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Advertisements & Notices

... *-SALE OF ELEGANT PRINTS- IN ADAMS' HOTEL. TO.MORROW, the r ith curt, and 2 following days, at T r o'clock forenoon, will be fold by aucion, in the Mafon Hall at the Hotel, Chleenfireet, By A. BRWVO . Boikel//r. A CURIOUS and VALUABLE COLLECTION of Modern, Hj/zorjcal, Sacred, and f-jumorditt E N G R A V I N G S; wihaiy of which are in Coloursfrom the original Pio'ures, Somejfearoe PROOFS, ti. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A LONDON TRADER, ro BE SOLD. By public roup, within the houfe of John Wallace, Vintner, Peterhead, upon the t9th day of June curt. at 6 o'clock-afternoon. , rHE Smack called the VOLUN- ,.ii LITEER of PETERHEAD, with 'r~g her Float Boat, furniture and apparel- a toing, as Ihe prefently lies in the harbour ;R of Peterhead, meafuring fixty five and IS-94ths Tons per regisfter, built -;c Frterhead ...

Advertisements & Notices

... (r cefo to Mr Andrfn WILLIAM GRAY, (Succeffor to Mr. Anderfon ) Hoir-drejfer aerd aPcIe-maker, Oueez Stree, Abe-deen, DEGS leave to offer his beft thanks to thofe l'die s B and gentlemen who have been pleafed to favour him with their employment, during the paft time he has been in bufinefs, and refpedfully folicits a contilu- r ance of that patronage, which it fliaul ever be his fkudy to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S.&Y P'-izersto Twenty Thoufand Pounds each, ?? THE ENGLISH STATE LOT CERY. ?? begins Drawing the 26th of February, next, viz. SCHEME. ' Prizes. Value of each. Total value. 4 of £ is ,;So,ooo .; - 10,000 - 30,000 4 - 5,000 - 20.000 , - 2,000 - 10,000 - 1,000 - 10,000 So- 500 10,000 ;o - 100 - 5,000 sosc. - 50 5000 6 - 264,000 a6,tpS' Prizes £434,000 drawn Blank, ift day 1 I,000 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'rO DiR. BRODIJW. ry 5 ONSIDERING the variety of cafes publiffied in it varlious Prints, proving the ef .acious virtucs lit of your XvIcd.icines, it way be efleemed unneceflry rn for us to fay any thing in its favour; btut fhom the le purcft motives, se are induced to affert, that ih the courfe of all our trade, no Miedicine has eyer gained 3e equal refpeat, and had fo rapid a fale as your ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Inarldt alnf . NOWING it to be their duty, as well as their inteteft, to ufe every exertion to merit a conti- J nearrce of that diflinguifled patronage which they he have !'..therto experienced from an indulgent public, th fscl no little pleafure in bring able to offer for their co iulfpciiion, a flock of goods equally elegant and all $:ll'rsrrable, but more valuable and extenfive, than di. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO LEr-Entry at -Martirm;:s, tt BETWEEN three and four acrs of ground, in good condition, with forti. houfes, .which being in the g vicinity of the town, is particla-rly adapt- d for a Ig Gard ntr or NUrferyman. Particular; may b known In by applying to thi Publilffer. *a~~~~t!5 (!510111thiluz;I. A And to begin ar ia o'clock this forenoon. H- E rcmabing fieck of Goods il2 the ftor- 190}11$ r] ...

Advertisements & Notices

... e-,ion e e Mi. BLAXCKIWELL's PRIZE DISCOURSE. e THE fubjea of the prize difeourfe in Maifcifhal d 'TCollege and Univerfity of Aberdeen, founded A by the late Mrs Blackwell of Pulmore, for the pre- D ent year, is The Evcellence of the Britibh 0O;19iA'utiton. The Truflees, appointed b-y the Founder, confider- a ing the inconvenience to which candidates are fCb- - jeCted, by being requited to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LANDS AND A SUPERIORITY IN KIN- CARDiNE-SHIRE. To be SOLD within the houfe of John Tweedale, vintner in Montrofe, on Saturday the Pith -April erurrent, at one o'clock afternoon, ,- 'HE Lands and Eftate of HALLGREEN, com- . prehending the MAINS and MANOR of -If xLGREEN, SILLYFLAT, MUSSELPOOI, GRIFVESDAILE, DENDOWDRUM, TONGUES A'f DENDOWDRUM, and fourr-ninths of the MILL a- d MIILL LANDS of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... F-AIR POWDER TAX. Stamp Oflfte, Edinir~ur, Marcrh '59, 1799. THE Head Diftributor cf his Majefty's STAMP IDUTIES in North Britain, in purfuance of An Ar fargranti4g to Ili, JAnjy a Duty on Cart)jf' C17tt! i~fuedfor ufng nHair Porwder, hereby gives notice to every perfon uoling or wearing HAIR POWDER, That they will receive Certificates, for the enfuitng yeas, from sth April 1799 to 5th ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PORTSMOUTH ASSEMBLY. AT a SECOND MEETING of the SUBSCRI ?? PORtTsMoUTIr AsszxmniynTuef- dtv laft, at the Crown Inn, it wis refolved, as there was not a fufficient ntunber of Subfcribers prcfent to *,z-trnmineupoon the appropriation of -the Balance of, Mlonicy fi-. in tlhe Treafurer's Hinds, and to enter on' R-iuLes re-'~ihng an Affernbly forlthe enfping Winter,' That toe Treafurer fhouid be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r. - Y.. a TAX o:0 ARMOR IAL BEAR INGS o 0 ENSIGNS. o Stamp Office, Edinburgh, Mn'ecb 28, 1799. d N OTICE ishereby givess to all perfons in arrearof N this Tax, that unlefs the fame is immediately paid fi up, they will be profecuted for the f tatutory penalty of ai T'mlney Pousndo, and for that purpoli' informations will p be received by the Solicitor, and fuitable rewards given. ALEXR. ...