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. . . • Pvertke Cazitiarpf.Aa tm ,: . ienuct and Elates. On the 20th Inftint they afTembled agai n

... to treat fur the Redemption (Tall ing of their in — iiiTir - lo M -the& for their D . Bririfft Captives which are now in Slavery at thofe Places. obedience. Petezabourg, &pt. S. By Lettcra which the Synod has received Hambourg. Sept. 23. We learn by Letters ...

[W. 3436.1

... afterwards fecured, andgot off; but that the People had all found Means to efcape, except one Woman, whom they had carried into Slavery. Petersbourg, Sept. 26. A few Days ago we had Letters from A ftracan, dated the zsth paft, with an Account, that by Letters ...

[N'. p,B.]

... Part of the Crew deferted ; but reveral of them have been taken, and obliged to work on the Fortifications, with a Mark of Slavery hung about their Necks to denote their Crime. Extraa a Latter from Mr. Delaporte, Hair-Ahrthaat, who isn't, at Life it, France ...

f. '.;'es, November 37. 1.3i1 %Vet!: M. Ulloa, by rrprefs tom- from the Kirt, fet out front th;s City to

... full Value of fuch Hones or Mares; and, in Cafe they are not able to pay, they are to be publickly whipped and fent into Slavery, if Men; and to be thut up for Life in a Houle of Corredion, if Women. B 4 NICRUP T. Edw a rd Arlin, cf . the St. iffdrsur ...

Cent. with 1 Lottery for t ocozo 1. the Suldrribers to he allow 'd 3 per Cent. Dircount. Lad Week

... Mr. Venables, a Weaver in Coventry. The following is a Lift of the Palms who have been many Years in Captivity and hard Slavery in Barbary, and are now redeem'd and embark'd for England, in purfuance of a Treaty made Come time fince by William Latta° ...

onettl, g PeersSnurg, February 6. The Preparations wnieh *ere mak ng for het Imperial Majetty's Journey to ..

... Cyprus %Vine, 6 Bales of Raw Silk, and about 70,000 Crowns in Specie. There was on Board 24 Perron', who were all carried into Slavery, smlngft whom was a Venetian Lady of the Family of /3erizoni, and two of her Children. Turin, Feb. 24. The Dutcher' of Savoy ...


... Corbett, Eci; deceafed. . At the Board of Admiralty Yefterday the Petition of the Eng4..: l Captives lately redeemed from Slavery in Barbary, was taken In 3 Confideration by the Lords of the Admiralty, and the Wages due t 4 them on board his Majcifty's ...

I :e l.lO T) iv t L...idierseastiarked on the t 4 r.lthcad stiJ it is expetted they will a, a

... Days. LONDO N, J. We have racked the following melancholy Account from feverat of the poor Captives lately redeemed from Slavery in Barbary, fume of whom camehom• in the Blandford Man of War ' the sad of fait March, viz. That they failed, Oauber 1745 ...

: . .- iry :vent tl-.e CoJety Iry , at a Pl.tce ed Hindhcid, they flopped a Gentlenr..n, and tunbed

... alroolt incredible Hardlhips of the Britifh Captiv.s ging to the Privaterr, Capt. Richard Veale, Commander, during their Slavery under the Emperor of and Morocco, frona jantiary 1745 6, to their happy Rankin and Deliverance hem their painful Captivities ...

• 041.4111011********111114100 0 .......s•

... Performance (which wasgiven gratis the Proprietors and Performers) for the Benefit of the Britifh ‘aptives, redeemed lately from Slavery .in Barbary ; when the (aid vives appear'd their ftveral deplorable Dreffes they wore due-1 thuir five Years Captivity ; which ...

From SATURDAY Jtira is, to WEDNESDAY Jura 19. mi

... Audience at Goodman's Fields Wells, to fee the Performance kr the free Benefit of the Britilb Captives lately redeemed frAn Slavery in Barbary; who all expreffed great SatisfaCtion at the of the laid Captives, who appeared on the Stag in the feveral Dr4es ...