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London, April 14

... appointed Ambaflador the Court of Vienna. Yefterday the Unirerfity of Cambridge presented their Addrefs to his Majefty on the Peace. But it was rtmatkable, that his Grace the Duke ot Newcaftle, who is their Chancellor, was not their Head. It is not expeaed ...

London, May 28

... Portland's at Whitehall, to the Lady Harriot Bentinck, Sifter to his Grace the Duke of Portland. The Ceremony was performed by the Rev. Mr- Evans, formerly Lord Grey at Cambridge The new married Couple fet out immediately with a grand Retinue for her Grace's ...

London September. 8

... September. 8. We hear that the following Noblemen will Tomorrow kifs his Majefty's Hand for the following high Employments. The Duke of Leeds, on his being appointed Prefident of the Council. The Earl of Sandwich, Secretary of State for the Northern Department ...

London October 11

... London October 11. Yefterday his Grace the Duke of Newcaftle arrived io lown fiom his Seat at Claremont in Surry. hear that his Majefty has been pleafed to order the Garters, late the Earls of Waldgrave's and Gr'd»ville's, to be given to Prince V illiam ...

London October 22

... up for the Opening of the enfuing Seflions, which is expefteri to be the that has been for l'everal ears. Their Graces the Duke and Dutchefs of Richmond are expe&ed in Town from Fiance the Beginning of next Week. Wc are aflured that Advice ihe Death of ...

London, February 14

... London, February 14. His Royal Highnefs the Duke of Cumberland is recovered from his Fit of the Gout. The Confideration of an important Affair came on laft Night, but not being determined, was adjourned'till this Day. The Tiial relative to the North Briton ...

London, March 10

... that Doctrine is exploded in France fince Bouffon wrote againft it. Duke of York propofed to be at Rome in the Beginning of Lent.. Letters from Turin fay, that his Royal Highnefs the Duke of York propofes to vifit the Court of Berlin before his Return to ...

Friday's and Saturday's POSTS

... themfelves for the High-S:eward(hip of Cambridge, common Report now adds, his Grace the of Grafton, and the Marquis of Taviftock. Great Intereft making on all Sides, and many People of Confequer.ce are gone to Cambridge already. Ihort Extrfft from the Dedication ...

London, March 17

... Encouragement. They from Stuttgard, that the 16th paft, being the Birth-Day of the Duke of Wirteinberg, there was a grand Hunting-match in the Neighbourhood Pegerlock, where the Duke and Lords the Court killed Deer of different Kinds, great and fmall; 3900 Hares ...

London, March 24

... confirmed by the Lord of Winchefter. On Thurfday Sir John Hynde Cotton, Bart, was elefted Knight of the Shire for the County of Cambridge, without Oppofition. It is reported, that very great Perfonage will foon refign his Employment, on Account his ill State ...

London, April 14

... Place. The Duke de Praflin and his Son have refigped ; and the Duke de Broglio and his Brother, with Cardinal Bernis, are to employed. faid -hat Madam de Pompadour has loft her Influence. j hey write from Brunfwick, that his Roval Highnefs the Duke Yoik is ...

Friday's and Saturday's POSTS

... dtnis. They wiitefrom Fiaiick.tort, that the Day before the pu die Entry the and the King the Romans into that Liu, the Arch Duke Leopold repaned there incog, in to a Sj>e£tator the Grandeur the C dltrtde. Count Bulow, the Uentral wholome Months ce nude ...