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North West, England


Cumberland, England


Whitehaven, Cumberland, England

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A iew days ago Samuel Smith, ami John Sadler, of Norwich, were convicted having phcafants in their cudody, both ..

... A iew days ago Samuel Smith, ami John Sadler, of Norwich, were convicted having phcafants in their cudody, both being unqualified perfons.—Smith, for having eight birds, hath forfeited the fum of 401. Sadler, for having ten birds, hath forfeited the fum ...

The Frederickllad, f

... carried into Torbay. ftunkrupn.'] Mile? Bv.o r, SinJys, and Andrew Whit*, Lr.-:rpat], its. John Woodcock, London, vintner. S'.mic i Mid. lefcx, call chandler. John Gore, Live p,'Oi, bmkfeller. R cnard Dean, Wilts, Ironmonger. Anthony Watts, Oxfrdlh : re ...

afjf), Xs Tome men w

... Montgomery, Coik. Friend's, Parry, Liverpool. Sedgwick, Allifon Bella, Steele; John, Peaifon ; Juno, Jackfon, Dublin, John, Boyne, Coullhard, Lorlc. John, Hannabj Whithorn. Hunter, Elias, Cowman, Powell, HuJlellone ; Content, Greenwood Bridget ...


... *r.d (hall detached for that That arms, accoutrements, and cloathing, (hall forthwith be ptovidcd for man raifed by virtue this aft, according to the eftabliflimeot the militia force*; and that one fixth part of the arms and cloatblng lo provid'tl, much ...

Wh ITF,IIA V E N, 26

... carried on to fuch degree, in the county Cardigan, that even the Churches are rcpofitorics for concealing finuggled ' goods ; there having been lately feveral Cades of tea the cullom-honfe officers of Cardigan, which had been concealed in Diflenting ...

W A N T E' D,

... approved of fuch a meafure, is that a reafon for rejefting it.’ Was the great charter granted by King John ever reprobated becaufe drawn up the armed barons Runny Mead? Was the bill of tights at the revolution rejefled beeaufe the offspring of a convention ...

AV «ot PjUtn*rf>n.prett% St. Mar -U-Pcnr, Dec.%i% It'lll TE's CIIYMICU. FEVER TISCTVRE,

... Indies, where inhabitants inG& upon the eftablithment of new Coenftitution. former they h the Governor. taken up arms and which is now arm will confit of this al difpatch,, fix of the line, “6 nl ap each, of fri This fleet is expefted to be re: fas fea ...

On Satutday n> vt, be pnlilifhid, NTo 11. and the fnc

... the amendment, 105—Noes 85. Mr. Grattan then moved » That the ae arm provicea but to the 25th oF which, nd fome converfation, was carried, Ayes 102, Noes 77. na When the grofs fum of the fupply came 1er moved, Mr. Grattan, in order to mark, that a ef- army ...

Whitehaven, October

... they have lately had a confiderable take of Herrings on that coall. Lately was married at the parilh church of Lancallcr, one John Pye, of Wyrefdale, to Margaret Pye, of the fame place. What renders the junction of thefe two Pyes more remarkable (and worthy ...


... Elford, BriftoJ, foapfcoiler. John Deane airt Ed. Carter, Liverpool, rope-maker. John Heinirger, Lon ft, wine-meichant. Johih Peacock, London, brokei. Swaine, Lancalhire, dealer. Richard * Mead, Can'crhory, butcher. John Nangrcavc and Richard Nangreavc ...

Augufl 30, 1785. SN

... to Miss Coates.*The 2d inst. at Chiswick, Sir William Stanley, Bart. of Hooton, in Cheshire, to Miss Townely, daughter of John Townely, Esq. of Corney-house, Chiswick.*Last week, at Egremont, Mr. Harrison, an eminent weaver there, to Miss Rachael Borradaile ...

wounded feveral, and effectually deitroyed the &e. The ihip anda fehooner were in the time boarded and brought ..

... employed on t vice. Lam happy to Oy TWO at cafion. corporal were wounded on the oc a pr e ww. “2s R. W. OTW. OUP shes Wve of armed captured and deftroyed by lear; ‘e so {quadron under my cummand, firce the rath o ruary, 1799- . By the Mat dftone—A French ...