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East, England

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S U F I'-O LX, I The General id.,/, ,-fjJi.Ks of the e to uic, of our SiVer itgn

... Lord 1 ?? King, tipnv and held at LoiVeilort in mid fir thrr ?? .. C'.irnty, on Monday in tht 11-'nk next r.f ur tht CI ft of F.after, to ivit, the ?? cf .April, 1750, before Pii iip Ilrewlter, Hiii M: 1 1 n- -ucii, John Jcx end s;:i.vuc) ICiJlct, t rs, fuftieis of our fold Lord tl.c Ksng, ifi.vrd to keif the Ptaci tn etui for th / C'.untj ; and ?? c_V. THIS Court doth Itudly prohibit ...

Published: Sat 12 May 1750
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 4389 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

S U F l'« 0 L li, t_ The General of the Peace to wit, Sof our Swerngn Lord the

... King, begun and held at Loivellott in and fir the Ji. id County, on Monday in the Week next after the Clofe ef Eafler, to wit, the iy! Day of April, 1750, before Philip B:ewlter, HiliMulfcn- den, John Jex and Sin.iuc] K'ilot, Efqrs. Jttlticis of cur Joid Lord the King, e Jfleiird to hep the Peace in er.i. for the j\,id County ; and . 1 if o, ifc. THIS Court doth ftudly prohibit and fcibid the ...

Published: Sat 12 May 1750
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 4368 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

W, T May 16, 17,0. fierras it is judged ncccfi'ary to Rebuild o,m,.pe BainoK j all Perfoiis willing to undertake

... it, are defucd t«j give in lull and patticular Eftimatus to the Key. Mr Carter at Tenltail. ionic 'I mie beiorc the Eleventh of next Month. This is to give Notice, THAT there will be no t .-ilk heid at Bm. deston in the County of Suffolk on Aftenlion-Day next, btinj; the 24th of this Initant May, To be SOLD. TWO good B I L L I A R D TAJJL E S, with Maflcs, 1 Halls, Ac. Enquire 61 William ...

Published: Sat 19 May 1750
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 5611 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

W. May 16, 17 so. Hereas it is judged ?? to Rcbuna snaiPE Br ioc k j all Perlons willing

... to undertake it, are defired 19 (five in full and paiticular Eltimatus to thu Rev. Mr Carter at Temltall, lome Time before the Eleventh of next Month. This is to give Notice, THAT there will be no b t\lli held at Bildeston in the County of Suffolk on Afcenfion-Day next, being the 14th of this Inltant May. To be SOLD. 1* WO good B I L L I A RDTAB L E S, with Maffcs, Balls, &c. Enquiie bf ...

Published: Sat 19 May 1750
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 5518 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

22 May, 1750, WHereas many Repairs arc nccefl'ary and wanting to be done at tlte End of the Eridgc calicd

... ?? bun ?? lying within the Town and ftwough of Iriwie it ; therefoie fucii Workmen as are willing to undertake the Repairs thereof, are defired to deliver an Eflimate of the Charge of the Material:, ar.d Workmanfhip lor the doing thereof, to John M.irf.crtim and Michael Tliirkle, Lfqrs. Baililt'i of Ipfwich, within Ten Day a after Publication heieof. THE next Meeting of the Gentlemen ...

Published: Sat 26 May 1750
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 6970 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

at May, 1750. WHereas many Repair* are neceflary and wanting to bo done at the End of the Bridje called

... Bo»BN-BBir>6r, lying witliin the Town and Bwrougli of Irswicn ; therefore fuch Workmen as are willing to undertake the Repairs thereof, are defired to deliver an Kftimate of the Charge of the Materials arid Workmanlhip {or tlie doing thereof, to John Margerum and Michael Tiiirkle, Efqrs. Bailiffs of Ipfwich, within Ten Days after Publication hereof. ?? ■■ T* HE next Meeting of the Gentlemen ...

Published: Sat 26 May 1750
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 6894 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

To be SOLD. TWO good BILLIARD TABLES, with Maffes Balk, &c. Enquire of William Folkard, Joiner, in the Butter ..

... , To be LETT- and Enter'd' upon immediately. THE Houfe and Shop of Mr. John Firmin, Grocer, in fhe Butter Market in Ipfwich ; ar.d the Stock in Trade to be Sold to the Perfon Who hires ths above. All Pe-ifons indebted to the fi.d Mr. Firmin, are defired to pay their refjjudtive Debts forthwith to him. NOTICE js hereby given, to all Perfons that have not already psid their ?? dwe ta the Eftate ...

Published: Sat 02 Jun 1750
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 4823 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

To be SOLD. BILLIARD TABLES, with Ivlaffcs > Balh, &c. Enquire of William^ Folkard, Joiner, in the Butter ..

... To be LETT and Enter d upon immeii at ely. THE Houfe and Shop of Mr. John Fi«min, Grocer, in the Butter Market in Ipfwicli ; and the Stock in Trade to be Sold to the l'erfon who hire.', lha above. Ali PciftM indebted to the fid Mr. Firmin,. are defircd to pay tiieir reflective Debts forthwith to liim. NOTICE is hereby given, to all Perfons that have not already paid their ftveral. Debts dire ...

Published: Sat 02 Jun 1750
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 6104 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

LOST, as fjppoled in the County of, 'l wo BANK NOTES, of Twenty each, djt;d ic^tl* or loth of

... May laft, the Number forgot, drawn for W. L. Whoevtr has found thefe Notes, and will bring them to Mrj.Witfon, Bookbller, in Bury, fhall have Ten Guineas Reward, with Thanks, Tbis is to give Noiice, THat the Gentlemen's next Subfcription CONCERT and ASSEMBLY will be held at the Cm. wn Inn in Swa ffu am Norfolk, on Thuifday the 21ft Day of this Inftant June, BUNGAY, SUFFOLK, 6 June, 1750.' ...

Published: Sat 09 Jun 1750
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 6040 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

LOST, as fuppofed in the County of Suffo.k, Two BANK NOTES, of Twenty Pounds each, dated ijtl* or 20th of

... May laft, the Number forgot, drawn for W. L. Whoever has found thefe Notes, and will bring thtm to Mrs. Watfon, Bookfeilcr,. in Bury, fhall have Ten Guineas Reward, with thanks. this is to give Notice, THat the Gentlemen's next Subfcription CONCERT and ASSEMBLY will be held at the Crown Inn in Swaffham, Norfolk, on Thuifday the 21ft Day of this Inftant June. BUNGAY, SUFFOLK, 6 June, itsoT ...

Published: Sat 09 Jun 1750
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 5812 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

the humble PE T ll lON ofi Robert Harvey, ?? Har- vey, l'ra -icia Hurvcy, Sarah JJeilßcid, Widow, ?? Hannah

... Tills, Widow, en bthi-lf of tbt , a d Many othets, by Pire eit Wjmondhain in tbt County s/s^Offok, S n k w r. T n., HTHAT on Tuefday the 17th Day nf April ?? a .* fn idea and terrible i IRE broke out at Wvmomdham 4(ouf.ti«l, which, flotwithllafteling all p ?? Airnlanse, in a vciy fhoit Tune burnt down, and confirmed to Allies, t tf U.vr-il,n^ Houles,' Houlhold Gooffs, Stock ...

Published: Sat 16 Jun 1750
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 6156 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

the humble PETITION of Robert Harvey, Wiiuam Har- vey, Francis Harvey, Sarah Duffieid, Widow, and Hannah Tills, ..

... of, ad many otheis, Sufifer.rt by Fire at Wy mondham in the County e/Noifok, S n c vy c t h., THAT on Tuefd.iy the 17th Day of April 1750, a fsldeii and terrible iIRE broke out at yvymondham afoicf.ifot,. which., laotwithflanding all puffible AiTiitanse, in a very fhort Tune burnt down, and confumed to Afhes, t c Dwrllinj Houles,- Houlhold Coods, Stock in Trade, Wearing Apparel, ...

Published: Sat 16 Jun 1750
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 6007 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds