajhburn: I beg Pardon for printing and publifhmg that Remark ; and do freely acknowledge, that I am entirely a Stranger to the whole Purport of it. S. Drewry. TAKEN up by Ralph Hodgkinson, of MnyfielJ near Ajbburn, in the County of Ds r by, a large PUPPY, ofthe Pointing Breed, with a Brown Head and Eats, and feveral Brown Spots upon the Body. Whoever has lofl the faid ...

Published: Fri 20 Jul 1750
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 306 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

?? To be LETT, and Enter'd upon at Old Lady-Day nnextt t A GRAZING or Dairy FARM, with a good

... Houfe upon ir, fituate in the Liberty of Darley, near Derby, now in PollcH'ion of Mr. George Hodgkmfon. For further Particulars enquire of Thomas Bainbrigge, Efqj or Mr. John Horn, Attorney at Law hi Derby. To be Sold to the beft Bidder, by Way of Auction, on Wednefday the Thirty-pft Day of this Inftant October, between the Hours of Four aud Six in tbe Afternoon, at Mrs. BagshawV in Wirkfworth ...

Published: Friday 19 October 1759
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 1362 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

On Monday laft Was publifhed, W. 11. ( Price only Two-pence, ) A Full and Authentic ACCOUNT bf th'sj Jlrangt

... and myfterious Affair between MARY SQUIRES the Gypsy/ AND ELIZABETH CANNIxNTG* Which has fo long engaged tfie Attention of the Public t Being the Subftance ofall thac has appear'd on both Sides. ' With all the Particulars of the TRIAL of E £ i i a b b t ill Ca. N N I NO, indiftej for the falfe Accufjtion of th* Gypsy; which began at the Old Baily on Monday tha a ...

Published: Friday 07 June 1754
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 1231 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

ALL Perfons who have any Claims or Demands on the Eftate or Weds of William SteVenson late of Attkerbold, inthe

... Parifh of North-Wiwfi 'eld, and County of DERBT, Yeoman, latciy Deceafed, arc dclired forthwith to fend an Account thereof to Thomas Clay, of North-lYine- field aforefaid, Farmer, his fole Executor, thathe may provide fbr the Payment thereof, without farther Delay. AND, In order to raife Money, for Payment of the faid Debts NOTICE is hereby given, That on Monday the Firft Day of May next, ...

Published: Friday 14 April 1758
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 1737 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

For the USE ofFamlH By his MAJESTY'S LICENCM_ Continues to be publiihed regularly every Fortnight, in flvd half ..

... printed, adorned occasionally with beautiful Cuts. ' ' 77. '■ (Price ONLY Four-Pence,} The FAMILY LIBRARY* 0 k, INSTRUCTOR 'in Useful Kr.owtEbcEi Which is compiled from the Writings of the moft learned and ingenious Men, and exprefly calculated to tnflruß in all t/ffful Knowledge, thofe who bave not had the Advantage ol an Education, or have not Abil.ties to purchafe, or Time to read many ...

Published: Friday 16 August 1754
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 1494 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTED immediately, I AN APPRENTICE to a GROCER in DERBY* Enquire ofthe Printer of this Paper ..

... To be SOLD Cheap, A New Mllch'd ASS and She FQAL: Enquire of M r ; Roger, SoRHSBYin ißyiisford, jn the .County of DERBY, or of Mr. Eutteriibld in-DERBY, To be LE TT, and r Enter'd upon immediately, A- Good HOUSE, and other Convenience?, • Handing near St; Peter t Church in D ERfiY^ William Bridgman, near the.fameX' ' September 1. 1756. '■■ THE GENTLEMEN of the County of D ER BT, are defned' to ...

Published: Friday 27 August 1756
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 653 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

ADVERTISEMENTS. To be SOLD, ( neatly Gilt and Letter' d, ) TH E Seven Volumes of the STATUTES at Large

... Enquire ot Mr. Mat. How, jun. atthe George in DERBY, wherethe BOOKS may be feen. TO BE SOLD, AN irnproveable ESTATE at Hazilewocd in this County, of about 13/. per Ann. Pait Freehold, Paic Copyhold, confiding of a Dwelling Houfe, and 1$ Aciesof Land. Enquire of Mr. Hugh Batbman. in Duffield, 01 Mr. Blyth, Attorney in DERBY. WHEREAS a Spot-Breaded Grey COCK, fufh trimin'si, and marked both ...

Published: Friday 18 June 1756
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 841 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

ADVERTISEMENTS. THE FAIR for HORSES, COWS, SHEEP, and .other Ni LRCH AN LIZ ES, heretofore' kept at JfiL. ..

... the Coitaty ot Leicefer, on St. Simon and Jttde, the aBt_ of Ottober; will th. Year be .olden upon the Eighth Day of November; and at all Times heieafttr, be holden and kept on tlie fame Day ofthe Month, STOLL'N or ftray'd from Mr. W ARD's, Tanner, in Burton v. on Trent, fince the 4th of thii Inftant Offobtr* a Fallow Cob ttr'd and White GREYHOUND DQG, With a Bald Face. Whoever will bring the ...

Published: Friday 13 October 1752
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 521 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

ADVERTISEMENTS. To be LE TT, and enter'd upon at Lady-Day next, A GRAZING FARM, confifting of between Seven and ..

... Hundred Acres, lying at BLORE in Stafford fhire, three Miles from AJhbmn, and now in the Polftifion of John Challoner. For further Particulars enquire of Thomas RmTT, Eftj, in DERBY, or ot Mr. Edward Goodwin, Attorney at Law in Ajhburn. Alfo to be Lett, and Enter d upon at Lady Day next, TWOHOUSES fituate in the Morlege, DERBY. Enquire as above; TO B E S 0 L D, ALARGE Stone HOUSE, cali'd ...

Published: Friday 06 December 1754
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 1287 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

ADVERTISEMENTS. MI S S I N G from DERB Yon Sunday or Monday laft, a Brindled Greyhound BITCH, with fonie

... White about the Neck, and a White Muzzle, anfwers to the Name of FLY. Whoever will bring her again to Mr. Leaper, Tanner in DERBY, ihall receive a handfonie Reward. DERBY, February i, 1758. WHEREAS by His MAJESTY'S Royal fROCLA- MATION, lately publifh'd, a General and Public]* FAST is appointed to be Religioufly obfeived on FRIDAY the Seventeenth Day of February Inft. being the ufual Market ...

Published: Friday 27 January 1758
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 697 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

ADVERTISEMENTS. WHOEVER will difcover the Pc fon or Perfons, who poifon ..a POINTING DOG belonging to Mf . R 1

... ?? I) a R 11 V, on Monday laft, flial,, upon their Conviftion, receive a GUINEA kewaio. t 1 11 1 „ 11 1 ■1 1 ?? i .ii l 1 _■ IB__» - ■> A POST-CHAISE and two eood Hoife», feu oatf- from.tlie Rjng't Head.w DERBY, on Mond.y mi? tor LONDON. For iuithei Particulars enqiie of the Printer hereof. ' r■' ' 1 1 ?? 1 1 'hi m m .in ALL Peifons indebted to t. late M*. JOSEPH DAWSON, Joiner in D fc h BY ...

Published: Fri 19 Jun 1752
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 491 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Classifieds