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PRIVATE TUITION in Classical Leaknisg, By the Rev. JOHN TOOGOOD, M.A. Rcftorof Kington-Macna, Durfct. _ Kj* ..

... the CASTLE and BALL, near St. Michael's Church, BATH, every Morning at Five o'Clock, arrives early the fame evening at the GOLDEN CROSS, Charikg-Cboss. A COACH with FOUR HORSES, Every Sunday, Tuefday, and Thurfday Evening, from the WHITE- HART, Broad. ...

Fer the Bath Chroniclb. A CaUtioh againft indulging any particular Habits. Mr. PItINTIR, t Wst the other Day at a

... affeaing great Simpli- city in their Drefc ; but confidering themfelvee very elegant with a large Hat, and a little Bag, great Boot, coming up tothe Waift, a little Cane, a (hort Coat, and a long Waifteoan With Re- fpea to the Women, they are almoft all fat ...

CHARITY-SCHOOL, BATH. WANTED, A Miftrefs to fuperintend the Edu- cation of Twenty Girls. The falary 241. ptr ..

... Inn, Bread-ftreet, and Golden-Crofs inn, Charing-Crofs, London, precifely at two o'clock, for Bath and Briftol; — aad every morning (Sundays ex- cepted) from the Bolt in Tun inn, Fleet-ftreet, and every Sunday morning from the Golden Crofs, Charing -Crofs ...


... audiences, at Mr.DiaDEN's Sans Sot*ci, arc Hancock's Invention, andjble make. {9074 WA'I'ER-PROOF BOOTS and SHOES. THOMAS HAYNES, Ladies and Gentle- men's Boot and Shoe- Maker, in Buock-Stfket, Bat 11, returns his Qncerc thanks to the Nobility, Gentry, and ...

BATH, Jan. 14th, 1790. MRS. WIGNALL's SCHOOL, removed from Weymouth-Houfe to LANSDOWN-PLACE, will open the 17th ..

... CASTLE and BALL, near St. Michael's Church, BATH, every' M' r niK at five o'Clock, arrives early the- fame evening at the GOLDEN CROSS, Charino-Cross. A COACH with FOUR HORSES, Every Sunday, Tuefday, and Thurfday Evening, from the WHITE- HART, Broad-ftrect ...

At the Academy, No. 7, Barton-Buildings, S^trsnu-SsiVARs, Bath, YOUNG GENTLEMEN are Boarded, and inftrutred in ..

... o'clock.— — Fate il. ss. Outrides asufual. In DAY and HAL F, A Post-Coach from the White-[,ion, Bath, at eight o'clock, to the Golden-Crofs, Charing-Crol's, London, every Monday, Wcdncfday, and Friday. A PnsT-CoACH from the White-Lion, Briftol, every Day (Sun- ...


... late of Claverton, in tbe county of Somerfet, deceafed, are forthwith required to pay the fame to Mr. William Rufs, of the Golden-Lion, Horfe-ftrcet, Bath, otherwife they will be iiicd for the fame without further notice. FPSSENCE of VIOLETS, from DEWDNEY's ...

No. 9, Vineyard*., oppofite Paragon-Buildings, Bath. MISS LEE, and Sillers, ?? addrefs their terms to P-ient*- ..

... kinds; tenon gauze- ftriped, checked, fpotted, and plain clear lawns ; long lawns- muflin cravats-, mullin, lenon, foofee, kenting, gauze and printed handkerchiefs ; black modes and co- loured perfian - rufll-h, camblets, tammies, red tickings ; checked ...

BATH, Feb. 18, 1773. ALL Perfons who ftand indebted to the Eltate of HENRY BIRCH, late of this City, Vintner,

... not return it, he (hall be profecuted, as it is fuppofed .0 be taken out of Wamonnef*. JOHN HARRIS, BOOT, SHOR, and CLOG MAKER, At the Sign of the Boot, between the White-Hait Inn and Union. Palfage, Sull-Street, Bath, RETURNS hi* molt grateful Thank* ...

BATH, March 17, 1775. Bath and Somerfetfltire Bank WAS this day opened at No. 6, in Milfom- Ilrtet, hy Melfrs

... and Gentry of Gieat. Britain and Ireland, reforting to or rcfi-ting at Bath RICHARD WARREN, Perfumer, of Mary b ine-flreet, Golden -ftpa arc, London, Legt leave to inform t tm, that he hat juft imported and made, a valu- able and .uriout collection of Pei ...

*W F I I S THE L*s» ASSEMBLY and BALL of the prefent Stibfcription, will be on WEDNESDAY in the

... Months,— Two Guineas s Qiaiter. — Whole Pise, in the Gallery, the taiae Fries.* There aie Seat, I ikewife for Servants. fCj* Tht Kent to be piid nken tke Sen Jit faM. ■'■- In BROCK- STREET, BATH,. On that Side which rommandi the fine Profpett, nro be LETT by ...