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Bath, Somerset, England

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THE Creditors of Mr. Wm. Perry, attorney at law, of Winterboutn in the county of Glocefter, a bankrupt, who have

... THE Creditors of Mr. Wm. Perry, attorney at law, of Winterboutn in the county of Glocefter, a bankrupt, who have not already proved their debts before theestnmiffioners, are defired to meet at the White Lion in Broad-ftreet, Briftol, on ?? thn?th dsy ...


... Aflignees, and at the lall Silting the faid Bankrupt is required to finilh his Examinatiop, and Ilte Creditdrs are affcnt to, or diOcnt from the Allowance of bis. Certificate.—All Perfoua indebted to lha : d Bankrupt, that have any. of Iris ate not to the ...

This Day is publijbed, price Tivo Shillings, SCRIPTURAL REVISION of SOCINIAN ARGUMENTS VINDICATED, Agauift the ..

... accommodated. t.>3l WHEREAS a Comrnifiion of Bankrupt is awarded and iffued forth againft RICHARD NUTON, of Kilmington in the county of Somerfet, grocer, draper, dealer and chapman, and he being decla- red Bankrupt, is hereby required to furrender himfelf ...


... city or Bath, Coacli- luakcr, bankrupt, (furvlvine paiiner of Roanrr Watkiks) art delired forthwith topay tlieir relpt eiive dchti to Mr, Watltins, currier, -ir Mr. Arthur Jones, woollen-ilraper, ailigiiecu ofthe fad bankrupt. BCSHELL's UANKRUFFCY. ALL Pcrfon9 ...

T. SANDERS, No. 9, LANSDOWN-CRESCENT, BATH, TEACHES PAINTING in Oil Colours, Crayons, ?? and Drawing in ult its ..

... Auctioneer's, Queen-Square, 15. ith. I 1094 WHEREAS a Commiflion of Bankrupt is awarded and ifiued forth againit EDWARD BUSH ELL, or the city of Bath, carpenter, and he be- ing declared a bankrupt, is hereby required to furrender himl'elf to the Comnuffioners ...


... city of Bath, Coach- maker, bankrupt, (furviving partner of Rob.k r Watkiss) are defired forthwith to pay their reipe-ctivs tlebts to Mr. Watkins, currier, or Mr. Arthur Jones, woollen-draper, affignees ofthe faiel bankrupt; To the Commiftjioners for Pawing ...

(JHOSVKNOR GARDENS, [ VAUXHAI.L and HOTEL. HPI'IY-H deliohtfiil and extenlive Pleasure I. O.i ?? -. b iitif.i! ..

... paying them oni.v. WHEREAS a Commiflion of Bankrupt is awarded and ifl'ueil forth againfl JAMES HILL, ot the parifh of Saltford, in the county of So- niiifot, dealer and chapman, and he bting declare,! a Bankrupt, Is hereby required tafurrendtrhinifolfto ...

CAPITAL EXHIBITION, AND SAJLE BY PRIVATE CONTRACT, Of a Choice and ?? n Qolle__ion of Undoubted Original ..

... MESSITER. WHEREAS a Commi-fion of Bankrupt i- awarded and iffucd forth againft Ifaac Fenncll, now or late of the pariih of Waleot in the county of Somerfet, builder, dealer and chapman, and he being declared a bankrupt, is hereby required to furrend ...

CAPITAL EXHIBITION, AND SAI.E BY PRIVATE CONTRACT, Of a Choice and w -11-Cliof. n Collc__i-n of Undoubted ..

... claim, or demand, made or to be made from or upon the i'aid Bankrupt's eftate and efft els in any manner whatfoever, and on other .fpecial affairs. [y.70 \j\ 7HEI-EAS a Commiffton of Bankrupt i- V V awarded and ?? forth againft James May, of the pariih ...

HU,.iI INN .ml TAVERN, BRISTOL. 'pObe DRF.SS'D thii prefeiit THURSDAY, JL and in. s.\ tusnat anilTiU'ssuAV ..

... tortiioon. JAMES ANTHONY WICKHAM, Frnmr, Dec. lyih,i;. ; 6. Clerk »nd Treafun r. r PHE Creditors of MARCIIANT RUSSELL, A a Bankrupt, arc particularly reiiuelted to meet the Alllgneii, at the (ires-hound and Shakefpeire Inn, In tbe city of Hath, on Weetnilday ...

This Day was publijh

... WILLIAM WEBLY, Bankrupt. N r OTICE Is hereby given, th'it the Dividend advertif-d to be made on the -}:h day of February r.-\r, is poftponed to the 25th ? .-.;. of .\. .:.:!; next, when the Commiiiioners in the Co :ii. : -:i of Bankrupt .: againlt ...