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Kentish Weekly Post or Canterbury Journal


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Kentish Weekly Post or Canterbury Journal

A km Days ago dy'd in Ireland, Capt. William hh_7gins. f rly belonging to the Royal Irifh Regiment of Dragoons,

... 'coo i. to the Captors, all Expencts included. On Vriday Night lA, as the Comedy of the Provoked Wife was performing at Drury-Lane Play-Houfe, alighted Serpent was thrown the Upper Gallery into the Pit, which terfh:y (righted feveral Perfons, and cccafioned ...

By the ;! tt, a! rsent:l C: .1 1!! Part of the Mand of ti Martin, one of the Carrbaces,

... Qtrantity of Gigs Bottles, the Property of Mr. land Vanhorn of St. Saviour, Southwark; and John by, of White-Horfe Yard, Drury-Lane, and Samuel Dodd, of Orange Court, Leicetter-Field ' ! for buyirK and receiving the fame, knowing them to he felonioully ...

[N.. 4:51.i

... run-away Sailors, and others, fit for the King's Service, had fecreted themfelves with their Doxics, in the Purlieus of Drury-Lane, tent a Prefs-Gang armed thither, who ferreted a good Number out of their Lurking-boles in that Part of the Town and, after ...

Kentish Printed every Tuesday »nd FtiDAtj

... Mr. GARDNER. HIS prefeot Tuesdav, April i. 1794, w ;n be prefented (never a6led hero) a Tragedy in one aft, performed the Drury-lane Company, the Theatre Royal in the Haymarket, called, THE“PRODIGAL. The Comedy The CHANCES. And fsrio comic Pantomime, called ...

... Ned Kirk, called the Infant, a dog- ftealer, was whipped at the cart’s tail, by the common hangman round Covent garden and Drury-lane, for ft dling gen lemen’s dors, with their collars, purfuaat to his fentence at the laft Weftminftet qvarter-feffion. Extra& ...

Admiralty OJUt, Dttimltr t, 1797. Extraß »f a Utttr from Etar-Admiral Sir Rogtr Cur. tu. Ban tt E-van Septan, Ejq

... Tavern, Mancheller, Lancaster. Altomies, MefT. William and Samuel Fdje, Manchefter. John Morgan, of Short’s-Oarden’s, near Drury.Lane, Middlefes, cornchandler. To appear December 16, 19, January 13, at Guildhall, London. Attorsies, MelT, Welch and Bedford ...

• , On Sunday Evening, about Nine &Clock, at tbur young C. . • ' Coach from Kenfir ;ton.

... which will begin on Monday the a Bth of Odober at Guildhall, and Wednefday the a Dth at the Old Bailey. At the Opening of Drury-Lane Theatre loft Saturday Evening, the Public were moll agreeably furprifed with the Alterations in the Houfe, which were commodious ...

At the Affizes at Wortetter th , s Week Perrone were cap:tally vlz.. John Collins, for robbing Mr. Wrn of

... the (am ius Kelligrew ii King Charles the Second') K idn. He had a Patent fur receiving a Guinea every Nigta they acted in Drury-Lane PlayhoUfe. The Head of this Family came ftom Clrnwall, and this Gentleman dy mg a Batchelor, it is believed that tis real ...

dkury lanf. theatre

... commencement of the Oratorios, tor whidt it engaged Meflrs. Linley, Storacc, and K-elty. _ The demolition of the houfes Drury-lane, wmcrij at prelent, conceal the call front of tfce Theatre, ha* commenced. Entrances are fpcedily be formed ora this fide ...


... Newcafile wu on Tyne. Certificates to be ted on Or the of July. of Shire, Surry, fhupkeeper. ‘ob; Griffin: younger, Hare court, Drury-lane, butcher. i m. Rod, of So uth Bemfiect, Effex, PREADFUL FIRE AT COPENHAGEN. ‘day advices were received in town from Elfi- ...

Letters are faid to have been received from Vi- enna of one day later than thofe received by thedatt mail,

... Nore for their former mifcondaa&.. We ho & very rigorous example of them will bé fhewn in the prefenc The King’s vifit to Drury-lane Theatre is poft- poned, on account of the Maoager’s not being able at prefeat to bring out the Caftle Spefre, and Blve ...