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... America. Philadelphia, July 8. \Tuefday arrived here the Brig Sufannah, Captain Shutton, from Jamaica, who informs us, that he left the Convoy the June off the Havannah, where he faw our Army firing againlt the Spanilh Forts, &c. and that the Spaniards ...


... AMERICA. Providence, June 3. Laft week the company of the train of artillery, lately raifed here, all well accoutered, with four excellent field pieces, marched to join the American army near Bofton : they made a very military appearance, and are, without ...


... America. Boston, July Phillips who wived here laft Friday Days from New. foundland, we learn, that there are four Englifti Men of War, and two French, on that otation, for the Proteflion Trade ; and that one of the Tenders belonging to the going into ...


... America. Newbirn, [is Pirginia] Sept. 13. We hear ro Dobb's County, that a moft melancholy Accident befel a poor Family there lately. Some Time in the Night, the Family being afleep, and the Children fpread on Lodgings on the Floor, two Rattlefnakes, ...


... AMERICA WttLtAMsauacH, in Virginia, Ori. 19. This day thr remains of hii Excellency Lord Botetourt, our late Governor, were carried in grand funrral procefli- on, attended by nuny of his Majefty'i Council, and the Houfe of BurgcfTcs, &c. to the Chaprl ...


... America. Philadelphia, Feb. 9. On Saturday laft the City was alarmed with the News great Numbers of armed Men, from the Frontiers, being on the feveral Roads, and moving towards Philadelphia. As their Defigns were unknown, it was thought prudent to put ...


... AMERICA St. Vincent's, Dec. 17. We are all in hopes the Caribb war will loon be over, as the e>rh regiment, whichire to relieve the **id, are arrived here, as lalfo the joth regiment, which laft is compleat. Litui. Col. Dalrymnle has fuperfeded General ...


... AMERICA Phi/adAthia,Ftb. I. The com ention for the pro- time of l-ennfylvania, Md at the State-Houfe Jan. j, ca,*-e to the following among other refutations . •« Thai this convention molt heartily approve of the oroceetlingsof the continental congrefs ...


... AMERICA. BOSTON, July 17. The Reprefcntatives of this Province have, in large Houfe of upwards of an hundred Members, unamonffy rerr.onftrated againft the adminiftration of the Governor of this Province, as having been corrupt and arbitrary ; and humbly ...


... America. Charles-Town, June. 17. The new commons houle of in Georgia, which, agreeable to the writs, was to buvc met the ill inftant, is prorogued his Excellency Governor Wright to the November. The heats and auimofitics that province, occafioued their ...


... America. New-York, Marth 10. A Perfofi in • neigh- bouring Government lately refuting to piy a Debt for which he wai attached, becaof-- ?? was not (lamped j the Popul***-, upon hearing thereof, immediately affembled, and having th* Fellow befoie them ...


... AMERICA. Sew-England, March Being a fpe&ator at the fitting of the aflembiv Providence, I had an opportunity of henrug the public letters read; Among others, the following in particular excited my curiofity. No. XI. Circular. Duplicate. Gentlemen, Whitehall ...