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A P.V ERTISE M E N T S. The Creditors ofMr. James Leslie, A.vocate, at tbeir Meeting, uptra the F

... urtc«--.ih of Aug.ift ? dircftcd tbat the whole Creditor* ihotdd, bet Wiat and the twen'tv-fecond of ?? next, lodge flh the Hands nf James Graham, Writer ro the Signer, tbeir Trufhe a Sta*e of their (cvcral Debts, in crd r ro a ?? Dividend of ibe Eftefts in his Hand** ; and it i;> hoped the Credi- tors will comply, thar thrry may not be precluded from a Share in tbe laid Dividend. If V HERE* ...

Published: Tuesday 14 November 1758
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Advertisement | Words: 2052 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

ADVERTISEMENTS. ?? Thac JAMES Ll I HGOW Merchant in rhe ?? of the Wctl-bow, Edinburgh makes i r ?? cl

... _ a :a 7 Gray Paper ac Forty per Ream; he little Pri ring Pa; . commonly called Coar/e J C thelai - riming Paper, common, iy calicd Coarfe Crown-, at I oui Sh Hi a eight ?? per Ream, ready Money, and thofe that take any a a- : Quantity (hail have a reafon- ?? Wherei a ehadalfo, L ng, Middle and Little PrefEng Papers. Blae t ; aper, Glover f.. er, Double er Large Gray Paper, ac rcaionablc B ...

Published: Thursday 09 May 1754
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Advertisement | Words: 2253 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

' TdV E RT I S E ME N T S. WHEREAS the Iniurance from Lofs or Da- mage by

... Fire tends to the Safety of Proper* .vin-'eneraV and £0 the Prekrvstkn of many Fa- nii'iesin particular, whoothcrwife might bcexpof- .j to Poverty and Ruin, and that the SUN FIRE QFftCE LONDON, being the firft that attempt- ed the Inturarices ot Goods,- Houfes, Sec. and have hitherto infurcd ar ancafierßate lh?n any others 5 and having always paid, the Sufferers tueir Lofles punctually j. and ...

Published: Tuesday 30 January 1759
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Advertisement | Words: 4335 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

Betvnxt the 1 4th Day of May and the ifl Day of June la(f the following Particulars were fl oin

... out oj a Wardrobe in the Houfe of Newmilns, belonging to the Honourable FRANCIS CHARTERIS, vi^. Imprimis, A Crimfon Sattin Waiftcoat, with Buttons of the fa me. Item, OneredSattin Waiftcoat with red Si*kTwift Buttons. item, One light blue Sattin Waiftcoat, with the Back and Sleeves of blue Shaloon. Item, Three Pairs of Drefden wrought Ruffles, one of them never wafhen. Item, Four Pairs of new ...

Published: Mon 16 Sep 1751
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Advertisement | Words: 994 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Classifieds 

ADVERTISE M E N T S. To be SOLD, TWO very good MIL K ASSES, one of them lately colted

... Enquire at the Publishers of this Paper. V\7 Hereas the GAME is to be preferv- ▼V ed this Seafon on the ESTATES (particu- larly the Moors) of TOUCHADAM-, SAUCHIE, and TOUCH. Every ?? found tranfgref- ftng, will be puriifhed with the utmoft Severity of the Law. - THat the Trnftecs for. the Creditors of the deceafed Sir ALEXANDER, and JOHN WEDDER BURNS late of Blacknefs, have, by their Sederunt, ...

Published: Wednesday 27 June 1759
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Advertisement | Words: 3043 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

AD V ERTiSE MfeN T S. 3_hf^ i* p«WlsnsL FORMS ot CD E I ON, so*. »| ctf - r

... ?? The U S E of F , : ?? E Si With a Preface recommending the :^a4Uce of Fa- .: rhily ReHoionv ?? fc^- -, ?? \ London Printed : Sold in Edinburgh, at the, Shop of \y_. Millet*. .. ?A ?? ; Where may be had, jiift iipparted, T . De Haen Ratio medendi, Svo Vie nh. 17 -jy. . Gaubit inftitutioneS athologia., Svo. L. B_rr. 175SV Hallerii phyfiologia magna; 4to ' £aSafan, ; 1757. Le Droit dcs Gens, ...

Published: Thursday 30 November 1758
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Advertisement | Words: 3040 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

A D YE RTISEMENTS. By Order of the Tr aft ees for the latt Lord Elphin- fton. THE Truftees being

... affined, thar money will be paid by Mattin mas next, forthe payment ot the faid Lord Eiphinftoifs Creditors, do there- fore intimate to them, to produce all their vouch- ers and inftruftions ot debrs, to Mr. Andrew Bur- net, Clerk to the Signet, Agent fcr the Truftces, and that fuch of them as have not confti.uted their debts in proper manner, wiil furthwith do the fame, as no intereii will be ...

Published: Wednesday 05 September 1759
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Advertisement | Words: 2227 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 


... not already received a loan of thirty pounds from the Widows Fund, purfuant to the aits of parliament made thereanent are hereby defir ed to rran r mit their refpective bonds for the fame, to the General Collector at Edin- burgh, betwixt and the firft day of November nexr, who wiil immediately make piyment thereof And a I Miniftcrs and Profilfors, who have been trar.fiatcd, and have not ...

Published: Saturday 06 October 1759
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Advertisement | Words: 2401 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

*■ I I I■ — ■■!■ I M „ |, |— M>W

... imported, A Ps-rre 1 offine CHESNU TS ond WALNUTS, ro be fold in Wfaokfa'c 0- Retail, at the Sign of the Hen aval chicken., firft Shop above Mi'n;. Scu .re oppofite to the J ron Church, Edinburgh. tf«fl ANDREW DRUMMOND, at his Shop at the Head of CarrobbcT^ * bfe brought bom propcrcft Places abroad, a Collection or frcfliG: rden, C J -.ower Seed- and Roots, Variety ot [reeSeed- parricul.-.rly ...

Published: Tuesday 05 February 1754
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Advertisement | Words: 3175 | Page: Page 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

A.D V ERTJSE MENT S n* At the fir ft, Shop above Dunbar'* Clofe, near oppo- se libber ton's Wvnd;

... Lawn- market, Edinburgh, are KSH* ac P rime V^^ the following MILLENARY I^Vv.z. All Sortsof ftript,, fiower'd and plain Muf- Kni dear Lawns, long Lawns, Flanders and Englifh f.. Black Silk ditto, Velvets, Fans, Silver and plain (ft i?i G,ov:es * Q 3U ?~ Handkerchiefs, Silver and Gold [g Wvet Cuffs and Robings, plain and Silver Girdles, loi ma ...

Published: Tue 23 Jan 1750
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Advertisement | Words: 1678 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

ADVER I i z dd M c N Yl ?? ■^*

... and Seedlman to the Honourable Society foi proving Agri ulture, bas juft now imported from the propsreft Place' a broads, ufual, a curious Colleftion of new an . lh Garden and Grafs Seeds, withj Variety of Flo ci - - :■ -■ ' • ?? -■-■■■: I ?? Seed '-'■■ r ' ■ '■ ■■' * : . 1 ' . ■ ?? trrowins ?? tvent. | *^ , ?? tnt .. .. have ahcady ?? Couimiffions for luch Seeds, ail foi them, andall others ...

Published: Thursday 10 January 1754
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Advertisement | Words: 2754 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

ADVERTISEMENTS- -ST.? L-c JfETT and entred to at Whit funday next, A convenient LODGING, pleafantly fituate at ..

... the High School VVynd, prcfently poiielfed by Lady rbirleftanc confifting of five Fire-rooms, a large Stone Kitchen and Cellars, with a Garden, and a Pipe from the Town Fountain. For Par- ticulars enquire at the Britifh Coffee houfe. To be SETT in Tack for the Space of Nineteen Years from and after the Term of Whit fan-day 1753, The FARM of NORTH BELTOUN, in the Shire of Eait Lothian, and ...

Published: Fri 06 Mar 1752
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Advertisement | Words: 3173 | Page: Page 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds