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Cumberland Pacquet, and Ware's Whitehaven Advertiser


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Cumberland Pacquet, and Ware's Whitehaven Advertiser

mtrt Moderation dutlU, the Soul admit! DilUnft Idea* and Matur'd Debate; an Ey

... SOCIETY 0» the friends of THE PEOPLE. AlTociuted for the Pur pa ft obtaining parliamentary reform. «»c Ri.h, lion. Lo,d JOHN RUSSELL. M. P. Ch.irmm. R ‘ciORCE BYNG. tf . M. P. THE following Letter, receiver V the lift Meeting, Information, and ...

and aiiEven Scale.—

... tut.onal Info.tna.ion, there to John Cartwright, q. Chatimanof that Society, a Copy ot . he, lution of the Friends the People, to print and publtfh the Letter and Reply. By Older of the Meeting, ' [SienedJ JOHN RUSSELL, r .,,j Chairman. WORKIS'CTOX. _ ...

Tht RIVOLtmOIf. WHIG CLUB, INSTITUTED 1784. THE next Meeting of the Wmo Cut* win oo TUESDAY, the Fourth ..

... the Strand; Hit Grace the Duke of PORTLAND the Chair. STEWARDS, * Earl of DERBY, Earl of STAMFORD. Lord JOHN RUSSEL, Lord WILL. RUSSEL, Lord JOHN CAVENDISH, | Lord G.A.H. CAVENDISH EDWARD HALL, Secretary. Dinner on Table at Four o’Clock. Long-Acre, Oftubcr ...


... NOTICE WMEREAS John Kendal Griz-dale, in the ! J twldhcad, -n the County of Cancaller, Dealer in Cattle, did the 2?:h day December, 1778, his Eft’-Cls to John Russel of Fntceforge, and caste* Lowrnofs, hith near in the laid County, Gentlemen, fur the ...

Deaths. The 20th ult

... at Lancaster, Mr. Robert Russell, merchant; in him society has sustained a real loss, for he was an affectionate husband, a sincere friend, and an honest man.*A few days ago in the prime of life, Mrs. Pattison, wife of Mr. John Pattison of Whitrigg, in ...


... in the Forenoon of the lame Day, for the Purpofe of eliding and appointing a new Surveyor of the Roads, in the Room of Mr, John Nicholson, ifrd. Order the Trufteei, PETER HOW YOUNGER, Clerk. FARM MF.LGUARDS. I bo LET and Entered unon Lady-Day nr»t. A ...

Marriages. Saturday

... Jackson of Workington.*Last week, Mr. Fisher, Saddler, (foreman to Messrs. Fisher & Bragg) to Miss Russell of Gosforth.*Yesterday at the Old Church, Mr. John Swan, inn keeper in King-street, to Miss Little of Carlisle.*Thursday se'ennight, Mr. Thomas Watson ...

The general fajl it

... thofe limita. tparriagrff. Thurfdav laft, at Diffusion, Capt. John Garret, of Marvport, toMib Ann Fttar, of the former place. 9eat&o. week, Dilfingtoo, Mrs. Ana Plaflter, (wife of Mr. John Plafket,) in the Sad rear of her age.*The tiff inft. 10 Scotch-llreet ...

Lai week ve.Tel fail

... Atkinson of Sella-field, to Miss Sally Russel of Longrigg-geen.---A few days ago, at Kirkoswald, by the Rev. Mr. Fisher, Mr. Philip Wilson, Surgeon of that place, to Miss Jane Thornthwaite.---Sunday, at the same place, Mr. John Carlton, to Miss Ion.---Last week ...

A F.ift, it is faid,

... se'ennight at Graystock, Mr. John Hammond, mason at Hutton Roof, to Miss Judge Advocate Gen. of Bengal, to Miss Johanna Maria Murray of Jamaica. Died.] Alexander Kincaid, Esq. his Majesty's printer and bookseller for Scotland.---Sir John Murray, Bart.---Sir Charles ...

'Mr. Crauford, and Mr. Lamb, which went favour of Mr. Bembridge. After having with great accuracy and great ..

... immediately in the newfpapers of this city. Signed by order of the officers, JOHN SHEE, Lieutenant Colonel Commandant, ift Pennfylvania battalion. (AtttJUd) ALEXANDER RUSSEL. The provifional treaty peace, figned at Paria on the November laid, being evaded ...

the 'iil. , .Uee[.*r

... dangerous way. The iheritf of Ayr, after taking precognition of the afi'iir, com mitted Joint I'annaliilly toll-kcepci, and John Glafsford, his in-law, to the of Ayr, to cake their trial before the circuit court.** ExlraS of a letttr from Elfintur, April ...