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North West, England


Cumberland, England


Whitehaven, Cumberland, England

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... colls. A letter received from oilicer on board Majtlly*s (hip Rainbow, Sir George Collier, commander, mentions, that the armed fnow, Hanger, of 10 fix pounders, and 12 f.vmds, belonging to the Commodore*s fquadron, has taken an American privateer of ...

ARRIVED.] Albion, Hogf; and Badger, Flynn, from tenco at New-York

... the following Perfons, via» Mr. Francii Hodglon, faddler, and Mr. John Buclc,Kinj’s■ - Arms, It'tiulavn ; Mr. Peter Fifliei, ; Mr. Joleph Do-vfon, W'erfiarro.j Mr. John Medenger, ■, Mr. John Harris, Ktpulici i and at his own in C*rli,nfu}h. * The Prices ...

fot tf)t CumbcrlauD parquet

... (hall Britain's Standard rear, Behold they wave it o’er the fubjedt Sea . N.ptune his Trident throws Britain's Shore, Britain's Arms he delegates his Power Thv Sun, Bourbon ft* rife more, Retire and weep in Folly's Bower, Whitehaven, J* * he following appeared ...

FOR THE CUMBERLAND I’ACQUET. EPIGRAM. CRIES Aticus, tcraM the Jov oflviLira, o thr Ofu’i.t, fotfooth, hr»‘, —• ..

... and retired lo Hyde’* coffee houfe, whcrcThoma* Moore, Elq. being called to the chair, they agreed to an addicts to Mr. Grattan, to exprefs then approbation of hir conduct and principles, and thole of the late adminiftration.—The addrefs to be prefented ...

Mmirtllj-Ofiee, Die. *s•

... Gcntlima.i, Do. Petty John, Do. John, Do. homas, Pawnbroker, Do. •Strickland Thomas,ElViuirc, J'o. Wilfou Nicholas, Watchmaker, Do. J. PET IT, Clerk the Peace. Order of His Majefty** CommiifK n r* fi*r m maging the Stamp Duties. (i) JOHN DRETTELL, Secretary ...

LONDON. July 23

... affixes, John Cockers ft, John Wood, and Thomas Green ; rhs- to (irlt convicted c ining a ffi lling, a id the bill having coining tools in his pofleffion, found guilty of high '•ealon ; Jofe'h C' ivi ted of iheep-fleaf. ; Jdm Petty, of dealing; and John Broivn ...


... to, mm, dig. tj Cvmmotu, Ja*. to. The addref* being moved for Mr. Wolfe, and feconded Mr. Vandeleur, was agreed lo. —Mr. Grattan firfteapreffed Ins dibpprobalton of paragraph commending the Government o( the Lord Lieutenants—An addtefs the Lord Lieutenant ...

LONDON, Mauck 23. The Seleft Committee, appointed take into confiScratioc the hij»h price com, and to report ..

... ffvdSrr that thchtaaks ftould filM with the name* of variety pacta, at which the bounty to given, vis. Bamftjple, Btddiftttd, Cardigan, Caisfilf, Cowen, Bhdpnrr, Wcymonth, Shore ham, Searbonmgh, &e. and Boriowflounoefi and Perth, in ScntUnd, which wa* Vthe ...

fOR THE CUMBERLAND RACQUET. The REMONSTRANCE. a fti World lire hut ’iwill X KvVt-Rody la\ the World grow* w tier

... Iff the Trenth nation, though la they have loand, or lather invented, the art of uniting ail extreme a, *• The Frendi, land arm e*. arc far our fupenora: ■re making large and i-ThHe arc tho (le.idv rffeA* «»f tteit PRINCIPLES and UNION ; of our »a aorn ...

LONDON, Ftaatiaav 19.—la

... ull. bound for the Elbe. Certain information is received, that arrived Heligoland on the inft. and took hoard a pilot, named John Bo.s. k, proceeded tothe Elbe, and eami anchor within the entrance. Two days after was on fnorc.from Heligoland in diftrefs ...


... rorpn* ,«ri bv she Aft to fi'led in Writing and del.vercd p»c viuuOv to the ilTuirli out Cert Realm iry Mr. JOHN HODGSONi Brlmftcn, Mr. JOHN EWART. Uieim, Mr. DANJEL SANDERSON cJitrmauA, Mr. (AMES WILSON. HWe.wfW Mr. WILLJAM ECKfORD. MrrypTr/, Mr. TIMOTHY ...