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7 rill:1111NX Of a Letter h the Isdiart Chief, or Prias, to the ErszliA Goya.sfCbbuas

... young Pcrfons of i)'Jth Sexeg, and roupfe ihcj togethestlef • he are tent down to f:om wher.ce they ictu tranfporteil J.:- America Colonies, 411 n 4. lrni! a GtnerAl Court of the Hun. Lett-India Company held, th e ftc r oit o f the made; and a Motion tur ...

William Sharp,

... Philadelphia, that Richard Bennet, Efq; died lately at his Houle at Wye River; he was deem'd to be the richeft Gentleman in all America. Yefterday died, at her Houle at Stoke Newinzton, in a very advanced Age, Dame Maw Abney, R4iia of the late Sir Thomas Abney ...

exdehu: my hat rO ic• te ty gi PC •he 21 or July i 7:6, to t;.c Hoff. Get+rqe Compton

... fail'd three Weeks before her, and is not yet arrived, which gives fame Uneatinefs to thole concerned. There is Advice from America, that two Ships, one commanded by Capt. Davidfon, for New-England from Barbadoes, the other from Aoguila, were loft on the ...

[INV. 336. J

... Favours to his Family. Some private Letters Iron Madrid mention, the having received there t great deal of bad News from America, where a Spirit of Difcord and Rebellion has begun to itklf in more Places than one, and where fut.h a: hive thrown Obedience ...

r Lt t:'/, 74k. 10. Petetti , Pit. 6. 'lle (hi Clam:Our C.)unt Bahicl4.l); ar.l Fon - I;4n aIC !Me

... determine with the Commiraries of his moil Chriftian Majefty, the Points remaining to be adjufted between the two Crowns in America, as well as all Prizes taken at Sea fince Hoftilities fhould have ceafed according to the Preliminary Articles. Whitehall ...


... ‘ lievoti, will he dirapproved by his Purtuguere Majelly; that it is apprehended an Advice-Boat, which lately failed for America, cartes Orders li' the Place hcfore-mentioned relative to this 11.1atter. On Thur (day latt, two Matters of a certain Trade ...

g% ?.IL 17. from Berwick, that Werk bttught in theft, by the Cullom-Hotafe.Otfiters, a birug 4 l:llg Yeti, upw. ..

... otherwife much damaged._ _ _ _ It's (aid that the Duties on Pig and Bar Iron made in and imported from his Majelly's Colonies in America, will be taken off. A Scheme is on loot fur °poling a Subfcription to lower the Interelt of Money to Three and a Half per ...

•y, Wllcther lie *ill the lend, and make Sat ion roe th e Vedels by the Algerines and to h

... Board a dole Lighter, in order to be fhipp'd off with thole who were lent a few Weeks ago (but ftill remain at Blackwall) for America. Among the Tranfports feat this Day were ten whole Sentences had been refpited. A Pawnbroker going on l'hurfday to join the ...

Fram SATURDAY APRIL 7, to WEDNESDAY Aran. it. 1750

... Wettminfter, has pafs'd both Houfes of Parliament. As has alfo the Bill for encouraging the Importation of Pig and Bar Iron from America. Yi ca Saturday Evening was intered in the Chancel of St. Anne's Church ‘Vdttninfter, the Rennins of the Rev. DoCtor John ...


... to be diffembled ; and the Induftry ufed to difperfe there Books at Home and Abroad, and efpecially to our Plantations in America; to which great Numbers, and at a great Expence have been conveyed; are Proofs of fuch Malice againft the Gapel and the Holy ...