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Co lir to tilt L;cft LnDDrr,

... Clark, Attorney, in Newport. The above Mills, will- grind and twenty Loads of Week. NS it hath been again reported that the Small-Pox is in the Town of Dev.zes Chefe are to certify, that the taid Ditemper is not in the faid Town, nor has been for feveral ...

Lymlngton, Lyndhurft, and Rumbridgc Turnpikes. Meeting of the Truilees will held the Angel Inn, at Friday the ..

... all Charges. The Thomas Goodfcllow about five Feet ten Inches high, dark-brown fhort curled Hair, and much pitted with the Small-Pox. AT Michaelmas a SCHOOL will be opened in LtmiWcton, Hintf, by the Rev. Rob f.kt Ric «, which wiU be taught, either fcparatcly ...


... younger in- to the older: But the fenior Colonel, even if t.e belonged to the younger Reigiment, will have the Command. The Small-Pox makes great llavock every where. That Diflemper has cut ofl' fome of our Warriors who were fpared by the Sword. The Marquis ...

L. XXXIV (Romfey) C«J ILCtti And entered upon immediately, A Convenient Fellmonger’s and Parchment-Yard avitli ..

... B. Accommodations for thofe that chufe to come with their own Children and Family. Mr. Ford has no ConneiSHon with the Small-Pox People, noli withtlanding what has been laid to the contrary ; but this, like many other ill-natured AfperHons, is entirely ...

W A N T E D,

... whole will be exempt from Toll. N. B. Attendance will be given at the Scales for weighing of Chccfc. The Town is free of the Small-pox. Robert Carpenter, Mayor This is to give Notice, TO all Gentlemen Ringers and others, that on Whitmonday, at the Sign the ...


... JOHN' SION, beg Leave acquaint their tilends pa’ticula-, anti the Public in general, that they cimiinnc t.i innculatc the Small-pox RUS LEY-HOUSE, tm in the County oi II /'/,; where all thole vein) chute put them (elves under their Care, may dept m! upon ...


... Howe's Pedlorai of Hnrehound, for Coughs. Afthmas, Shortncfs Breathing, tec. and Thieves Vinegar to prevent Infections in the Small-Pox, and other contagious diforders, fold above. ...

CARMAN, M Nt. tftrli Suit tf SI. i M»rtb.\arJ, u,vini purchiM 111 t*m.inine S(M of Hi* ftf owing which till

... JAMES, M. D. Of Iht above Kewbery and Canton only (in London) may held, and Relate, Dr. JAMES’S POWDER for Fevers, the Small-Pox, Meades, Plcurifies, Qumfiet, acute Rhcutnatifnis, Colds, and all inflammatory Diford«rs, well for thofe which are called ...

To be Peremptorily SOLD,

... N. B. Clofe Poft-Chaifes, with able Horfes, to be Lett on the fhorteH Notice. WHEREAS it hath been folfcly reported that Small-Pox in the Town Devizes theft arc to certify, that the l-Memper i» not in the Town, nor has been for feveral Years la pail. ...

%o rfie ptitffc

... Moifiute.—Good Allowance will be made to Captains of Ships, er others, wbo take a Sjuantity. DR. JAMES's POWDER for Fevers, the Small-Pox, Meafles, Pleurifiei, Quinfies, acute Rheumatifms, Coldt, and all Inflammatory Diforders ; at well ai for thofe which are ...

the KIN G*s Patent* Granted to THOMAS JACKSON, his Heirs, &c. at their great Wholejuk in Fleet-Market, London, ..

... have for more than 40 Years, with uncommon S'iccefs, been given in all Fluxes, Spitting of Blood, Confirm pi ions, Agues, Small-Pox, Mealies, Colds, Coughs, and Pains in the Limbs and Joints; they put off the moll violent Fever even in the wot ft Cafes ...

India ditto, 180 per Ccht. do. New, & South-Sea ditto, 1751, Three per Cent. Bank Annul- pet Iftdi? Ann. ties

... to 16s. per Quarter. Keans Ills, to 20s. per Sack. Oats 18s. 20s. 6d, per Q larter. W A N E AMah Servant, who has had the Small-pox, to the in-door Work, of Family, aud look after Couple 1 lories. Apply to Mr Houfc, at the Montague Arms, Bcwlcy, in the ...