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1750 - 1799
33 1790-1799




Aberdeenshire, Scotland

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Edinburgh, March 13

... binLbur4i0, Sated 13. --r ~ I T~VCIMITr COURT of SESSION. On Friday, the Court determined a caufe of considerable importance, which has been feveral years before them, refpeaing the Eflate of Ramornie, in Fife. This caufe originated in the fervice of Mr George Heriot, calling himfelf the lawful fon of Enfign George Heriot, next brother to the late William Heriot, Efq; of Ramor- uic, and ...

London, March 10

... -atiaflon, -AarcI - CHAIRGE of HIGH TREASON. Yefterday evening, at feven o'clock, the Privy Council again met at the Duke of Port- land's Office, when two perfons of the names of Claris and White, who were brought to town late on Tburfday evening from Canter- bury, were examined, and Mr White was difcharged; but Claris, who is in the wine trade, was remanded into the cuftody of the meffenger. ...


... FOR G ER T. On Monday morning laef, about ten a o'clock, Mr Barrett, of No. 7x, Cheapfide, a a wholefale dealer in the Manchefter line, v was apprehended by Lawrence, a city mar- S lbalman, at Mr Fowler's, the Crofs Keys, on b the Surrey fide of Blackfriar's Bridge, on a f charge of having forged, or being concerned r in forging feveral bills on the boufe of Mr fi Stanfield, in Watling-fireet, ...

Law Intelligence

... ?? Law 3intelligtIlcr. The Rev. Dr. Scott v. Thomeas JWhte, Ffq. This aaion was brought by the plaintiff, who lives near Leeds, againa the defendant, who is a Captain in the Ayrthire Light Dra- goons, in order to recover dansages for the defendant fpeaking certain words defamatory of the plaintiff's character ; and was tried at York Affizes, on Tuefdav the 20th of March injfant, before Mr ...

ON Friday last the Circuit Court of Justiciary was opened here, by the Right Hon. Lord

... abet'bem. OI Friday laf}. the Circuit Court of Jufficiary e Vsopened here, by the Rigit Hon. Lord ox , 'I s - -It .11 I 11 L, Mctlhvcn. The followi'ng -vas the bulinefs of of tbis circuit. ,l John Cumming, private foldier in the Argyle Of rencibles, accufed of a rape. The Jurv found Of the libel not proven, and he was confeqiuently er difrlifftd. Ie James Beattie Shed, alias Seed, fervant at ...


... C O U R T MI AR d T 1A -L. The proceedings of the Court IMartial n held latelv in Edinburgh Caffle, which were e tranfmitted to his Majefiy, have now been ; made public. They are of conmiderable I lcngth, but their fuibfiance is briefly as fol- k lows o The Articles of Charge exhibited againC Capt Tohn Cameron, of the North Fencible P ighlanlders, wsere, unjufliflablyand falfe- t iy acufing ...

Edinburgh, July 5

... coillbu-41)f ytp 5. HIGH COURT of YUSTICIARE On Tuefday, the Court had under confi- deration two references from the 1aa Circuit Court at Jedburgh. The firil was that of Janet Rarnfay, in- dweller in Eccles, Berwickfhire, accufed of child-murder. In this cafe the jury had re- turned a verdi&, all in one voice finding the pannel Guilty on her own confqfziov, and on that account they recommended ...

Law Intelligence

... talu 5ntelitgence. T COURT or KING's BENCH. BARRErT av. HANCOCr. I This affion was brought to recover d.-. t mages for an affault. The plaintiff was zero vant to the defendant, who is a gentleiyaen in the neighbourhood of London. One San- day he permitted this fervant of his to g:. s London to fpend the day. He came h .n, intoxicated late at night, an houer after ~11t; ;mafer andinif'refshad ...

Law Intelligence

... Eatu 5ntelligeler, COURT or KING's BENCH. COMBIONATION Or SHOEI\I.KEtS. Monday laft, an adion tvas tr-ed beforr Lord Kenyon, wherein feveral swafter lhoe- makers prosecuted their journeymsen for sn- tering into an illegal combinati6n to force as, increafe of wages. It was flated that there were 30,000 journeymen in this fociety.- The combination was fully proved againft the defendants in this ...

Law Inteligence

... Lato COURT OF KING's BENCH. The Court Friday, M1ay 3. The Court vwas crowded at a very earny hour, in expecation that ft!ntence htold t': ,affed on Lord Thanet and Mr Fer ifoo, fn- the riot at Maidstone, of which thes 1V lately found guilty on a trial at bar. The defendants attendd, d.nd, after a addrefs from each, in wihich they difrcla;- all intention of preventing, or pervcr juflice, ...

t~iutoUl), Alp 30. H

... IGHH COURT OF JUSTiCIAXY. Monday, came on before the Court, the trial of William Butler, private in the Pem- broke(hire Fencible Cavalry, accufed of the murder of Serjeant Owen Jenkins, of the fame regiment, on the 8th of March laft, at Haddington. The pannel pled zzotgzgity, and the CourE pronounced the ufual interlocutor. After the examination of witneltes, the Solicitor General fummed up ...

Law Intelligence

... I Lawb3 potlleigee Of- I W; ------- - - COURT or KING's BENCH. otn the Both inft. Mr Jullice Grefe pro- .-,Ianced the fentence of the Court on Mr G. :-'7akefield, for the publication of a libel . osito aued in a letter to the- Bilhop of Landaff. - vtt was orderedtobeconfined-twvoyears in z' '.. bewer gaol, and to give fecurity for 3,- lbehaviour for five years, hi. H'ef io-500l. - zwo ...