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Somerset, England

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TENNIS. COUK T, BATH. * RICHARD SCRACE. Sen. begs leave to acquaint the Nobility and Gentry, that hisTENNIS ..

... TENNIS. COUK T, BATH. * RICHARD SCRACE. Sen. begs leave to acquaint the Nobility and Gentry, that hisTENNIS-COI'RT is now opened for play ; where he hopes to have their countenance and fuppoit, as nothing ha., nor fliall be wanting to render it as t.inpliit ...

Lately died Tenny Bridge, one 1 homas Jackfon, upwards of Age; and, few Years ago died, t fame Place, Thomas

... Lately died Tenny Bridge, one 1 homas Jackfon, upwards of Age; and, few Years ago died, t fame Place, Thomas Warring, ageel , hear alfo that there is now living in that .'S, bourhood, one James Hitchcock, who to in 103 d Year of his Age, enjoys good ...


... Charles Meynell, efq; the office and place of mafter or keeper of his Majefty's Tennis Court, near the Cockpit in Whitehall, and of his Majefty's Tennis Court and Tennis Plays at Hampton-court, and elfewhere, in Great-Britain. Diiblin-Cnjllc, July 27 ...


... Ben mt.— l fhould like to have been with you, but all the Sons-Culottes, you know, l was laid up witb the gout, and in the Tennis-Court I was fcarce able to hobble ; how- ever, on the NaiionA Cockade, I got a little relieved, and by Unity I was able to ...

LOltdon, aplll lb

... gteat matth oF tennis Wai played at the King's Tennis-Court, White- hall, between a Frenchman (that was brought over by Maffon) and Tomkyns, for a conliderable fum, which was won with cafe by the former. On Monday fe'nnight another tennis- match for 5601 ...

Friday and Saturday's Ports

... affemblies. Mr. Bailly, the Prefidcnt of the Commons, after being refufed admiflion into tho hall, affembled the Members in the tennis-court, and at eleven o'clock gave the following account of what pafled in the morning. At nine in the morning of the day ...

And entered cn Immediately, An old-accuftomed and commodious INN or PUBLIC-HOUSE, Pleafantly fituated in Frome ..

... Coolers, and other Conveniences for Brewing. Exceeding good Warn, and Cellarage for upwards 140 Hogflieads. N. B. A large Tennis-Court, Billiard-Table, Stables, befides a large Outlet belonging to the Premiles. Enquire of Mr. KINGMAN, in Frome-Field, ...


... the names of the Liberty and Fqiratity of tbe Pet pie, of the Ifegwu ration, oi the Aloun- tac'n, of Republiek, of the Tennis Court, oi Unity, Fra- ternity, of the Pikes, and the San, Culottes, Sec. Sec. ?? The days fhall bear the nanus of the Level ...

DIED. Mifs Campbell, daughter of the late Lord William Campbell, brother to the prefent Duke of Argyle.— ..

... lady; fuddenly, at the Ship in Baldwin- ftreet, Mr. Kt-lfon, late tea-dealer, Sec. and Mrs. Ball, wife of Mr. Ball, at the Tennis-court, RedchfT-hill. — MifsS.Manley, daughter of the late Alderman Manley, of Exeter. Mrs. Ellicumbe, widow of the Rev. Mr ...

LotiDou, april 28

... Jamaica, had been quelled, with fmne^f. ficulty, when the laft letters came awiy, Ycllciday the fecond grand thatch ttthe tennis-couit, Whitehall, began tobepUy^ between Maflbn and Tomkyhs, wherjintke former beat the other three fets vyith cafe, There ...