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Salisbury, Wiltshire, England

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From the LONDON CHRONICLE. To the PRINTER. SIR, May 10. ■y ESTER DAY the members fcr the borough of Stockbudge

... 10. ■y ESTER DAY the members fcr the borough of Stockbudge *■ waited upon Mr. Serjeant Glynn, with the frsedom ot that independant and refpeitable corporation : It was inclofed a gold box, on one fide of which was represented, Mr. Wilkes ltruggling for ...

otk. Saturday arrived a Mail from FRANCE. From the LONDON GAZETTE. SATURDAY, Auguft 17. St. Augu Governor ..

... under orders to attack another Chief, or Polyagor, contigu- ous to this country; both Chiefs have mutually maintained an independency of the Nabob till now ; merely on account of the impenetrable woods they are pofleffed of. You certain- eard before of ...


... Governor that (he is to take to the coal! of Cuincy. All our Ihips in ordinary are repairing wich expedition. Monday three independent companies were cmbaiked board the tranfports at Spithcad for Senegal. We expeft ieveral companies more to embark foon for ...

'■ . To SO LD, Buffcklon, A New Sloop, on the Stocks and ready to be launched, «ii Tone, near

... Oatf.t with the Reputation of being chofcn, an early Period the Reprefentative of flouriflnng City, by one of the molt independent Corporations in the ; a Cityin PPaVePP I have fettled mvfelf, and tn the Ncigldvourhood of which I trace my with the pleafmg ...


... them every reafonable y of giving, Freemen, what they leein refolutely determined refufe> undar the injunction laws made independent their own content. The abhorrence entertain of civil bloodfhed and confufion will, we truft, Sire, if not wholly exculpate ...


... fpread deftruftion and devaftation around him. We have received certain intelligence, that uenei Carleton, the Governor of Canada, is inftigatmg tire people of that province and the-Indians to fall upon us; and we have but too much reafon to apprehend ...


... world. The rebellious war now levied is become more general, and is manifeftly carried on for the purpofe of tltablifhing independent empire. need not dwell upon the fatal effefts of the luccefs of fuch a plan. The obis too important, the of the Britifh ...


... Jerfey, a confiderable body was to be detachcd towards Albany, in order to a conjundtion with General Burgoyne s array from Canada, to with vigour againit the provinces of New-England. Extract of a letter from an Officer at Montreal, May General Burgoyne ...

• , ' K • Tv'/jR. WICK, having deiircd to dec):tie 'J’*' iVI attendance »s the U ikma» v. I

... fittce,■its, Gentlemen, m-fi faithful and 1 1 KtaLij* April |AMES LUTTKRLL. Shaflcflurj, April T\, 1730. To the free and independent Eleftors of the Borough of Shaftefiitiry. TUB great encouragement I have been honored with ott m late canvafs for your fuffr ...

'lo the worthy Electors of the Borough o/'Shaftelfaury. rfHE iervice my country immediately demanding my * ah ..

... ailing to tee bejt oj judgment, uninfluenced ana independently, 1 ha’ve the honor to be. with great Gentlemen, Your devoted and moft faithfulfervant. GEORGE COLLIER. From hoard hit Majcfty jhip Canada, in Plymouth Sound, April 17, ...


... ailing to the bejl of my judgment, uninfuencea ana independently, I have the honor he, with greet refold. Gentlemen, Tour devoted and moft faithfulforvant, GEORGE COLLIER. From hoard his Majeflf Jhip Canada, Plymouth Sound, April 17, FROME, May 15. 1780. ...


... Coghlan and Mr.Widmore or, and recommended them to their friends, the independent in the borough. Auer which the Candidates made excellent fpceches, exhorting them to maintain their independence, being their moft valuable franchife, and the true chamber of ...