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Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette




Somerset, England


Bath, Somerset, England

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Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette

BANKRUPTS. John Scott, of Cattle-court, Birchin-lane' infurance-broker. IfaacEa'- 1 ian, of White Hoi fe-yard, ..

... BANKRUPTS. John Scott, of Cattle-court, Birchin-lane' infurance-broker. IfaacEa'- 1 ian, of White Hoi fe-yard, Drury- lane, chsefemonger. Th 1 lias Hatterfly, of Whitechapel, co- lourman. Miclia^' lending, of Wapping, mariner. Maitland Maitland, of Up; ...

■3-B? YfcAk'« ©AY. ,

... „„«.,) to makca fmall p re , ent ; n return ; it wai called the ?? bowl. BANKRUPTS. Ely Sutcllffe and John Suteliffc, of Drury- lane, mens mercers. John Brace, of Worcefter, tavlor. John 1 homfon, o Blackburn, cotton-ininufacWr. John Cumins.. of TotBM, ...

a.uuiuwuiJ Rig i-iitg

... Thoma.s Boylfton, of Nieholas-ijiie, merchants. Thomas B**>yllton, of Lon- don, merchant and infurer. William Bifhdp, of Drury- lane, cheefemouger. William Field, of CuperVßridge, f-roviiion-f-ct or. Henry Hefkcth, of Chefter, wine- merchant. James Robertfon ...

watson, S ef>ul 9 aint his Friends he has )uA laid in a large, l of UNEN-DRAPERY f ,, Goods,

... Devizes. Swan Andover. 'Kin Hart, Overton. a t| le l Head, Miplewell-Hatcb, an » Blackwater. \o e Hart, Stains-bridge. e ° e Drury Lane, London. \ Clrsa, e determined to no >j ls Poft-Coach as complete ' 0L ath in ONE DAY, ev ery Sunday, Tuefday, ln 8» Ten ...


... ted, Ct danc'd the Sr aita* Dame, Anff faett, lee, in worrier, caoght the fltmt. Pn OLOG c * nvrttten for tit tftmng tf Drury -Lane The - atrc, and introduced in the Prelude tf New Brooms. [Spoken by Mr. KING.] C CRIBI.ERS ne feeetfitien ; tnd as fportfmen ...

C O U N T R V N F. W t>

... theatre in this town, in which tiie part id Alexander was well fupported by Mr. Lacy, (joint patentee with Mr. Ganick in Drury- lane play-houfe,) and Statira by Mis. Yates, who acquitted hcri'elfwith her cafe, judgement, and reputation. Lee.ii, ...

gibe Notice, That a new POST-COACH Hung on Steel Springs, voith four Horfes and two Pofl'illions, SETS out from the

... Springs, voith four Horfes and two Pofl'illions, SETS out from the Giry-Hound Inn the Market-Place, Bath, and the George-Inn, Drury-Lane, London, every Monday, Wedntffday, and Friday, at Seven o'Clock in the Morning, and arrives at the above Inns every Tuelday ...

ItiUdn -iiD Sjaturtap'ji v^oftfJ

... tbe gallant a£lion of the nth of O^ober. Wednefday Mr. Archer, from the Theatre, Edinburgh, made his lirft appearance at Drury- lane Theatre, in the character oi&hylock, and was received with great applaufc. Upwards of 9000 pcrfons formerly employed in ...

London, June 26

... and vigour, as be able to walk Miles a Day. On Thurfday laft the Wife of Mr. Pratt, at the Antelope, in White-Horfe Yard, Drury- Lane, was buried at Hayes, in Kent. Her Hul- bapd went to the Funeral, and defired his Brother to take Care of his Houfe till ...

LONDON, I uts»av, AVv. i

... I-'ieliliiig'a people, in confe- ?? of tlieii giving lome jeviel-l'etttngs to a Jew ; tlity vscre traced to 1 lunik in Drury lane, where they vine taken yeltrrday .ilien.oon. On one of them were tound two diamond rings, 1 5 guineas in a purfe, and five ...

JOSEPH WINDSOR, Late Butler to John Wadman, Esq. HAVING taken and entered upon the ANGEL INN and TAVERN near the

... Springs, with four Horses and two Postillions, SETS out from the Grey Hound Inn in the Market Place, Bath, and the George-Inn, Drury-Lane, London, every Monday, Wednes day, and Friday, at Seven o'Clock in the Morn ing, and arrives at the above Inns every Tuesday ...