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Somerset, England


Bath, Somerset, England

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THE BATH Vol XXVIII No 1491 THURSDAY Ready with Advertifemcnts Printed by R C R U T T W E

... with certain lady Sunday for the Continent urmcr behind An Bngtifh now erefting at Lille Mrs (hint formerly Mifi Walpole Drury -lane bcthcdirearefaof r Onflow's coachman of Newman-Areet (hot his fervant groom blundcrnufi been looking coachman upon which ...

BATH, Wtfinfibay, Auru/t\\

... friends, and whert he met with fuch favour and encouragement. Mr. Grill, who appeared in feveral diflinguilhed charaftert at Drury- lane theatre lift ftlfon, It engaged to perform at our theatre, In tht place of Mr. Henderfon. Friday a poor boy wll run ovtr ...


... Theatre, was opened near Well-ciofe-fquarc, for the time, under the -iircc- tii'ii of Mi*. Palmer, many years a comedian at Drury' lane and the Haymarket, with As Ton '.lie It and Mifs i-i her Teens, which were received with great applaule. This theatre is ...

MONDAY’i POST LONDON Saturday 29 hHF E by left of moll accounts that the di cccafioned prevailed for that lcosce

... BRISTOL and POST-COACHES in way Everley Andover Four lufidci and One morning at Seven o'clock Inn Rath every to George inn Drury- Lane infide 6 i$- paftenger Ibiie j ail to per JOHN DOVER Co Bath humbly determined pains nui to the inmi-diatcly arrival Cellar ...

Sunday's and Tue Pods Saturday flit's GAZETTE Vivkna 01 4 THE Itirora in Mch itVti fitch loads lyfi' mtnv fcaggape

... Col-Lnjhoume— AtSdworthy Mr Clark gentlanan farmer Mift Sarah of Mr Philip Taylor— -At Warfield Mr Bow-ftrect (harlequin of Drury - lane Mift Cotter-til of Lieut Mift Knatchbulldaughtcr SirEdw DIFDs In in hit Earl father Marctuoneft of Buckingham married brft ...

jfticap ana @aturtiai>'o Potto,. LONDON, Friday May 25

... Nobility were almoft entirely withdrawn, aid then returned to Carleton-houfe. bit night tin. front of the Theatre- Royal, Drury- lane, in Ru lie-! Ilreer, was illuminated and decorated irith lamps in thi form of a crown, and the cell of bis Royal Highnefs ...

LONDON, Odober 6

... greater plenty of coin never appeared in the couhtry markets than at piefent. Thurfday evening their Majeftie* went to Drury- Lane theatre, to fee the comedy of the Sulpkicu* Huf- band, in which Mr. Garrick performed Ranger, Friday laft the free aud ...

Parliamentary receit having our materials for publication take this opportunity of infert-Ing occafionally ext ..

... feathers cock’s ribbon loll new pattern and arc ftriped ladies chiefly wear ftriped cither green white or white Mr coin at Drury lane and the Haymarket with Like It and in her with applauur is by Patent licenfe or any by re-fpe&ing dramatic amufements but ...

M O S T GAZETTE Aug annivi rfary the birth Wales hi Y in vollk in car-rifon wire tit Square

... Eiegant Everley Andover flow) carry Four Infide morning o'clock Inn Tbomas-ftrect Briftol Inn Stall-rtrcet every the inn Drury Lane rH Each infile it mile allowed all to JOHN DOVER humbly lie a fpare neither the mnft road— Parcel inmrdiately White-H Cellar ...

Place Penfion will have and his Country in' M and hi particular j will 11 occafiohs utmoft hi in firm

... of wife after will having had fufficient leifure to mke The following a fail— child Mr Young Taylor in Little Wil ftreet Drury lane (who bad not bfcen inoculat-C ed) was a fhort fincc taken ill the fmall pox which two other of his' children had been iooculated ...

Published: Monday 03 August 1772
Newspaper: Bath Journal
County: Somerset, England
Type: Article | Words: 2009 | Page: 2 | Tags: none

M O N D A Y’s T Sept under Lieut Gen Count Wurm- near being his inten-rJ' cut oft flu-communication

... Operation! called the a nuifical fane the ives Revenged It great number in the to fee the Leoni Mrs Farrel Covent -Garden bills Drury -Lane but this is tiie Jirji the foetal between two managers are thus tiieir occafionally As at fee into managed with dilcretion ...

Agr nufaAurera Silk Cloths SpaniA Coatinpa Fancy ': NIE fake orftrn ing fencer-thank a likewife beg Obferve or ..

... JACOB SMITH SIMOS CkOOK 6 Saturday Sunday’s Polls 17 (idFlR MajefUes Accompanied by the three elder Princefles laft honoured Drury lane Theatre with their prefence for the feafon When the Royal Family were feated the curtain rifing difeovered new fccne of ...

Published: Monday 21 December 1789
Newspaper: Bath Journal
County: Somerset, England
Type: Article | Words: 1959 | Page: 3 | Tags: none