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Hibernian Journal; or, Chronicle of Liberty



Dublin, Dublin, Republic of Ireland

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Hibernian Journal; or, Chronicle of Liberty


... naughty and diflnyal. Refiftlefs Pow’r, unbounded Might Aic deem’d Sov’reign’s facred Right; Both Law, and Law's Speak him foie Lord all the Nation; Statutes, by Inference, declare it. * Mansfield and Hutchinfon will fwear it : Army and Senate ...

... Prefs in this Nation was | that it could not be reftrained from cenft the King of Giea A nhiunfelf; muci COW Se prevented Speaking tne ft with R-f{pect to the Condut of any fu: Princes 23} a Meffenger was fen from St with Dpatches for the Cx of Berin, ...

From MONDAY October the 18th, to WEDNESDAY October the 20th, 1773

... keen to act, but quite unprepared for, unacquainted with the Subject he withe difcuts. Hence arifes all that Superfici in Speaking, or I anay fay, that round-a Way of coming to the Senfe of a Sut for Want of Intormation ; and hence arife that Confufion ...


... pait Four o’Clock ; when they journed. In this Committee, Part of the public counts were accurately examined, and ¢ was mueh Speaking, which being merely putes about Figures, and of Con tation, were neither important or dec enough to demand a circuintianiial ...

[ 55i j

... obferved that there ivas llar.d Oroer, that no Motion for new Matter made after a fixed Hour without Leave of the Houfc. The Speak laid there was indeed fuch Order, but it was obft.lete, and 1 never been minded. The Maiquisof K Idarc inftfted that Sir W:l- ...

I £66 J

... then up. the Speaker rook the I.eave was : ven J'*' the Comii.iUt-e Ih again, a«lj timed. Ti'ut fj-iy. /V. fTtii'r-r 25. The Speak r rock C; 'i.r. ao-J Mr Oorg-s .owl her made R ...

0-1 Frittav Nig'U !.i!t I 0 UlCL't

... Per is HIBERNIAN JOURNA! GENTLEMEN, Jan. 22, 17 Have ever thought, that 4 I deitimental to any Nation; ether hy Writing or Speaking, atrempte widen fuch asunhappily 5 ca think that ether Humanity, found Policy even Cemmon Senfe, can urge us to give new ...

D.v ({.t:.! li.ji./xi jfr cls

... thea the Houte Lerd L tenant came, when the Speakert ok the C 4 WO Few OE wy went upto the Houte of 2 When the returned the Speak ported, thatthe Royal Affent had oven 2 SAP Nee AQ ter Lord Eyretod tp te of bis oer hav’. he AldreS™ of the H-ufe to gr ed ...


... be cor able co feed himfel the Meat himy ide, therefere, of the imaileft D ENGLISH HOUSE os COMMON: Munduy, February 7. HIS Speake. tuck the Cha i os and the Houte fitting about an Fic adoursed to Comaniitees of S Supp yand aysand v adjourned to Art T Marie ...

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... other of a private Nat at about five Minutes before Three o’Cl the Order of the Day was for f Various Parts of the Houfe. The Speake laft arote, and informed the Houfe, ‘ 1] he certainly fheu'd have attended to the Call for the Order of the Day, had he received ...

OE Nee SEN and when the Houle ot Com: Sa dd the A y are to be Printe-s 1 7

... acaus, CON DE J fF KONA LL A Cc A R TD T Gentlemen of For:une, trom Drogheda, and one from Limes their Comp! iments to the Speake ag Houle ct Com: uoas, and beg Leave know whether it is his Orders, and be confiftent with Dece ‘cy, cr agreeabl that the ...

LONDON, March 2, 3. and 4

... his Pees.” Mr R fer props fed the following Am went, * And that he be called to the Bar be reprimanded on bis Knees by Mr. Speak ‘This produced another fhort Debate ; ; whehthe Quettion was pur onthe Am iment, and though the Ayes and Noes fee to be pretty ...