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South West, England


Somerset, England

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nil 1 1 tK>i/ht.i, if. U WINTER’* WIT) oft EllN for COLD lIV.R. » fw “'’'l ' tt'ialilr Colkc* ■

... Cherries, Goofebcrnes, Quinces, Damfins, Apricots, Elder Berries, Birch, Sage, Cowdips, Gilliflowcrs, Strawberries, and Blackberries. which arc added. Two excellent Receipts for making Orange and Palermo Wines; with Indruflions for making (aficilhe mod ...

Tl'if A Price t,L WINTER'S WIT} oi', l t'N for COt.t) 11K an'l valuable ColltC' lion of St,SUNOS, ami N,

... Cherries, Goofchernes, Quinces, Damfins, Apricots, Elder Berries, Birch, Sage, Cowflips, Gilliflowers, Strawberries, and Blackberries. To which arc added, Two excellent Receipts for making Orange and Palermo Wines; with Inftruftions for making (after°the ...

Published: Thursday 12 October 1769
Newspaper: Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette
County: Somerset, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 1105 | Page: 4 | Tags: none

AUTHORITY ui jrarrl AJf Rcprefentation of Nyl-gbau n Animal not hitherto defcribed all three Painting an Indian ..

... Brif-tol JAMES BONBONOUS Broker twelve Baronets will certainly talce Plate within this Month Honour now become 33 plenty a3 black-berries they arafcarce worth pickings every Gazette almoli we find Perfons either in Great-Britain or Ireland promoted to teer ...

Published: Monday 05 October 1772
Newspaper: Bath Journal
County: Somerset, England
Type: Article | Words: 2808 | Page: 3 | Tags: none

B ATH. Wednesday, Stpt. 8

... frolic, J i- » Mr. Unlet 's br. h. I'antheon, a 3 a Mr. Coxes eh. h. LycorgM, 1 % dr. As the feafon for making a jelly of Blackberries in approaching, iti* our duty to -communicate ihe following account of its very remarkable efficacy in that dreadful diforder ...

ANY APOTHECARY o: reputable nnd well- > it .1 bulinefs, who is difpnfttl lo take an AP- PRENTICE, may

... native growth of Great Britain, patticularly of grape,, givlberiits, cmraiit., riil-titits, mulbeirii>, cl.ltt bt rries, blackberries, llrawlni- ties, t-.thenits, app'e-, p irs, cherries, ptacht , apricots, .pin ia. plumhs, d i-naltini, figs, rofes, cowllip ...

HOUSE. WANTED, in the neighbourhood of Bath,— A HOUSE, ready futnirtieJ, in a dry healthy fituition, vvith fome ..

... native growth 01 Great- Rritain, particulatly rf Urauet, Goofeberries, Cur rant*, Rafherries, Mulberries, Elder Ileuses, Blackberries, Strtw- heniei.Dewhei 1 ies. Apples, Pear,, Cheiries, Peaches, Apricots, Quinces, I'lu rib-, Dam'afcens, Figs, Rofes, Cowflip* ...

THFATR8-K0YAI 1 TUESDAY of MONDAY S r-xpreis Will be Comedy LONDON GAZETTE Whitehall March King been paf of Stv to

... J O’K E E Valentine Mr Indedoii Farmer Colonel Mr Mr J Fairly Mr Sen and Jemmy ’Tun— Mrs Warrell Louifa Mif Powell Betty Blackberry Mr LONDON March 21 Majefty it faid will St Paul’s having fixed on the of (St George Day) purpofe ifcj S1X VCLOCK Iti likewifc ...

Published: Monday 23 March 1789
Newspaper: Bath Journal
County: Somerset, England
Type: Article | Words: 2397 | Page: 4 | Tags: none

TEttfKPSBURr, GwcBirBHSHiHB. JOHN WJLTON, Bookfeller and StatioVier, (fuc- J ccfthrto Mr. Harwarp) imprcfled ..

... - - i 0 0 LOT IV. A pieceof Paflure Land, called Forked-Ajb, containing a 0 0 Tbier pieces of Pafture Land, called the Blackberries, iS 0 0 And a piece of Arahje Land, called Lime-Kiln Paddock, ft 0 0 Lots 1 and 4 (except the coppice in lot 1) arc in ...

SOUCHONG TEA. A LOT of curious high-flavoured Souchong Tea is jull received from the Eaft-India Company's late ..

... Andthelmoeui by Mrs. Smith. To which will bi added a Mufical Entertainment, call'd THE FARMER. Valentine Mr.lncledon, Farmer Blackberry Mr. Sex, Col. Dormant Mr.Rowbotham, Ruridy Mr. J. Afliley, Fairly Mr. Durravan, feu. Farmer Stubble Mr. Pindar, Counfellor ...

SALE of BLACK LACE. BLACK LACE, for Ladies' Hats. Cloaks, Bonnets, &c. &c. of all breadths and qualitias • ..

... Taylor, and Jemmy Jumps Mr. Durravan, jun.— —^jly Maybulh Mil's Brett, Louila Mifs Sharrocle, Landlady Mrs. I'9K and Betty Blackberry Mrs. Knight. Tickets to be had at the Libraries • of Mr. Bloomfield, at Mrs. James's, Union-Paflagc, Stall-ftreet ; of Mr ...

BATH, Wednesday, Sept. 12

... yenrs of age, at lluifh Champflowcr, was found drowned in a pit of wafer; if ii fuppoled flic left the houfe ih fearch of blackberries. ...