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Bath, Somerset, England

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... of all Kindi, is ai figned as the Reafon of it. At C'afftl it has been Sublilhed, by Sound of Trumpets, that no one lould Speak 01 the Affair of the 16th pall, undu very fe were Penalties. Aug. I*%. La.i Night Col. Schjieffen, Com- mandant of the firll ...


... himfelf • whofoever ol another'! Failings with Pleal'tire, Ihall hta. t.l liis own with Bitterncfi of Hca.t. OS much Speaking toincth Repentance, but it. Silence is Safety. A talkative Man is a Nu i Since to Society, the Ear is lick of his Babling ...

Sunday's and Monday's POSTS

... Tower cf Loudon, in the room Chartes Earl Coinwullis, This Day the Right Hon. George Henry, Earl Litchfield, Cuft, Baronet, Speaks rhe Houfe of Commons, and Gilbert relief, Eiq. Treafurer of his Majefty's hold, weir his Majefty's Command, ins Majeliys molt ...

But, Reuben, why amid thy fleecy Care From Honour's glorious Toil didft thou retire ? To wander o'er the Sheep ..

... faw our Danger, and refus'd Redr?fs ; Curie, curie ye Meioz, who deny'd his Aid, His Aid to Il'rael, —Ifrael in Diftrefs : Speak every wiflx'd-for Joy to Jaei's Life, and Bltfs the Kenite's Wife. XX. By her 'twas, Sisera Jabin's Captain lies A breathlefs ...

HerCaS a n l pear'd in this ,tb» in the Bath Journal of Daily- Advertifer of the , folntion of

... all NeivousDifoiJ er Head-aches, Tremblings* ..ful c'/ of the Mind, 1 P' 1 ' 1 ings, Starlings, Atix'^j,' f>f pearance of Speaks befoi'e q -,)tf a;,v mory, Cholicks, Cramp 9' roifP'r;^' .l/iji 11 ' ick Fits, Hypochondii^ ,ii Falling Sicknefs; they Stomach ...

Bristol, tel. 18, 1764. \KTANTED, at Lady-Day next, a Perfon as ASSISTANT in Lady's BOARDING-SCHOOL, that can ..

... with short black Hair, round-favour'd ; had on a light-colour'd Cloth Coat, patched with many Colours, a very old Hat, and speaks very bad English; he has some Disorder in the right Side of his Neck, which obliges him to wear a Piece of Leather between ...


... and, in one of them, met with an odd which had too much in of one of Jiis Ranis, and.wlvich few I believe, Jwill approva Speaking tip»n Poveity, he fays, That , v» c ought to lo.e it upon this one Account, there was' becaufe it lets us fee thofe that ...

To the Printer, &c. VOLTAIRE his Hiftory of the Age of Lewis the XlVth, the which made the Dutch drake

... than they eftablilhed Foi Government, which preferves, as much is poflible, Equalifv, a Right themoft natural to M 3O - Speaking of England, be fays, England, much more powerful, affefted to have the Sovereignty of the Seas, and pretended to hoJd the ...

For the Remainder of a Term ftf Years, determinable on three Lives, Five Mefliiages or Tenements Well Tenanted ..

... Mrs. Palsnerj Jane Shore, Hallam. ' With Dancing Mr. Granier and Mifs Pitt. —End the Play, New Interlude of Singing Sud Speaking, call'd ' ' C E and CQNBTA N C Y: Or, the tijh Sailors Return from the Manillat. As it was wrote and performed Arrival of ...

To the Printer of the Bath Chronicle

... To the Printer of the Bath Chronicle. f or, t!i r if i e » caird ~ the «» the Scuth ,n ' Con\,'nw to ' V speaking thus, e i^S Cmy t0 its Peo P le mans 1 tell thee \ own Nation, u V ' n 2—To come to tell thee that of ,he im Weeds 10 \ PpeimoftSc.ts ...

An Addrefs to Contentment. DEfcend, Contentment, from thy Seat above, Bleft Emanation of the God of Love ! Dart ..

... Bleft Emanation of the God of Love ! Dart heavenly Rays on my dejefled Soul, Repel the Gloom, the rifing Doubts controul ; Speak Peace, and let triumphant Faith arife, To bear my tim'rous Thought beyond the Skies Beyond Defpair, Regret, and worldly Strife ...