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ILotiDon, ferptrinlicr 15

... coming out from hit Majefty, the Duke of Newcaftle, Chan- cellor, the Earl of Hardwicke, High Steward, the Vice Chancellor, Heads of Houles, Several of the Nobility who were or had been Members of the Univerfity of Cambridge, with the Profef- Sort and Doftors ...

London, March 25

... London, March 25. Yefterday his Majefty went to the Houfe of Peers, with the ufuaf State, attended the State Coach by the Duke of Rutland, Mafter ot the and the Lord Vifcount Bolingbroke and gave the Royal Aflent to the follownig Bills, - The Bill to ...

Wednesday's and Thursday's Posts

... Efq. Fellow- Commoner of' St. John's College, Cambridge, to Mifs Bunbury, only Daughter of the Rev. Sir William Bunbury, Bart. Laft Night the Rt. Hon. Lord Petre, to the Hoa. Mils Howard, Niece to the Duke Newcaftle.——The Right Hon. Lord Stanford, to the ...

London, May 25

... all at Portfmouth, and this Week, the Troops will embark that are to go out with Sir Edward Hawke, with whom it is ft ill the Duke of York will embark. We hear that there will in few Days be a confiderable Appointment Officers in the Marine Forces, which ...

London, September 4

... that his Grace the Duke of Bedford, his Arrival at Paris, is to demand an immediate and categorical Anfwer to the Condi ditions of Peace he carries over, and tltey are not complied with, will return immediattly to England. When the Duke de Nivernois has ...

London September 9

... ors were the Dowager of Wales, the Duke of Cumberland, and the Duke of Mecklcnhurgh. The Evening concluded with Illuminations, Sic. On Monday Night Mr. Dick, one of his Majelly's Meffeiigers, was after his Grace the Duke of Bedford, with Difpatches of Importance ...

Sunday and Monday's POSTS

... , their's being only a Parapet of thin Mafonry. About Ten o'Clo'ck, the Cambridge 80 Guns, the Dragon 74, and the Marlborough of 66, went in andlayagainrt the Fort; the Cambridge lay within Gripe Shot. They continued firing for above three Hours, which ...

Friday's and Saturday's Posts

... that the Duke de Nivernois, after the Duke Bedford arrived there, difpatch'd a Courier Verfailles, and waited his Return, befoie he embark'd fot England. The Princefs Auguft.i Yatcht, which carried the Duke of Bedford Frar.ce, and brought the Duke Nivernois ...

•C6tS ist jauUlift'o, A CATALOGUE Large and Valuable COLLECTION of BOOKS, Corifitting of about Six Thousand ..

... of Meffrs. Hitch and Hanves, Bookfellers, in Pater-norter-Row, and Meffis. Dodjiey, in Pill-Mall, London ; Mr. Merril, it Cambridge; Mr. Fletcher, Oxford ; Mr. Baier, at Tunbridge i Mr. Cafs, at Wells', Mr. Coney, at Bndgeivater ; Mrs. Chalkland, Taunton ...

Published: Thursday 30 September 1762
Newspaper: Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette
County: Somerset, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 709 | Page: 3 | Tags: none

CfitS publift'S, A CATALOGUE Of a Large and Valuable COLLECTION of BOOKS, Confiding of about Six Thousand ..

... may of Meflrs. Hitch and Halves, Bookfellers, in Pater-nOtter-Row, and Mellrs. Do if Pall-Mall, London Mr. Merril, fit Cambridge; Mr. Fktcher, at Oxford Mr. Baker, at Tut:bridge; Mr. Cafs, WtUs \ Mr. Coney, Bridgemater \ Mrs. Chalkland, Taunton Mr. Brirt ...

London, November 20

... one of the Poll- Mailers General, in the Room the Duke Devonfhire. It is laid the Hon. Mr. Spencer, Brother to his the Duke Marlborough, will be appointed Comptroller of the Houlhold. It likewiie the Duke of Richmond will foon have a Place Court. \ the ...

London, November 27

... Conditions. My only Wifh is, rind ever will be, to promote the Happinefs, Profperity and Security of my faithful People. The Duke Nivernois, at his Audience on Wednefday laft, made the following Spetch tb his Majtfty. Sire,'?A cordial Reconciliation between ...