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the i 745-50

... attacked by four Footpads on the the Cafe was, that he would join them, and when Ibrahim Shaw came Bridge at the Back of Sadler's Wells, and robbed of his Watch and nea r with his Camp, he would fire upon them; this they were glad twelve Shillings in Money ...

To be SOLD at %VzsTwELL,

... of William Braley of WeAwe% or of Mr. Richard Greenhill of Athford. This is to give Notice, That The GRAND TURK, from Sadlers Wells, will . perform next Week at the Play-Houfe in this City, feveral New Surprifing and Wonderful Performances, on the Tight ...

1 4 . 1.44 hitGEihs, 7atas a. Rome, May •6. 'lle Motile et the A ?tett, in this Chit.' the

... It 3 better to take Three Halfpence than One Penny. LaR Night a Stop was put, by the Judices, to the Entertainment at Sadler's Wells; and, we hear, that all thole Sort of Performance; will be fuppreffed for the future. Laft Night there was no Mufical ...

Frorn WEDNESDAY Jura 6, w SATURDAY JuNE 9. t. :o

... of the Trade arid Intereit uf all the other northern Culoniel. Laft Wedneiday Ereninp. the Jullices tent an Order to Sadler': Wells and likewtfe to the Ni.w Wells near London Spaw, for ihfry, to performing any Pantomime Enteitainments, Vva) r. gutted ...

• 041.4111011********111114100 0 .......s•

... , he being in good Health. On Saturday dicd at St. Agnes le Clair, one Anthony Evans, 4 'Os. _ LiltSaturdly Night, at Sadler's Wells, there was a numerous ;polite Audience, to fee the Performance (which wasgiven gratis the Proprietors and Performers) ...

trot Gazette, M 0 36. A l e the Council-Chamber, Whitehall, the :Bth Day of Afay, 17s 2. Prefent, 'their

... Gold-laced Waiftcoat, and an Ambetheaded Cane: After they had committed the Robbery, one of them walked with the Gentleman to Sadler's Wells Back Door, where he left him, and made off towards Magian Town; the other two remained till they were out of Sight, at ...

Pram Lrriat Is. Rome, July 29. We Arc infdrmed by Lettere iromTrivoli, that oh the aift Inftant at Night, they

... and Additions, will be exhibited there the cnfuing Seafon. And we hear that Mr. Maddox the Equilibria, who performs at Sadler's Wells, will be engaged at the above Theatre this Winter. Yefterday Pierce Markham was committed to Prifon for flealirg out of ...


... fume other Eaces of Entertainment were rejefted. The Petitions of the Proprietors of Renelag!) and Mar) bon GarerrlS, and Sadler' Wells; were referred to the Jutlices at Hicks- Hail, they being out of the aforefaid Liberties. At the glaarter•Sedions at Werninfter ...

in St. lames's ratk, and in making a Sl(pe down to the Cmal ; and it is tad, that an

... Half. Barrels aSs. 3d. The Kegs at near 9s. each. Thurfday at Hicks's Hall, Ranclagh Gardens, Twickenham Theatre, and Sadler's Wells, were licenfed ; and Goodman's Fields Wells refufed. Yefterday Morning a Man difordered in his Senfes came upon the Parade ...


... Ellie by fume Accident blew up, and a Man was much wounded thereby. Saturday Night a Maid Servant and a Child coming from Sadler's Wells, were attacked by a tingle Footpad near Blackmary's Hole, who held a Knife to the Woman's Breaft, and robbed her of her ...