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Hibernian Journal; or, Chronicle of Liberty



Dublin, Republic of Ireland


Dublin, Dublin, Republic of Ireland

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Hibernian Journal; or, Chronicle of Liberty

Da. Captain-Lieutenant John Grattan, the Regiment, to Capiam of Compan}, M'Keniie Lieutenant, ic F Gent. to ..

... Da. Captain-Lieutenant John Grattan, the Regiment, to Capiam of Compan}, M'Keniie Lieutenant, ic F Gent. to Enfign, vice Donald M’K.enzie. Do. Surgeon’s Male ,oi:s b Li ui '- Lieutenant, .ice lohnWatchorm fFoot. Captain Anhur B Se!C. Half-pay th= to ...


... refpeftive Office', viz. JOHN BEATTY, No. 32, Skinncr-row, H. WIIiTESTONE, No, • 29, Capd- Strect. and 33, SVmner-Eow, JOHN MAGEl , 'O 41, College Green, ROBERT BURTON, No. 2, Capd- Scrcct, r.nd JOHN CASH, at the King’s Arms, No. 14, Cap-.1-Street They ...

oh ts mittee to ftigmatize the Miniffer, who had fe dently thewn bimfelf the Friend of Ireland, the very Terms

... enfued, there peared Bue the Motion, _ Agarntt it, | | Tellers torthe Ayes, oir Lucius O'Brien, Grattan. ‘Vellers fur the Noes, Mr. Parnell, Mr. gidbon, Mr Grattan gave Notice that he would. i; Eagt:fy furrounded by old He would give bis hearty Suppot | the ...


... to Adam* and Mangm.—Cert, John lion, Mai ft). 4th Ciafs, Prein. to Edward Athanry Whyte, G. Gaynor, John Ongc, Juu. —Cert, Crampton, Keade, Whiialtoue, v >uiion. sth Clais, Prem. to Robert Ponfonhy Tottenham and John Myler.—Celt, J Corneille, Weld ...


... it was feund poMible to fix the Mode of raifing that Sur prefent. Mr. Burgh replied, as did Sir Lucius O’B Mr, Ogle, Mr. Grattan, and Mr, Englith, all onnofed «the Motion on the Ground o Power being too extenfive, and a dangerous cedent; though they ...


... Election, the following Gentlemen were named. Sir John Parnel, Dan. Toler, Efq ; Stephen Moore, Efq; Wm. Richardfon, Efq Mr. Richardfon, J. Monk Mafon, Hon. VV m. Moore, Owen Wvnne. Efq; S:r Hugh Hill, Bart. John Dovle, Efq; Dudley Huffey, Efq; T. J. Fortefcue ...

Irifli Parliamentary Kegiftcr

... COMMON: Tuefday, Nevember 13. Pom the Committee of \ and Means, that they had made fome grefs, and to fit again To-morrow. Mr. Grattan opened his promifed Motio Refpe@ to the Mutiny Bill, with giving a 1 tative of our natural Birth-rights; from M Charta to ...


... of the faid Billl. Mr. Grattan rnfe and laid, as he faw a Right Hon. Baronet in his Place, would lake that Opportunity of him whether the Mutiny Bill was returned I Sir Kkliard Heron haying anfwered the Negative, Mr. Grattan again alked him whether he ...


... Julliccs of the Peace and for the fcidpity and Liberties, by the O.ith of John Miller, Henry;page ( John Topping, and Henry Page, for . aflaoltiag and unlawfully imurifoning him the John Miller, in Breach of his Majefty’» Peace whom you the faid Keeper are ...

regarding His Cafe ; giving him Afurtntfes, that we wduld endeavour the mean Time to place him on Footing that

... Natlon>were very different from what they’were when fucha CiJl was brought during the Portland Admirurtration i there was no armed Body; of Men then fitting, to conlroul Actatinir ration. Will the Gentleman lh« rivy Council origiaaling now accept from a ...

’Jeux d'E/prit of my own, in Honour of his memorable and glorious Efforts to protect and emancipate this ..

... rcfpc£tive Offices, Dublin, viz. JOHN BEATTY, No. 32, Skinner-Row, VVHITLSTONE, No. 29, Capel-streeT, and No. 33, Skinner-kow, JOHN MAGEE, No. 41, Coi i.ege-crf.en, ROBERT BURTON, No. 2, Capel-street, ani 10HN CASH, at the King’s Arms, No. 14, Capel-sT reet. ...

ron. MOND AY, March the 3oth>\ to

... Mr. Grattan replied, and faid, thefe Trroub! were the of the Blunders and Obftinacy the Minittry, who thofe who having ro bed a Houle, fet Fire to it and etcaped in the Co tlagration. ‘The Houfe divided on the Motion, Ayes, 13, eller, Mr. Grattan. Noes ...