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South West, England

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Tbis Day is Publijhed, In Royal Quarto, Price in Boards Guinea, A TOUR through MONMOUTHSHIRE and WALES. ..

... Tbis Day is Publijhed, In Royal Quarto, Price in Boards Guinea, A TOUR through MONMOUTHSHIRE and WALES. Made in the year 1774., and 1777; with 16 Copper-Plates, engraven by Walker, Cheiham, and Sparrow, and done after defigns taken on the fpot by ...

MONMOUTHSHIRE. TO be LETT, and entered upon immediately, ready furn'nT.ed, that mofl eligible and compleat tefi ..

... MONMOUTHSHIRE. TO be LETT, and entered upon immediately, ready furn'nT.ed, that mofl eligible and compleat tefi-en.e, the PRIORY HOUSE, fituatc adjoining the plentiful market- town of Abergavenny, with a modern large garden in full per- fection, coach-houfe ...

Tbii D.y is Publifhed, In Royal (^arto, l'r.ce in B.aru» Ois Guinea, A TOUR tnrough MONMOUTHSHIRE and WAI.Ei. ..

... Tbii D.y is Publifhed, In Royal (^arto, l'r.ce in B.aru» Ois Guinea, A TOUR tnrough MONMOUTHSHIRE and WAI.Ei. Maae in the year 1774, and 177j wrth id Cuopcr-Plate*, engraven by Walker, Cheihani, and Sparrow, aiid aft'.*r deigns taken on the fpot ...

CASTLE INN SPEEN-HILL, NEWBURY. J. WARD returns his most grateful acknow- , lidgiiutnts to the Nobility, ..

... particular, apply to Mcflts. Skinner, Dyke'.aiid bkintier, Alderfgate.flreet, London. FREEHOLD FAHMS, HEREFORDSHIRE am! MONMOUTHSHIRE, TO BE SOLI) BY AUITT'ION, Ey MefTrs. SKINNER, DYKE, and SKINNtR, On Wednefday the roth of Aut-ult, at twu e'cluek, at ...

To the NOBILITY and GENTRY rell.lent in, and reforting to BATH. Lamis and Ginti snick, AMONG the various ..

... capable of Improvement ; lime and mirle may be htd on the premifei, md a confid«rabl* vein of tile. (tone on the fame. MONMOUTHSHIRE. TO be LETT.—A good MANSION-HOUSE ; confifting of a hall, two good parlours, eight bed-chamber* on the tirft floor, good ...

MISS MILGROVE moft rcfpeafully begs leave to announce her intention of opening A Boarding and Day-School for ..

... requeft ot the Meeting in accepting the Chair, and his attention to the bull- nefs of theday. THOMAS GREENWOOD, Chairman. MONMOUTHSHIRE. XO be SOLD by- Auction, by Mr. CHRISTIE, at his Great Room, Pall-Mall, on ThurWay the llth of May. c o'clock, . ' A Spa ...


... the war. It will not ba fent to tlie printer till thete are one hundred fubfenbers. Subfctiption Half a Cuinea. [j6e? MONMOUTHSHIRE. TO be immediately SOLD by Private Contra-51, the (.allowing ESTATES and PREMISES. A capital FARM, confilling cf a large ...

CREDITORS. ALI. pettons having any demands on the eflatc and etltili of Mr. Wit ham Coom. lafe of the city

... and maiden down, amountin*, in tht whole co Sao acre* ur thereabout. Enquire of Mr. Stephen Brown, at Weflbury-I.eigh- MONMOUTHSHIRE. TO be LETT i- uly furnilbed, and entered upon immediately, or at Chriftmas neir, — Thai capitai New- built Houfe called ...

At the Academy, No. 7, Barton-Buildings, S^trsnu-SsiVARs, Bath, YOUNG GENTLEMEN are Boarded, and inftrutred in ..

... apply. A Clergyman would be preferred. Letters may be directed to Y. Y. at Mr, Pint's, printer, Brillol. ABERGAVENNY, MONMOUTHSHIRE. TO be SOLD in Fee, or LETT, a genteel and pleafantly fituatcd Dwclling-Hotifc, with convenient offices and gatden, Situate ...

BATH IMPROVEMENT ACT. NOTICE is hereby given, that the Commif- Goners under the laid Acl intend to meet in the

... the laft 18 years. Direct by letter, poft paid, or enquire for Mrs. E, Gale, at B-dhidcs Houfe, near Chippenham, Wilts. MONMOUTHSHIRE. TO be LETT, and entered on immediately. That Capital Maniior. called the HILL-HOUSE. confifting of a hall, two pariojirs ...

OCTAVO IDIT I O N. to EijtSt Vaiaiafi Ofiava, tncail. tf> in He . tii, lllurtratv-d with ta ektgtnt Eagming

... had, lately nibtlthed. In Or? Volume, Royal Quarto, ptice One Guinea, in boardt, 'lue Second Edition of A TOUR tlirough MONMOUTHSHIRE and WALES, made in the months of June and July, 1?74> and in tbf montln of ?? July, .-tad Aaguft, 177?. With lut.-.n Hates ...

Perfumery, Snuff, -nnd Toy Ware-Houfe, . Oppofite the PUMP-ROOM. BATH. BMON TAGUE, gratefully acknowledging the ..

... liens J by the Nobility, Gentlemen, Clergy, Irec- j HisttcK: IdtlVbhlntt of Pr.vperty withii. the vounty ot«. MONMOUTHSHIRE. O U ifETT ready furnilhed, and entered upon ?? »» Mitlummer,-11.ut Capital New-hu.:! Houle called CWTHA COtfRT, lite ...