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Yorkshire and the Humber, England

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[ Price Two-Pence Half-Penny, or Two-Shillings ?.nd Six-Pence fer Quarter. ] Cljtsj ip to site Bottce. THAI' ..

... to put in Execution the Ails of Parliament fir repairing the Roads from Leedes to Halfax, in the IVc It-Riding of the County of York, intend to meet at the Sign of the Star and Gar- ter, at Kirkjlall Bridge, on Saturday the I yh Day of Auiiijl Infl. in order to horr oiv Five Hundred Pcunds upon the Credit of ,he lolls and Duties ari/ing by Virtue of the faid Acts. % fee Lett, In the Square, in ...

Published: Tuesday 09 August 1757
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 4430 | Page: Page 1, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

L X Pries Two-Pence Half-Pznny, or Two-Shillings and Sixpence per Quarter.—ADVEßTisEMENTsat 3s. Cd. eacr July ..

... Wife of James Walton, of Heverell-Shay, in Heptonflall, in the County of York, hath lately eloped from her Hufband without any juit Caufe of Complaint : This is therefore to give Notice, to all Perfons not to truft her any Thing on his Account, for he will not pay any Debts whatfoever which fhe may hereafter contract. JAMES WALTON. WHEREAS on the zoth of June laft, between the Hours of Nine ...

Published: Tuesday 05 July 1757
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 4161 | Page: Page 1, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

[ & Price Two-Pence Half-Penny, or Two-Shillings and Six-Pence ptr Quarter. ] €a be ©©LD, Pleafantly Jituatcd ..

... Leedes, TH E Houie, Offices, and Gardens, with about five Acres ?? adjoining, lately the Pwperty of Richard Ltpton, Efq; the Houle confifts of eight good Rooms on a Floor, Cellars, Pantries, and other Con - Venieneei. The Offices, a Coach -Houfes, Stables for eight Horfes, Brewlioule, &c. all in neat and good Repair. The Gardens furrounding the Houfe are fpacious, and fenced with Brick-Walls, ...

Published: Tuesday 26 July 1757
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 4752 | Page: Page 1, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

CALDER NAVIGATION. rH E Subfcribers to the fail Navigatitn, are rccjuired to pry into tbe Hands of Mr. John ..

... or Meff. Jeremiah Roydl, and Co. at Halifax, (■wh tire appointed joint Treafurert) the Sum of Six Pounds per Cent, upon thtir refpichve Sufjcripitons, en nr be] ore tlw 15/6 Day of November next. By Order of the Commiffioncu, Halifax, 3ll. Auguft, 175 8. JOHN JBENTIEY, Cicik. 7. ?? I- OUGH T, At ?? Juhn Watfon'/ Pit, the ?? :-.r . ?? D-t'rr, A MAIN n\ COCKS, k-rwixt the ?? , , i ' : - ■.'. ...

Published: Tuesday 12 September 1758
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 2789 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

STAR INN, PonjttifiaS. CtuiS tjj to octvie Jl3ottcc, TH A I the oid-accdtonicsl INN, the ST.-i I-, is taken iv ..

... Todd, \» here tiie Nt. ,lity, -entieu'en, Trnvenei«. an-1 nthers, will have g.-od Dfige and tjenred \ccomniad tion ; and may lie ..ipplted Willi compi. at Pour- wheii'd I'olt-Chaifes to any Place, at realbnapl* Rates, J/ffH EREAS the Star Inn in Ponte- frad hath bien lately broke up, all Gentlemen, l radefmen, (jte, may depend upon having gad Accommi- datiens at the &ig-i efi the BULL and BOAR ...

Published: Tuesday 06 April 1756
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 3694 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

€,0 be __mjl n, THE BOOT and SHOE INN in Kirkgate, Leedes; together with Four Houfes in the fame Yard

... — Enquire of Mr. Abram Craken thorpe, the Owner, who will attend at the Boot and Shoe, all this Week. LEEDES, Sept. id, 1754. To the. CURIOUS, Juft arrived in E N c l a n D, And is now to be feen -at the White-Hart near the Crofs, A wonderful and furprizing Double Cow, Alfoe, WHICH was brought from Madrafs in the E-ft-Indies, by Capt. Maples, and has been fhewn before his Royal Highnefsthe ...

Published: Tuesday 03 September 1754
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 380 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Classifieds 

XIIIPSC/iR-BR IDGE TURNPiKE. 'THE Year's Crmpijition for this Gati uidirg tht tafi of this Month —Pcrfons defii ..

... it id Jor tbe current Year upon the like Terms as befcrt, ir.ay ttplt to the Cl.rk of the Jaid Rtud, on or b,frt tbe fft 'f May next. THO BAR STOW jun. Clerk .0 the TRUSTEES. 'Co Oc * ID, A OUANTUT of R I G A and OA X Timber and Deals, lying near ?? 1, Old C'tm'ch in Ltedts. Enquire nf Aaron Lone, in KnkfT.i'.e. To oe LL i i or SOL 1), Situated at Lit'le-Woodhoiife. intbe'Toivnfli- ...

Published: Tuesday 26 April 1757
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 370 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Classifieds 

LOST On Tuefday the itfth of Auguft laft, in the Afternoon, from Black Bank, near LEEDES A WHITE POINTER BirCH,

... mixed with Ibme brwwn Places about Her Head and tars an molt Part of her Tail, with a fmall Head, and fine fiirs : She is a frreight tight-timoer'd Bitch, cocks her Tail (piv'd, and anfwers to the Name -of Beauty —Who- ever will give Notice of her. to Mr. Wilks, of Black- Bank, ?? have a Guinea Reward. ?? tX7 HERE tVS Joshua Houton, vv i.enrlcfliin, ne*r Itipuonden, inthe i-'anlh of Ha- lifax, ...

Published: Tuesday 02 September 1755
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 1903 | Page: Page 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

j-rrHEREAS fever al Ptrfons, unqualified to Kill / f/ f GAME, have for many Tears pafi, unlawfully tome from 'lime

... to Timi, and deftroy ed the Game upon ?? c Moor, in the Manners ef Wadfworth, Heptonftall, d.Ovenden, Barilland,Stainland, G dear, Rilhworth, at- iiand, belonging to Sir George __,vii c, Bart, and like\, tJ t upon the Moor, belonging to Wi.LIAM Radcliffe, Eft: ik t' Manner of Matfden ; and upon the Moors of Jam is Fa „ -c i Efiq. in the Nmxutrt oj Saddieu orth and iVJ, dgley ; A lice ...

Published: Tuesday 25 September 1759
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 2750 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

HO &c £>£)&£), together or feparate, ALL the Materials of Far xl ev-Hall, (except the Stone) alfo feveral very ..

... Afh Trees. 85* Encpiire of Mr. LancelotMyers, Attorney at Farnley -.iforelaid. WANTED * A Journeyman DYER. A Man whofe Capacity in (J1 the Branches ofthe Bufmefs, and whofe moral Character are agreeahk-, will meet with Em- ployment and every l'uitable Encouragement by Meifrs Thomas and Hatton Wolrich, of Leedes. Alf 10 be LETT, to enter to immediate'y. The Dwelling- Houfe on the Mill-hill in ...

Published: Tuesday 18 January 1757
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 1409 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

?? This Day are Publiftid, And Sold Wholesale and Retale, by GEO. COPPERTHWAITE, Bookseller in LBEDII | All ..

... Almanacks for the Year 1760, in different Bindings, ftitch'd or Sheets ; Court and City Regifters ; Baldwin's Daily Journal j Dodfley's Daily Journal ; London Pncker-Book ; Newcaftle Memorandum Book, or Daily Journal ; Dodfley ami Ncwbeiy's Lady's Memorandum-Books. Where may be bad, Paper-Books ami Pocket-Books of all Sorts, rul'd and plain ; Wri'in^-Papei of all Soils, Stampt Paper and ...

Published: Tuesday 27 November 1759
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 3801 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds