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The Annual CHRISTMAS BALL, At SHEPTON-MALLET, Will be on Thurfday the 19th of December lnltant. GREAT Choice of ..

... The Annual CHRISTMAS BALL, At SHEPTON-MALLET, Will be on Thurfday the 19th of December lnltant. GREAT Choice of the beft made Tortoife- (hell, Box, Ivory, Horn, Black-Lead, and Metal COMBS, by WATTS, Maker, from London, at his Shop inthe Grove, Bath. ...

SME PTON - MA LLET ANNUAL CHRISTMAS BALL, will be on Thiiifday the yll iii'latt, Tickets f,. fiu. each. TO

... SME PTON - MA LLET ANNUAL CHRISTMAS BALL, will be on Thiiifday the yll iii'latt, Tickets f,. fiu. each. TO be Diipoled of, an iltablilhed Shoe Warchouff, in a gotd lituatioii. The Stock tn be t.tke*i it a fait a;.- pniftment.—— Fur particn'ars, Inquire ...

HU,.iI INN .ml TAVERN, BRISTOL. 'pObe DRF.SS'D thii prefeiit THURSDAY, JL and in. s.\ tusnat anilTiU'ssuAV ..

... NEW ASSEMBLY-ROOMS. I- U, GREAT ROOM. FOR tin- BENEFIT of Mr. RAUZZINI, on ?? UJU.AY Evening, Dec. a^th, i;j.t, (Being CHRISTMAS EVE) Wdl b,- performed In tin I'irlt A_l, A GRAND SCLfCTION FROM THE fe i*icrcft Cwrorio of tlje ...

New AJfembly-Rmms, Dee. 141-, 1796. s>ub-.i'ipthii demcrrrtf. r THE Fourth ?? iCRIPTION CONCERT JL wi.l be on 1 ..

... STORAC.F., and th, FIRST of Mifs PARK P. FOR tbe BENEFIT of Mr. RAUZ/INT, on SA I I' DAY Evening, Dec. 341(1, 1706, 'Ucng CHRISTMAS l'.Vl ) Will be perfomietl in the Adl, A GRAND SELECTION FROM TMK feacrfti ?? di tljc ;j;cil'ia[j, By HANDEL. And in ...

CROWN aud ?? ami GARTER INNS, IT OKC ESTER. t»E. J..M_N FIELUHOUSE (of the Star an. l * G 'tier

... 'pIIE Infured in the above Office, who rcfide in 1 Hath, and its v, the prtniluim on whole policies become due st CHRISTMAS, arc requtfted tv pay the fame n loon at pollihl, to J. SMITH, Agent, ?? and ?? in J'OIU.K;N WINES, and SPIRITS, Weftgat ...

To k SOL D, Bristol, Decembtrto, 1766. For S A L E by AUCTION, At tht Exchangt Coffee Hiuji, in

... End of the Qnay, near the Gib Slip..— Catalogues of the Sale tobehad by apply an* to R. MEYLE R, Broker. ?? An Eiiay on CHRISTMAS-PYE. T Prefunte I need not lay any thing of ihe high * and grateful flavour whereby the Chriltmas Pye itfelf ...


... THOMAS S. JOLLIFFE, Prefidcnt. NEW ASSEMBLY-ROOMS. T?OR the BENEFIT of Mn RAUZZINI, on JP . THURSDAY Dec, 2+th, 1789, (being Christmas Eve) wiil be perfotmcJ, in the GREAT ROOM, The Sacred Oratorio ofthe MESSIAH. A, Principal Vocal P«rformrrs. Mifs CANTELO ...

On Saturday Dec. soih, was publiflsed, In Eight Volumes unio. with a copious Index, price 11,45. neatly bound, ..

... LOMBARD-STREET, LONDON. /_mXa^Jn_\ PERSONS infured by this Company, IsWtJnl^iiKl w ' ,: ?? c Annual Premiums will fall due at ?? Christmas, sins rcquelted to take notice, that ?? P ?? ?? Receipts (ill'ucd from, and chequed at (\StXi__7eWS-J*ltyA this office) are ...

Britifli Tontine or Coal Company. THE Society forming for the benevolent and patriotic puipvfe of reducing tl.e ..

... ptrfons indebted are defircd to pay their refpec- tivv Jills. And thofe who have any demands ars required io fend them by Christmas-. WAKMINSTLR CONCKIM. THE next Subfcription Concert will be on Friday evening the 16111 of December inttant. To begin at ...

Wednesday's and Thursday's Posts

... Dubbin, upon Bufi- nef«, takes this Method to acquaint the Nobility and Gentry that he can't poflibly be in Baih 'till Christmas. Any Menage will be receded by his Servant athis Houfe in Weft Gate- Street ; where his DENTIFRICE may he had, with pro- ...

The S A L E of S I L X S, In W A D E'i -P A 8 S

... alto by Mr. Bull, Jew tiler and Toyman, In Orange Crove, aod by no other Ptsksn, 111 Baihi hy Mr. Brown, Hook lei lei, in Christmas. Street. Biillol; Mi. Haiku, I'uu, ter, in Clocefterj .nd Mi. Collins, in Salill.uiy. tap By the .bove Mr. Bull are f.ld ...

Bath, Jan. 176*4 fJ ARRIS and Comp. Haberdaihert •* •*■ and Milleners, from London, h ive opcii'd a Warc-iloufe ..

... engaged in Company, it a Qneltiua which I leave to your Cofideratmn. It was judged dttcenfto pod-pan* the Poll *iill after Christmas-Day, and 1 have fixed upon the earliest Opportunity, after that Time, to do the Public B. .fin. 1.-, and to free the Town ...