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Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette




Somerset, England


Bath, Somerset, England

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Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette

JOHN KENDALL, at his China-Shop, the «- Golden -Caniftei in Pi I*l*ol nt-Sst*. it r, neat (lie South- ..

... JOHN KENDALL, at his China-Shop, the «- Golden -Caniftei in Pi I*l*ol nt-Sst*. it r, neat (lie South- -I'aiaeli', lUt/i, It. !. on llie molt rcafoiialilc Terms all Sous of Ul'.-iiil CHINA, both Foreign & Englijh ; Cti|,s and Sjjcci! of all I'liies; funic ...

Epitaph on a Lady :

... ?? At tiwrriimn, wmcc-si^sif* k* bt feoltl, Wholefale or Retail, At William Evill's Shop, Oppofite the White-Lion, at the Golden*Kn!fe and Fork, and Stocking-Legs, neaf Marchant's- Court, in the Market-Place, BATH, A Large and frelh Aflbrcment of ** ...

BATH, 0:\. 14th, 178 J. WINTER BEASU N. TIIK Nobility, Gentry, and Pubiick, are moll re- fjetafully-acauainted, ..

... THE great objection to BOOTS having arifen from the difficiiltynf drawing them on and off, WILLIAM irj THOMAS SAUNDERS, Curriers in GLOCESTER, in cw-cttie- with JOS EPH WILLIS, of LONDON, have at length deviftd meansof making BOOTS nponfuchap .nc.ple as ...


... A T rL THOMAS HAYNES, Ladies' and Gentlemen's BOOT and SHOE-MAKER, No. 13, Margarct's-Buildhigs, begs leave moft refpcftiully to acquaint the Nobility and Gentry, that his new-invented Water -proof Boots and Shoes, for fliooting, &c. made of prepared ...

WILLIAM HETLING, Wine and Brandv- h.EecuAKT, Hctliog -Court, Wellgate- Building*, Bath, beg-i leave to inform ..

... plain muflins ; black and white thread laces and edgings ; bail ansl. Scotch linens ; filk trimming and thread gauze; muilin, kent- ing, leooa and gauze handkerchiefs; printed linen aad cotton ditto } marleilles quiltings, corded and plain dimities, India ...

The Mifs F L E, MING S Refpeftfully acquaint their Friends, that the WINTER BALL for their SCHOLARS will be

... [2975 HOMAS HAYNKS, Ladies' and Gentlemen's BOOT .and SHOE-MAKER,!*,. 13, Margaret' s-Buitdings, begs leave moft rel'pcflfully to acquaint the Nobility and Gentry, that his new-invented Water-proof Boots and Shoes, for (hooting, &c. made of prepared ...

Mr. STEVENS MOST refpeafully announces hit EVENING ACADEMY, For the particular Purpofe of injlriiding YOUNG ..

... for any length of time that the boots or (hoc remain whole. Ladies and Gentlemen refidingatadiftance,hyfendinga boot or fhoe that fits them, as above, may have them made and fent to order. (tj» Ladies water-proof boots and fhocs made of feallkin, Spa ...

BATH, February id, 1789. Corner of GREEN-STREET, near St. Michael's Church. T. H UG G I N S MOST refpeftfully

... beautiful colour and State at the expiration of yfcars as when new.— —The Quintessence of Bark has the fame good effect on boot-tops, Saddles, marble, wood furniture, &c.— The Regimental Cloth Powder furpaflcs all othen in making all kinds of cloths, ...

feELL INN, WARMINSTER, WILTS. WILLIAM MIDDLETON having taken and enti-rcd upon the above INN, lately occupied ..

... warrants for any length of time that the boots or fhoesremain ?? Ladies ?? rdiding at a diftance, by fending a' boot or Ihdß that fits item, as above, may have them made and fent to Order. [ry Ladies water-proof boots and fhocs made of fcal fkin, Spaniffc ...

SALE of BLACK LACE. BLACK LACE, for Ladies' Hats. Cloaks, Bonnets, &c. &c. of all breadths and qualitias • ..

... the CASTLE and BALL, near St. Michael's Church, BATH, every Morning at Five o'Clock, arrives early the fame evening at the GOLDEN CROSS, Chaiiimo-Croj-. A COACH v^th FOUR HORSES, Every Supday, Tuefday, and Thurfday Evening, from the W.HITB- HART, Broad-ftrcet ...

NtMt Mnth n»iU ie fubli/htd. Elegantly printed in Quarto, ea a atw Type and fine Paper, The HISTORY of ENGLAND,

... prcventi in being made by any other in England, eicept Richard Wassi:., Perfumer, at the CoUm-l'leecey;, Golden-fquarc 1 alfo at hi. othet fhopi, N«„, 41, fronting Wood-firfet, Cheapfidc, London ; fronting the Nc» AflemMy Roomi, io Bath ...