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Hibernian Journal; or, Chronicle of Liberty



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Hibernian Journal; or, Chronicle of Liberty

Vou. XIV. ' . * ,• » . _ . . • ,(» '*'! .r V •. / 0 A

... for fame—for honour —for their country. « an obfervition, I think of MarfftalSaxe’s : That the French regiments which are named after cermin provinces France, have ever been thofe iripff celebrated j behaving with unconiinon ihtre- in the day of adlion : ...

As tiie Minillry very well knew that null, if nc

... how Boston, ant at give. aruly they {ympathized enty five Gentlemen were a. a o Correfpondence, among wh have the to be named: After tee Bu wasover, a Suvicription wis propoted to the mittee, which was moit cheartully adopted, they fubicribed tome sol ...

F R I D A Y, October 29. 17K4.

... killi as ladies feek not 10 kill but by their F.yes they leave to men King's County, and King’s Sale thofe places which are named after men, as Japies-Xqv/n, Harry'i-lov/n, Thomas-yawn, Phi~ /;/'s-town, CAm/fy-mount, Charlcy-uWW, Hillsbofough and £/»»M-borough; ...

Homes, bot I do not know their Names. After what I had feen and fuffered, I wa Opinion it was

... Homes, bot I do not know their Names. After what I had feen and fuffered, I wa Opinion it was not Courage, but Madnefs to As a Parent, I confidered I trad no Right tc pofe the Lives of my Children; and conjugal 0 feRion gave place to lendernels ; acc ...

tlif- Decree infinuniet! ; ihe I-ion. .G?n I. : • Ev idcnce nol beiin{ the bell that could pro cad

... entitled to upon a Subjebt of fuci. Magnitude: Said it was incumbent upon him to explain what had been advanced in his Name, after had accepted his prefert Situation; friend cf his had iiitrrmcd the Houfe, that I. I his Authority to'declare that .. DifTolr ...


... taking the Merits of their Cafe into your Coufideration, to make fuch Order a* Iball meet, and they will pray, Signed 75 Names. After a Debate of feven Hours and a Half, which /hall in «tie Time appear, th« Chairman was ordered to recommend the Petition ...