7n Cover tiit Sttfon,

... Cover tiit Sttfon, At Mr Rich aan Ga m sit’s, near Scdbnty, within three Mile* of Richmond, Yotkfintc, at throe Guineas a Mase, and Half Crown the Servant the Mancy to he paid at the Time Coverings ot when taken away MR Prance** Grey MOUNTAIN CARO. Ht is allowed (by befi Judges) to be a* flioag sad fine Hotfc, at ever came of that Country. The aotkenttek Certificate hit being teal Mountain ...

Published: Saturday 15 March 1755
Newspaper: Newcastle Courant
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Article | Words: 395 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

NtwcAstifc ©vote Ttut. \4? HEREAS feveral Perfonj that keep Akhoufcs, W *nd ft 1 .! nnd retail Ale, within this

... Town and County, have be-u guilty of frequent Negleft in not taking Licences at the General Meeting of the Juttices, held fot that Pnrpoie, contrary to the A& of Parliament ta that Cafe made tnd provided, Notice hereby is therefore given, Thit the Gfhiui Mntimi for granting fueh Licences, for the Tear enfulng, willbe held at the Mtyor's Chamhet within the faid To*n, oa Friday the 4th Day of ...

Published: Sat 08 Dec 1750
Newspaper: Newcastle Courant
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 3587 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

?? •; . r> ?? J On Tucfday the lsd hft mi was Pubtifbe'd, Price bound 2 8. 6d. With

... many Improvements, and the Addition offeverdl Lifts not in any former 'lmprtffton, carefully tor rifted at the feveral Publick Offices, down to ?? of Publication, THE COURT and CITY REG IST Eg, For the Yeat 1757, Containing, 1. Rider's Almanack for ,3. The Court and City Re. the Year 1757. g:fier. » , t, New and Correft Lids of 4. Lifts of the Army and the Lords and Commons, &c. Navy. Printed ...

Published: Friday 26 November 1756
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 1389 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

This DAY was puilijhed, „ Piice SIX. PENCE, NUMBER I. of an Entire NEW.WOR^, (to be compleated in Sixty Numbers)

... entitled, A Complete, BODY of GARDENING', By the Author* of the Complete BODY of HUSBANDRY. Publifh'dby the KING'S Authority. Containing, In Three Sheets of Letter-Prefs, and two Polio Copper-Plate., 1. A curious Frontifpiece defighed by Mr. Wale, and en- graved by Mr. Giignion. i, Figures and Defcription* of, 1. The Scarlet Canna. z. The Pig leaved Hibifius. $. The great Larks-fpur. 4, The ...

Published: Friday 10 September 1756
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 799 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

On the ijl Injlant wat piiblijh'd, ( Price bd,j To be continued Monthly, (Illuflrated with a Folio Copper-Plate ..

... exift View of the famous City of Lisbon, as it flood on Seven Hills on the North Shore of the River Tap, before the late terrible Earthquake. Aifo a particular perfpeftive View of the Royal Palace, which ii entirely funk into the faid River. With a new Song neatly engraved, and adorned with an emblematical Head- Piece) NUM lIER LVIII. of ' - THENew UNIVERSAL ?? x Or, Gentleman and Lady's ...

Published: Friday 02 January 1756
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 1488 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

JfoVERTiSEMENTk. WANTED As an ?? ice toa genteel Bitftnefs; A Sober YOUTH, that has had a tolerable EWi • and

... can be well recommended. Foi further l_.r v. encju.re ofthe PRINTER of this P.per. Uhis JUST PUBlTsTed, ^ THE CdMPLEAT PSALMODIST. In Four BOOK Si CONTAINING I. An Introduaioi. to the Giounds of Mulic, both Theoret ; c a | and Praftical, Vocal and Inftrumental ; teaching all ih Rudiments of Mufic, and Compofition Jn all its v..ii o . s Branches: To ?? is added, a new Alphabetical Dii. onarv, ...

Published: Fri 12 Oct 1750
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 597 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

advertisements: To be SOLD by AUCTION, at the King's* Head INN ih DERBY, on Tueflay the wB Day of Auguft

... next, tothe beft Bi dde R, between the Hours of Four and Seven in the Afternoon, A Good HOUSE, witha Malt- Houfe adjoining to it Ikewhoufe, Garden, and other good Conveniences thereto belonging, now in the Poffeffion of Mr. William Ratcltf, Maltfterj alfo a Tenement adjoining to it, in thei PolMon of Danitl Wood, all in good Repair, and fituate in the Bold hunt, DERBY, For further Particulars, ...

Published: Friday 18 July 1755
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 402 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

awettffement:& Botict te IjetebP Gtoen, THAT the TRUSTEES of the Turnpike Road 'twixt Derby and Burton, intend ..

... Mr. George Brentnall's WINE VAULT, in Derby, on Tuefday the 6th Inftant, about Three ?? in the Afternoon ; to enquire if all the Statute Work has been done, and other Buiinefs. IMice te ijetebp mm, THAT the TRUSTEES acting forthe Turn- pike Road between Derby and Rijley, will meet at the George Inn in Derby, on Fridaj, the _d Day of November next, at Four ofthe Clock in the Aiternoon, to ...

Published: Friday 26 October 1759
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 1525 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICJS is hereby given*. THAT the FAIR at Alfrcton In Dtrtiyfbirt, whicfc has heretofore been ..

... Day of JULY, OU Stile, will this Year be held on the Tweiv i«k Day of JULY, Nov Stile; and Will continue tobe held on the fame Day ofthe Month in every fucceeding Year, in Cri_ early Notice be not given to the contrary. .. ?? ?? — Tobe LE TT, and Enter'd upon at Midfummer next A Good HOUSE, with a Shop to the Street, a Stable! Outhoufes, Garden, and other Conveniences, flandiri_ at the lower ...

Published: Friday 08 June 1753
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 577 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

ADVERTISEMENTS. lift There is a CH \RIOT and four able H, rfes to let :!tom luhn So nerveil's Gun-fmith in

... Canongace, for icaftle, York, or London, or any Part of the Bod, Saturday the 10th of November- inftanr. To be perform- by John Brook. I*l That JOHN BATN, late Vintner in Edinburgh, opened the INN at BORROWSTOUNNESS, at the Jof his Grace the Duke of Hamilton's Arms, which ilatelv ?? by Mrs. VVilfon, where good Accommo. ;ion will behad for Gentlemen and other.. The Houfe '.lituate on the ...

Published: Tue 06 Nov 1750
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Advertisement | Words: 1873 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

A D YE KTIS EM ENISv >i To be SOLD,. A ?? LANDAU, with a compleat Set of Hil»- -nefs,

... and fix good ftout black Geldings. For further Par- • ticulars enquire at James Gardiner Farrier in the Graft* - market of Edinburgh, who will fh&w the Landau and Horfes. . N; B. If any Perfon inclines, the Landau and Hafrnefs - will be- fold without the Horfes. .. To be SOLD, by Authority of the . Magtflrates ofjßdinburgbf^ by pub lick lAm&iim,*, A Parcel of BQOK__>, mo H Phyficfc,** wtchin ...

Published: Mon 25 Jun 1750
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Advertisement | Words: 1080 | Page: Page 2, 3 | Tags: Classifieds 

ADVERTISE MENTS. General Poft Ofice, Edin. 2 ifl Jag. 1750. otice is herehy given, that there are Poft-Otiiccs ..

... and Falkland, and that the Letters for Shire ol Fife will be difptcched from this OiSce on. -lay and Thurfday at 8 ?? at Night, and on Sa- bvat 1 1 ?? at Night by the Way of Innerkeithing, *iU arrive at this Ofiice from Fi r e on Tuefday, Thurf. md Saturday Forenoon. Which Regniacion takes Bind commences on Saturday the 25 th current. By Order of ihs Poftmaller General, JOHN i NGLIS Secretary. ...

Published: Tue 21 Aug 1750
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Advertisement | Words: 1707 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds