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1750 - 1799
4 1760-1769



Wiltshire, England


Salisbury, Wiltshire, England

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Newport, I fie of Wight, Jan. 1766. WILLIAM BURT, Edge-Tool-Makec, ferved his 'J'imc to Edward Wools, in Romfey ..

... Romfey, a very famous Man; now the laid William Burt has made and ferved the lllc with Edge-Tools above thirty Years, and Arthur Gray advertifts that there not Kdgc-Tool-Maker bcfides himfclf, (who nothing but Nail and Horfc-Shoc-Makcr;) tor faving of which ...


... humble servant, ARTHI R CiKAY. don’t think it worth while, cavil, or write in Stile, aufwer Willy Burt,;' While that Name is Arthur Gray I’ll bear the Swav, I’ll have my Way, thou can’fl not me* hurt : To make Kelgc-Tools 1 have thokill well’s thy fell, pray ...

anted, on moderate Terms,

... at on Tower-Hi The ducking of Jol orteus hanged by litter was drowned. Captain P Tring, by which the Print of Brownrigg. Arthur Gray the mob at Fahoburgh The head of Mr. Hayes expofed on a threatening the lite of Murray he’Stone New- Poll to he owned. Jack ...

The whole being the moft faithful narrative ever yet puhlifhed, of the ■vatious executions, and other ..

... wife Trir. by which the Liter was drowned. Captain Pottcus hanged the mob at Edinburgh. Print of Elisabeth Biownrigg. Arthur Gray threatening the life Murray. The head of Mr. Hayes Poll to owned. Jack Sheppard chained in the Stone Room Newoate. Jack ...