Places which Unwary Sexes and Ranks frequently brought into great Inconveniencies meaner Perfons reduced to ..

... his late Houfe in Sails bury-Court Fieet-ftreet This Medicine certain for any outward Bleedings and a no lefs Relief againft inward Spittifg and Vomui-ig bleeding trom Bloody-Flux &c ufed accordi’ g the Directions given with it It is alfo great Efficacy ...

Published: Tue 06 Nov 1750
Newspaper: Gloucester Journal
County: Gloucestershire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2137 | Page: 2 | Tags: none

A summary or recapitulation of the Public Affairs of the year 1750

... Sangufki's prudent management in the fupreme court of j cature, we are told that the country feenis now to enjoy perfect ftate of inward tranquillity ; and that the difputes which ran fo high among the nobility, are no more to be heard of. Notwithftanding the ...

Published: Tue 01 Jan 1751
Newspaper: The Scots Magazine
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 11715 | Page: 9 | Tags: none

fbe Balfam of H, O R The famous FRIAR'j Balfam improved. THIS BALSAM, which is well known abroad the Tide

... THIS BALSAM, which is well known abroad the Tide of Beaume de Commandeur, is one of moft noblr Medicines in the World for all inward Decays and Weakneffes, Consumptions, Sbortnefs of Breath, Coughs, Colds and Aftbmas, Pains in the Stomach, Spitting of Blood ...

Published: Mon 27 May 1751
Newspaper: Sussex Advertiser
County: Sussex, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 142 | Page: 3 | Tags: none

Sertniber r 7. On the ,3th, &bolt bait K in the Morning, after a Labour of ten Minutes, the D:uphinefs

... Conflagration having lafted three Days. Hrjue, Sept. ea. Letters from Lions, dated the latter End of laft Month, are full of Complaints of the Rigour with which the Court of France proceeds againft the Protellants there: The Pertecution is fo fevere, that ...

To' the AUTHOR arei Sir abundance of People who with a Degree honeft Indignation exprefs their Re-fentments ..

... Wt aknefiesand in by too hard Drinking is very 1 Wind ormch oi thma’s Difordcrs B ard Lungs is of eitnerintanaW Fluxes th inward arc by it gives in the Pains promoting in Fit of Gravel diuretic brings and any s Kidneys and Bladder ° B often of Service ...

Published: Tue 22 Oct 1751
Newspaper: Gloucester Journal
County: Gloucestershire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2093 | Page: 4 | Tags: none

Extracts of the chef. Ramsay philosophy Cal principles of religion. [525.]

... amiable quality ° lTles a divine virtue, and a /? charity. It confills not in Ay. rr ns, and demonffrations of tha' ' n an inward fweetnefs of , nia kes him pleafe without adu- a,Llo °d, or affeftation. He af- V UtWar d barfh »Herity of man- into the innocent ...

Published: Sun 01 Dec 1751
Newspaper: The Scots Magazine
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 10011 | Page: 9 | Tags: none

- PLANTATION - NE Extraa. of a Letter from jAmmcit.., dated Sept. 1755. • 4 On the sth Inflant We

... alto an exceant Specificis in the follossiss Cafes 5 in all Kinds of Fluxes, all inward Bleedings, Spitt4 and Vornitting of Blood, Night Sweats, and Confunipti le Complaints : Is wonderfully good to create an AppetiteoL l4 - of great Service in molt Cafes ...

Published: Mon 02 Dec 1751
Newspaper: Aris's Birmingham Gazette
County: Warwickshire, England
Type: | Words: 1196 | Page: 4 | Tags: none

Per on qualify9 d to TEACHER in dtng-Sc hoot treated with for to Mrs ft of in Durlley in the

... plea-fant the and more to the Stomach taken in Subftance It is an excellent ctfick the Cafes in of inward Vomitings and Blood Sweats and Confiimp tive Complaints is wonderfully good to create an Appetite Service moftCales where eft ringenrs are approv'd and ...

Published: Tue 07 Jan 1752
Newspaper: Gloucester Journal
County: Gloucestershire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1799 | Page: 4 | Tags: none

him his Life fall ufeful him Religion and his fi Life Pa 4 Sec 2 Laft Saturday Mr Lawrence-Lane who

... fcarcely knew Strife or Treachery or Lull conceal'd Or )me mare Evil ’s veil’d Exterior Pomp may the Wealthy’s State Whilft inward join make : But what pure intrinfic fpotlefs Spirit is This Witnpfs the honed: Breaft moft afiii&ive Fortune renders bleft ...

Published: Tue 24 Mar 1752
Newspaper: Gloucester Journal
County: Gloucestershire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2099 | Page: 2 | Tags: none


... Pope invited the Cardinal of York to coiiferwith him on hisReafons but Cardinal declined and not without an Intimation of Complaint that his Holinefs Jhould fo haftily have ordered the Abbe to leave Rome and alfign the Place of his Removal This dear Favourite ...

Published: Mon 17 Aug 1752
Newspaper: Sherborne Mercury
County: Dorset, England
Type: Article | Words: 2150 | Page: 1 | Tags: none

Jmfi bntferud, end fold By JOSEPH BARBER, Book end Pkintseller, In Amen Corner, St Nicholas's Church-yard, ..

... Bookseller, T-xR BODENHAM's SANGUINIORA INTERNA, ?? o », Tht ?? BLEEDING DROPS. One Shilling the Bottle. They powerfully ftop all inward Bleeding againft Nature, fi.orh what Part foever the Blood flows, tiro' it floods never lo much 1 and are fo great a Stren«thener ...

Published: Saturday 07 October 1752
Newspaper: Newcastle Courant
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 5398 | Page: 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

ON Tuefday Night laft the Stable and Warehoule of Wm. Jackfon, at the Black Swan, p»i»**tL, Yo.kii>,.«, w«> ..

... SANGUINIORA INTERNA; ?? . OR, The Fam o v s BLEEDING D«R O P S. O h f. S h i t l i « o the Bottle. They powerfully flop all inward Bleeding againft Nature, f iom what Part foevei the blood flows, tho' it floods never fo much r and are fo gieat a Sttengthener ...

Published: Saturday 14 October 1752
Newspaper: Newcastle Courant
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 5714 | Page: 4 | Tags: Classifieds