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IRELAND, Dublin, Jul

... Mary How, Widow, aged 112 Years; her Death was occafioned pulling a Codling oft' a Tree, the Limb of which breaking, fell her Arm and broke it: It is remarkable that about two Years ago, {he cut a new Set Teeth, and that her Hair turned from Grey to a beautiful ...

Gloucester July 15 MEETING OF THE THREE CHOIRS O F Glciiccfler Worcefter and Hereford held C on Tuefday the 27th

... contain’d in Dr Davies’s Eritijb-Latin This Work hath been greatly improved of Mr Lhwyd’s Britannic Dr Wootton’s G lojjary Sec JOHN VANS and C° At the New D E A L -Y A R D Oppolitethe Gibh-Slip on the Key of Bristol Sell all SORTS of Deal-Boards Wainfcot-Boarck ...

Published: Tue 13 Aug 1751
Newspaper: Gloucester Journal
County: Gloucestershire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1455 | Page: 4 | Tags: none

qualify C Boar -School coming well treated with for Furpofe or Mrs Miftrefs in in of Gloueefter where Juch an

... other Linen-Drapery Goods too mention N B As the William Davies juft begun Trade the ne the Prices arc fix'd without mini— JOHN EVANS and C° At the New DEAL-YARD Oppefitc GibbSIipy of Bristol all S O S Deal-Boards Wainfcot-Boards Mahogany Mails Timber ...

Published: Tue 14 Jan 1752
Newspaper: Gloucester Journal
County: Gloucestershire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1933 | Page: 4 | Tags: none

LONDON, February v

... Manchefter, TrelTell, with Butter, is entirely leap the John and Thomas, Ryitter, with Tobacco, afh'onjt.', and has loft her Bowfprit and Cut-water ; the Anne, Hill, with Provilions, afliore; the St. John VVhi.t: ting, with Proviftons, is entirely loft; the ...

Published: Fri 31 Jan 1752
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2707 | Page: 3 | Tags: none


... returning home from a Friend's Houle in Hatton-Garden, were attaken near Judge Burnet's, in Lincoln's-Inn•Fields, by two Fellows, armed with Piftols, who with dreadful Imprecations, threatned to murder them, if they did not immediately deliver all their Money ...

the i*L>' vpw former of which Piaces he carries Letters informing Regency th« Electorate of the King’s ..

... jCjoncerning the AlTairs of he Empire. ji COUNTRY NEWS. [ Jhl/101, Ftb. i. Laft Monday were commitcd to itc John JackCun, Sugar-Baker, and John Jones, Tyler, for fcveral Rubcrics on the Highway, in and near this City. Among other Robberies they have committed ...

WESTERN FLYING-POST O R SHERBORNE and YEOVIL MERCURY N° 157 'MONDAY February 101751 Vol IV Since tur laft ..

... Wife attack'd robb'd a beyond Weflbury upon in of Gloucefter two Footpads and upon Information of the above John Jackfon Baker it appear'd one John Hanley had been with Newgate the Morning after the Robbery and de- dared that the Night before he one other ...

Published: Mon 10 Feb 1752
Newspaper: Sherborne Mercury
County: Dorset, England
Type: Article | Words: 1643 | Page: 1 | Tags: none

LON DON, February 20

... board the faid hey were all three acquitted. 5. Tre Trials of Thomas Haggerflon, charged with the Murder of John Johniton, on board the St. John Baptift, Merchantman. And 6. Of Henry Woodcliff, charged alfo with a Murder, committed on the High Seas, were ...

WESTERN FLYING-POST O R SHERBORNE and YEOVIL MERCURY N° Ifiz MONDAY March 16 Vol IV Sines nr laft arriv'd Mails

... next the vacant blue Ribbons pofed of their Prince Edward Princft of Orange Right Hon the Earls of Lincoln Winchel-fea and Cardigan will Chapter to be for Purpofe be Knights Companions of the moft nobit Older of the Garter We hear that the Hon the Earl ...

Published: Mon 16 Mar 1752
Newspaper: Sherborne Mercury
County: Dorset, England
Type: Article | Words: 1641 | Page: 1 | Tags: none

Mll. Edward Menton, farmer and eirafier in this. Parifh,, went to Market and bought forne Phyiele, • for his ..

... Account that Major General Sporck had been obliged to proclaim Martial Law at rinern, and after putting the whole Colony in Arms, took Inch prudent Meafures far reducing the revolted Negroes that all who are not dead or Prifoners, have been obligedquit ...

Published: Mon 16 Mar 1752
Newspaper: Aris's Birmingham Gazette
County: Warwickshire, England
Type: | Words: 3096 | Page: 3 | Tags: none

Employment ' afferent Korn hear Scheme the Eftablifirment of a Summary of London' Court 1 ’4 of all Seamen's ..

... wardens John Barnes Prichard £Uverfeers Richard Hickcocks is about Years of Age five Feet feven Indies high with Hair a pale thin Vifage and an Impediment his Speech be Lett immediately for a erm of Tears ALL theFREEHOLD LANDS and HOUSES late John Butler’s ...

Published: Tue 17 Mar 1752
Newspaper: Gloucester Journal
County: Gloucestershire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2397 | Page: 3 | Tags: none